Chapter 12: Taylor, Me, and Brando Makes Three

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"How much further away is this place?" Taylor complains for what feels like the hundredth time. I chuckle and shake my head at her impatience.

"See that screen right there with the time in the corner? Yea. That's called a GPS. And according to it, we've got just over an hour to go. Now stop being a child!" I admonish playfully. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Remember when we were teenagers we would always look for any excuse for a road trip!"

Taylor laughs and nods her head from the passenger seat. "True. But I want the puppy now!" She whines, sounding every bit like a child.

"It's not even your puppy!" I exclaim, pointing out the obvious. Taylor just shrugs. "Doesn't matter. It's mine by proxy. I'm the cool aunt." She says seriously. I choose not to argue, knowing it would be a losing battle anyways.

It's quiet for a few minutes before Taylor speaks up again. "So what does Hailee think you're doing today anyways?"

"Hanging out with you." I say with a sly grin on my face. "Lying without lying. A specialty of yours. Have I ever told you you're an ass?" Taylor says, but I can tell she's joking, at least somewhat. She's not entirely wrong.

"Once or twice." I say with a shrug of my own.

"But seriously. I told her that your off day lined up with a day I'm actually open, so we were going to hang out. Maybe do some shopping, grab some food, you know, girl stuff. She's busy all day anyways. She left around 6 this morning for meetings and work stuff." I explain, internally grateful that the stars have seemingly aligned for me to be able to pull this off.

"Have you guys discussed what it's going to be like once her schedule really ramps up again? Not to mention your own schedule getting increasingly busy." She asks curiously.

I tilt my head back and forth noncommittally. "Yes and no. We both know it's bound to happen sooner or later. We're both comfortable and confident enough in ourselves and our relationship that it should be a nonissue." I reason. I've got no reason to believe otherwise.

I continue before Taylor has a chance to add anything. "But we'll have the chance to put it to the test soon. Hailee has to go out to New York for a photoshoot and some business with Core."

"I'm surprised she isn't taking you with her." Taylor says offhandedly.

"She wanted to. But unfortunately I'm booked solid that week. Plus I wouldn't want to leave Griffin with Martini and a puppy." I say.

Taylor laughs at that. "Good point."

The car ride goes on and Taylor and I are content to listen to music and sing along until the song gets interrupted by a phone call. I panic for a very brief moment thinking it might be Hailee and I would have to come up with a story quick, but the anxiety is quelled quickly as I realize it's just Flo.

"Hey babycakes!" I say by way of answering.

"I've got a problem." She says, wasting no time.

Great. It's always something isn't it?

"What's the problem? Taylor is with me, by the way. We're in the car." I say, wanting to make sure she knows there's another set of ears listening in. We're all friends, but you never know, especially with Florence.

I hear Flo sigh on the line, and I can tell she's got a strained look on her face. "My problem is that I leave for filming in 3 days and your brother is an incredible human that just sent me the best surprise and made me want to visit him. And just when I was content with letting the world do it's thing and work it's own magic, too!" She explains.

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