Chapter 23: The Ghost of You

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"Dammit, darling! You aren't supposed to be in here already! I wanted to have this whole breakfast spread ready for you when you came in and here you are ruining it!" Florence yells when she turns around and sees me standing in her kitchen already ready for work.

"I'm sorry?" I say questioningly. "Don't be sorry, just get ready slower! How the hell do you do that so fast anyways? It's like you're a fucking mutant or something!" She continues yelling. I can't help that her commentary is making me laugh.

"Stop laughing! I was trying to be sweet to you!" She argues, sporting her signature pout as she places two plates for us on the table. I walk across to where she's standing and pull her into me.

"You are already being sweet to me, babycakes. You literally have managed my entire existence for the last 24 hours. You've cooked for me, done my laundry, sang to me, shared your bed with me, made me laugh. If you're not careful I'm gonna start calling you a housewife." I say playfully, taking a seat to eat breakfast.

"Call me what you want. Being a housewife for you would be a privilege." She says without any hint of playfulness in her voice.

"So what's your day look like today? I'm sure it's crazy since the premieres are next week." Flo asks, making conversation as we eat breakfast together.

"It's definitely crazy. I've got interviews with Lizzie and Ben today, Xochitl and Wong tomorrow, and Rachel McAdams on Thursday." I say, going over my schedule in my head.

"And then all the premieres next week. Do you have your travel details yet?" She asks. I shake my head. "I'm supposed to be getting all that info on Wednesday. Since the Dolby premiere is first, I won't have to travel until midweek next week. I think Lizzie and I are flying out to London directly after Dolby though." I say.

I can tell she's thinking about the million dollar question, but she doesn't ask. I'm thankful for that. Honestly I don't even know how I'd answer right now. Is Hailee still coming to the premieres? Do I even want her to? I'll have to answer that eventually, but not right now.

"What about you? What's on your agenda?" I ask, changing the subject. "I've got a conference call later this morning and then after that I'm free as a bird. I'll probably go to the store and pick up a few things for dinner tonight, there's a new recipe I've been dying to try. Is there anything you'd like me to pick up while I'm out?" She asks.

I shake my head. "I can't think of anything. You really don't have to do anything special for me. Just letting me stay here is enough. And don't worry, I'll let you have your bedroom back tonight and move to one of the guest rooms." I add.

Flo's eyes go wide very briefly. If I would've blinked I would've missed it. Afterwards, her face settles on an expression I can't quite figure out. Her brows furrow and her lips purse into a thin line. If I had to call it anything, I'd say it's a mix between confusion and sadness. Her eyes meet mine.

"You don't have to do that." She says. I smile at her, hoping she'll smile back. "I know that, babycakes! But I've already invaded your life, I don't need you having to deal with me stealing most of your bed too." I say lightly. "It's no biggie, I'll just make myself small in one of the free rooms."

Florence sits quietly for a moment. I can tell she's thinking about something, but what I'm not sure.

"Don't. Please. I don't want you to do that. Stay...with me." She says softly. I'm actually taken aback by how soft she sounds. And how serious.

"Ok. I'll stay." I agree. "On one condition."

"Name it." She says.

"You'll kick me out when you get sick of me. Because trust me, you will. If you let me get too comfortable, I have a penchant for starfishing and making myself into a blanket burrito. And I'll also probably end up on top of you....I sort of gravitate towards the warmth." I explain.

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