Welcome to Earth-2

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Cait provided the grim analysis of Barry's condition, and it was enough to send shivers down our spines. The implications of Harry's actions were beyond concerning, and we all shared a moment of stunned silence.

"Even Evil Wells couldn't figure out how to do that one," Cisco chimed in, emphasizing the severity of Harry's actions.

Joe, always the protector, took a stand. "Somebody better send his ass back to where he came from or I'm gonna shoot him."

I mirrored Joe's resolve, backing his words. "If Joe doesn't, I will,"

"Amen," Cisco joined in, a united front against the man who had betrayed us. Barry, however, had a different perspective.

"What do you mean no?" Joe's irritation was evident in his response.

Barry turned to face us, his conviction unwavering. "What would we have done if we were in his position? I mean, what would you do if it was Iris, Joe? Or if it was me, Sam? Cisco, when Snart kidnapped you, threatened to kill your brother unless you helped, you did. And none of us judged you for that. We still don't. Because when it comes to family, when it comes to the people that we all love, we're all vulnerable. None of us are above making the wrong decision."

Barry's words struck a chord with us. His compassion and empathy had a way of breaking through our anger and frustration.

"He could have done it, he could've stolen my speed, and if Sam hadn't been the detective she is, he would've gotten away with it. None of us would've known," Barry continued, defending his stance. "But he admitted to it, and now his daughter's gonna die, and we're okay with that? I can't just give up on her. I can't give up on the world. This is a world full of people who are facing death. I don't know, I mean, maybe we aren't fast enough to beat Zoom yet, but...I'm not gonna close the breaches and forget about it. We have to help Wells."

Barry's ability to find humanity even in the most complicated situations was both admirable and frustrating. He made an excellent point, even though it meant diving further into the mess Harry had created.

"Look guys, I was the one who trusted him first. I let him stay when literally all of you told me not to. So everything that's happened until this point, it's on me. But this has to be a group decision." Barry's humility and responsibility shone through.

We were left with no choice but to engage in a lengthy discussion that eventually led to the collective decision to help Wells. Despite our anger and disappointment, we couldn't ignore that his daughter was innocent in all this.

Guess it's time for a journey to Earth 2.


Barry and I found ourselves embroiled in a lengthy discussion regarding my involvement in the mission to Earth 2. In my mind, there was little reason for such a debate; they needed me. With my speed surpassing Barry's and my growing, albeit unpredictable, powers, I possessed a unique advantage against Zoom.

Barry's primary argument for keeping me on Earth-1 was his concern about my health. He was worried that pushing me back into the field so soon after my week-long recovery from a head injury might exacerbate the situation. He didn't want to risk any complications or setbacks.

Eventually, we reached a compromise. I would accompany the team to Earth 2, but my participation would be limited to situations where my presence was absolutely essential. My main responsibility would be assisting Wells and Cisco in pinpointing Zoom's hideout and gathering crucial information. It was an arrangement that aimed to balance my safety with my desire to contribute.

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