For Barry

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As I stirred awake, a surge of determination pulsed through me. My left arm hung useless, a stark reminder of my predicament, but my other arm and legs were still under my command. Surveying the room, my gaze fell upon a discarded phone, just out of my reach. With a gritty resolve, I kicked and pushed until it slid towards me, a small victory in the midst of captivity.

Slipping it into my pocket, a distant noise drew my attention. Through narrowed eyes, I watched as Zoom conversed with a new meta, their words lost to me. The regret of days drowned in music washed over me; every note, now a missed opportunity for intel. Yet, one thing I did catch was the rise in Zoom's voice.

"They think I spared their lives, show them they're wrong," his declaration cut through the air, a chilling promise. Panic coursed through me, and I knew I had to find a way to warn my friends.

Zoom's gaze locked onto me, and a lump formed in my throat. He removed his mask, a sinister aura surrounding him as he closed the distance.

"You disapprove?" His voice carried a dangerous edge, daring me to defy him.

"You said you'd spare them," my voice trembled, my courage warring with fear.

"But I need to teach them a lesson," he loomed over me, a tangible force of dominance.

"Is that why you change your voice? So everyone will be afraid?" I pressed, my words tinged with defiance. His response was a malevolent shift in his countenance.

"As you said, I'm nothing but a monster," his eyes darkened, and his voice morphed once more. It was clear, that reasoning with him was futile.

In an instant, he bolted away, leaving me alone, a shiver of dread trailing in his wake.

I pulled out the phone and texted Barry.

Meta attack at Jitters. I love you x

I felt like I had to put the I love you, cause I don't know if I will ever be able to say it to him again.

I then had to sit and wait and watch the news. I waited nervously for some information on Jitters until the headline Horror Unfolds at CC Jitters.

"CCPN has just reported the capture of a meta-human following a skirmish with The Flash," the news anchor's voice echoed in the room. A triumphant smile played on my lips; somehow, I had contributed, even from a distance.

"You warned them about Rupture," Hunter's voice thundered, snapping my attention away from the screen. His eyes bore into mine, demanding an answer. "How?"

"I didn't do anything!" He glanced around, then to the discarded phone in the box.

"Oh, you cunning girl. You've betrayed me," he seethed.

"This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last," I shot back, my defiance unwavering.

"Perhaps I should reconsider sparing them," he mused, donning his mask with a chilling grin.

"Please, Jay, no. I'll do anything," I pleaded, desperation lacing my voice. I hadn't anticipated him piecing it together.

"My name is Zoom," he declared before vanishing. Dread gripped me. What have I done?

My attention went back to the TV. I knew, with how despicable he was, he would make sure I knew his power. This was his way to put me in my place.

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