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A little update on the current situation. Barry passed out after our run-in with Atom Smasher and finally forgave himself for everything that went down six months ago. We all knew that Joe was the one to get through to Barry and surprise! He did. Just the power of Joe West.

Now I've been summoned to Mercury Labs by Cait and Barry. Something about a video that was left to me and Barry from Harison Wells. Barry and I have been left the whole of the Star Labs Trust, and to keep it we both have to watch this video he left us. 

As I ran in, Barry and Cait were already at the monitors ready with stupid Wells' face up. I wanna punch him into next week.

I greeted them both and we got into the nitty-gritty of the clip.

Wells sat in the cortex and was looking rather regretful. Ha! He knew he'd lose if he filmed this. He proceeded to have a massive sigh before he began his monologue. "Hello, Barry and Samantha. If you're watching this, that means something has gone wrong. I'm dead, and the last 15 years have been for nothing. Bummer, 15 years." He laughed, and the three of us glanced at each other. "You know what I realized? In all those years helping raise you, we were never truly enemies Samantha and Barry. I'm not the thing you hate. And so, Barry I'm giving you the thing you want most. It won't matter. You'll never be truly happy Barry Allen. Trust me, I know you. And Sam, you have the potential to be one of the greatest scientific minds of your generation, but your explicit need to be loved will be your downfall. Now, erase everything  I said up to this point. Give the following message to the police." 

He paused and zoomed in his video to centre more of his face. "My name is Harrison Wells. Being of sound mind and body, I freely confess to the murder of Nora Allen in her home on the night of March 18th, in the year 2000. I attacked Nora Allen..." I glanced at Barry, and I'd never seen him so happy.

"Oh my god," Caitlin exclaimed. "He confessed"

Barry's eyes started welling up, and I give him a hug from behind, as he sat. 

"This is it." Barry laughed, realisation hitting. "This is what I need to free my dad." 

Barry then returned my hug and rang up Joe to get Team Flash together.

"I'll drive," Caitlin exclaimed and the three of us were off.


Myself, Iris, Cait, Cisco and Stein are currently waiting in the context for Joe and Barry to confirm if the video is enough to free his dad. I cannot lie, I have prayed to every god I can think of right now, hoping it's a done deal.

"Is it good news?" Cait asked, seeming very hopeful.

"I think so."

"Henrys coming home?" Iris exclaimed, while Barry grinned like a kid on Christmas so we knew it was true. She went in for the first hug while the room felt overrun with joy. 

I went in for one, but Barry one-upped from a hug and I didn't expect it. We shared an intimate kiss. IN FRONT OF EVERYONE.

We parted from each other's lips, and everyone was staring. 

"When did this happen?" Cisco pointed at us both, sounding very offended.

"When did you become a thing?" Caitlin raised her eyebrow.

"We aren't officially a thing." I shrugged since we haven't put a label on whatever going on between us.

"Yet." Barry eyed me up and my cheeks felt like they were burning up. "We still need to talk about that."

The Return Of Bolt//Barry Allen(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now