A Reckoning in the Speed Force

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The three of us huddled around the intricate device, scrutinizing its every detail. Cisco and Wells took their time explaining the complex modifications they'd made to mimic Barry's cellular reaction that gave Barry his speed. I needed to grasp every nuance, to truly contribute to our mission.

As the details unfurled, we set to work, hands deftly adjusting the device, each movement calculated to ensure a secure passage for Barry's return. The atmosphere buzzed with a sense of urgency, driven by the shared determination to retrieve him from the clutches of the speed force. Every tweak, every adjustment, was a step closer to reuniting him with us.

"So, how do we know that this is safe?" Cisco asked.

"Well, define safe," Wells quipped. Together, we had meticulously reconfigured the device, granting Cisco the ability to essentially vibe into the speed force, acting as a bridge to retrieve Barry and bring him back to us.

"Safe. As in, my brains not gonna melt,"

"Stop being dramatic Ciscito," I responded, while attaching the final bits of wiring.

"No, it's a simple feedback loop, Ramon...when you vibe on Barry your brainwaves send me the necessary data to pinpoint whatever dimensional pocket or corner of the universe that Barry is stuck in. And then we electrically stimulate your prefrontal cortex," I tapped Cisco's head, as I put the brainwave monitor on Ciscos's head, and walked to join Harry at a safe distance, "While opening a breach which gives you physical access to Barry and let you be the beacon to guide him home. Simple feedback loop,"

"So simple," I put my hands up.

Cisco's face then looked in shock, "I'm sorry, did you say 'electrically stimulate'?"

"Do it!" I looked at Wells and he nodded.

"Ramon, do you not want to bring back Barry or not?" Wells questioned.

Cisco then grabbed the remains of Barry's suit and raised his head upwards. I'm assuming the vibe was taking place. 

A vortex tore open before us, a swirling maelstrom of energy, crackling with lightning and radiating a powerful gust of wind that whipped through the room. It was a breathtaking sight, an awe-inspiring manifestation of the speed force itself. This was our gateway into the heart of the speed force, our bridge to bring Barry back.

 I looked towards the data popping up on the screen, showing us where in the universe Barry was.

"And we have a lock," Wells spoke, and the two of us got to work stimulating his prefrontal cortex via electrical impulses. We were essentially using the data from Cisco's brainwaves to pinpoint Barry's location in the speed force and create a pathway for him to return safely. It was a complex process, but it was our best shot at bringing Barry back.

Now all Wells and I could do was wait. Our job was done.

Cisco's groans reverberated through the chamber, a guttural sound that seemed to echo off the walls. Sparks flew in wild, erratic patterns, dancing like miniature fireworks, their bright flashes illuminating the room in sporadic bursts. It was a chaotic display of energy, a vivid manifestation of the struggle taking place within Cisco's mind.

As his vital stats blinked erratically on the monitors, a sense of urgency filled the air. The rest of the team rushed into the room, their expressions a mixture of concern and alarm. Iris, Joe, and Henry stood frozen for a moment, their eyes wide with shock at the spectacle before them. The tension in the room was palpable, a collective breath held in anxious anticipation.

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