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I sat in the speed cannon room for a few hours, reading and thinking over what Jay had said. It felt like it had left a lasting impression on my brain, and when finally get a free minute when Stein is okay, I will definitely try the scream-and-cry method.

Now, however, we have a visitor in Star Labs, Dr Hewitt.

"I always thought my destiny was for greater things. And people, of course." He exclaimed as he stared at mine and Barry's suits. I entered the cortex but leaned on the door frame, not wanting to intervene in his conversation with Caitlin.

"Well, when it's all said and done, flying will be the least impressive of your new abilities." I rolled my eyes at Caitlin's statements. I don't think we should be acting like this will work, when we have no idea what will happen. We could be getting this man's hopes up for it to crash and burn. Literally.

"Man finally achieves the promise of the atomic age." He basked—clearly a major nerd.

My train of thought was interrupted by Barry's hands gripping my shoulders, as he entered the cortex with the professor 

"Caitlin? What's going on?" Both of the men looked confused about seeing Professor Hewitt here. 

"Yeah Caitlin, what's going on?" I backed Barry up, maybe out of spite for my and Caitlin's earlier conversation but I was the bigger person who apologised and she didn't.

"Hi, I'm glad you guys are back. This is Dr Henry Hewitt. This is Barry Allen, Samantha Smith and Professor Martin Stein." Henry walked straight past Bar and me, ignoring our offers of handshakes and went straight to the professor. Rude.

"How do you do," Martin said, smiling.

"The illustrious Martin Stein. I've read all your papers at Hudson, especially on transmutation. Fascinating. You're a legend." I narrowed my eyes. Sure he's a legend. What a suck-up. I don't like this guy.

"Oh, please. You're overestimating my contribution to the field. I..."

"Isn't he great?" Caitlin asked, very enthusiastically. 

"Yeah. He's got an ego the size of Texas, but yeah, he's all right." Cisco replied nonchalantly.

"So, where's Jefferson Jackson?" 

"We just need more time." Barry stuttered. Oh great, we are gonna be stuck with full of himself Hewitt. Brilliant.

"We don't have more time. I couldn't find another power source for the cane. And that things running out." Barry and I both rolled our eyes, at Cisco's statement.

"Then we have no choice, we are stuck with Hewitt." I groaned, earning a disingenuous look for Caity.

"Then let's do the merge. Hewitts in." 

The Return Of Bolt//Barry Allen(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now