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Jay and I sat outside Jitter in the Star Labs van, waiting for some food Caitlin had gone to get us. We had to try to be incognito.

"Your headaches, is it okay if once Caitlin looks into them, I look at the data, maybe I can help?" Jay asked.

"Of course, I just want them gone, every time I overly exert myself, which is always, they get more and more painful." 

"I never myself experienced them, but our Earth tech is more advanced than this Earth so I'm sure I can help."

"Thank you, Jay." I had a question floating in my mind but I didn't know how to word it. "Jay, I need to ask you this, and I'm sorry if this hurts you I'm not trying to, I just need to know. Did Zoom know Sam on your earth, like really know her, I know he killed her but, was there any other reason other than you that got her killed?"

He took a deep breath before speaking. "Sam on my earth felt like someone was following her months before her death, it felt like there was a shadow following her everywhere she went. When she went to work when she was walking home when she would have a drink with her friends. Everywhere she felt a presence. She told me and I said she was being paranoid. She would find money lying around her office, that she knew wasn't hers, her work being done for her when she knew she didn't do it, and then she started receiving gifts from an 'admirer'."

"What are you trying to say here, Jay?" My heart was beating fast, I'm not stupid I knew exactly what this meant, I just didn't want to accept it.

"One day her admirer came to see her, she walked into her office and it was Zoom, he said she couldn't see me anymore and that she was his. He loved her, he wanted her cause he wanted everything I had and when she rejected him, he took her away. He kidnapped her and I never saw her again, until the day he laid her corpse out for me to find. He killed her in cold blood 'cause she wouldn't be his."

I sat there in shock for a few minutes trying to take this all in. "Jay, you can't tell Barry or any of the team this, if they find out they won't let me on the field to help. Their judgment on saving this world from Zoom will be clouded by trying to keep me safe, promise me, Jay." He looked me in the eyes and nodded. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips, and then he leaned in, making me even more shocked, but luckily we got saved by Caity. I'm just gonna put that down to the emotional conversation we were having. Do I tell Barry though?

"Classic stakeout fuel." Jay and I agreed with her as she passed us our coffees and my muffin. "You have coffee on your Earth, right?"

"I think coffee is the one constant in the multi-verse." We all chuckled. My brain was trying to justify what went down and play it down. In all fairness, I did share a face with his girlfriend so I'm gonna put it down to that because quite frankly, I have enough to stress about. 

"So, I don't mean to pry but when Wells keeps referring to you and Zoom, what's he talking about?"

"I fought Zoom many times, each time barely escaping with my life. So, yeah. Maybe I didn't always confront him when I should have. The truth is, Zoom scared me. He stole the two most precious things from me. Sam and my speed. I didn't want Barry or this Sam to suffer the same fate." 

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