Zooms Lair

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"Well, well, well," We saw the entrance to the cliffs and it was the perfect hideout. No one could get up there with the rotting bridge.

"We're going up there?" Barry asked.

"Thats where Zooms lair is," We were all in absolute astonishment.

"A place only a speedster could get to," Wells said aloud.

"It's like the cliffs of insanity," Cisco blurted as I began to speak.

"Good thing I'm here, I'll go up, get Barry and Jesse, and then we all go home?" I planned knowing as I said the words, there was no way they'd allow me to.

"Nope, we are all coming. Backup," Cisco argued and I shook my head.

"He wants you Sam, You going up alone if he's there is practically giving him a delivery service of the things he wants the most," I rolled my eyes at Wells' statement cause he was correct, but it remained irritating.

"Well I can't run you up there, I have to run diagonally and I'd end up dropping half of you, no offence," I admitted.

"I know you weren't talking about me, so no offence taken," Killer Frost teased, and I wanted to push her off the cliff.

"So how do we get up there?" Cisco inquired.

"I can make you something to climb on, darling," Killer Frost's hands began to frost up, just like a fog machine.

"Are you serious?" Barry-2 spontaneously said. "You want us to, what, just climb to the top of those cliffs on ice?"

"Got any better ideas?" Frost sassed back.

Barry-2 got very flustered by that challenge and began stuttering, "No, ma'am, I'm just...you know, I've got...you know, I'm wearing wing tips here. They um, don't have much tread."

"Barry, Barry, um, maybe you should stay behind yeah?" Iris suggested.

"No. Hey, no. I'm not letting you go up there by yourself," Bary kept glancing between the cliffs and Iris and I zoned out of the conversation, walking up to Frost.

"Start making whatever it is you're gonna make," I demanded, my voice sharp and resolute. She nodded and began working on her task.

"You know," she said as she worked, her tone edged with sarcasm, "I don't get why you don't pick Zoom. I would take a man who wants me to be the queen of the universe any day."

I couldn't help but scoff at her words. "You'd pick Zoom over Deathstorm?" I shot back, incredulous. She tilted her head, considering my words.

"My point stands," I continued, my tone heated, "You can't pick who you love, Frost."

She paused, her icy gaze locking onto mine. "I guess you can't," she conceded, her voice laced with a touch of bitterness, "but it will cost you, not submitting to Zoom. Just ask the last woman he loved."

I clenched my fists, refusing to let her words shake my resolve. "I'll take my chances," I retorted, my determination unwavering. We were locked in a battle of wills, and neither of us was willing to back down.

Frost glared at me, her frosty demeanour showing no signs of melting. "You're just as stubborn as your Flash."

I smirked in response. "Maybe that's why we make such a great team."

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