Chapter 18

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I wasn't sure just what to expect when I walked into the house for the first time. I certainly wasn't expecting a place frozen in time. Charlie walked by my side silently, offering his comfort with a hand on the small of my back. Everything was the same from that night, nothing had changed. The toys and books I had been playing with or reading were still on the carpeted floor of the sitting room. The dishes that my father and I had eaten from were still sitting on the drying rack. I knelt down next to the cupboard before pulling it open. While my blanket and stuffed animal I had been holding were gone, the wrappers from the snacks I had eaten were still on ground, along with other snacks that were still in the wrapping waiting to be eaten. Charlie rubbed my shoulder as I took in the sight, as I remembered being that frightened girl waiting for somebody evil to find me.

I slowly stood wiping the tears from my eyes, now dreading going upstairs, knowing my room, my fathers room, the loo it would all be the same as it was the day that day happened. 

"Maybe we should go to Mums," Charlie whispered obviously not expecting this as well.

"I think that would be a fantastic idea," I whispered looking at him, he led me over to the fire place, I had it reconnected to the floo network. I grabbed the old metal bowl down, remember how my father would grab something from there before we would both get into the fireplace to go somewhere. My hands shook as I took in the sight of the floo powder. Charlie took the bowl from my hands before grabbing some out. He placed the bowl back in its spot before ushering me into the fire place.

"The Burrow," He shouted before throwing the floo down and we were instantly transported to the Weasley household.

"Hello?" Molly called out, probably not expecting visitors today. Charlie ignored her, opting to get me settled into a seat, as the nightmarish memories played in my head. Molly walked into the room, at first a large smile graced her face before she took in my shaken appearance.

"What happened?" She questioned as Charlie turned and walked over to her.

"We went to her place today," he began, "Everything was the exact same,"

"Well of course the furniture would be the-"

"No Mum, everything," The emphasized, and Molly stilled.

"Everything?" She questioned

"Everything," I croaked, "From the plates, to the toys, to the damn cupboard I hid in,"

"Oh Cassidy," She whispered walking over to me, wrapping her arms around me, "Would you like me to go through it for you?"

"I'm not sure, there are things in there my Dad would've wanted to pass down to me, and I'm not sure what they are, something insignificant to you may have been very important to my father,"

"Let me get you our owl, he'll find Sirius and you can ask him yourself," She stated before hurry to fetch the owl, while Charlie quickly located a quill and some parchment.


I've gone to the house, and everything is as we left it on our last day together. I'm unsure as to what to keep and it hurts to be in there with it like that. Molly Weasley has agreed to help, is there anything from you that you would want me to keep?

Love always


I finished off the letter keeping it short and to the point. Charlie rolled it up and tied it before heading out after Molly, they both quickly returned without the letter or an owl.

"I can handle being downstairs, I think, it's going to be up stairs that I'll have the biggest issue with," I sort of explained having issues trying to explain how I was feeling.

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