Chapter 2

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I woke up early the next morning, got dressed and quickly headed down to breakfast. I ate, and then headed to the Room of Requirements. I stumbled upon it one day when I was trying to hide from everyone, and since then I've used it as a sanctuary, mainly for my divination. I set my bookbag down, and uncovered the crystal ball. I sat there for a while just staring, and right as I was beginning to see something the door opened, causing me to lose focus and the vison to disappear.

"I figured I would find you here Miss Black," came the voice of Dumbledore.

"Professor, hello," I smiled at him as he took a seat across from me.

"I just wanted to talk to you and see how you're doing with your current situation," Dumbledore stated

"Oh you mean my father escaping Azkaban," I stated, "I'm doing fine it was just a long summer with Aurors knocking on my door, other wise I have been fine professor,"

"Really all summer long?" He questioned

"Well it's no secret as to what I believe when it comes to him, they were worried I would hide him, somewhere in the orphanage," I stated with a role of my eyes, "Is everybody extra cautions right now, yes, but it's nothing new to me Professor, trust me I'll be fine, and if I'm not I'll let someone know," I reassured him. He gave me a slight head nod before speak.

"Well then Miss Black I will leave you to it, don't forget to go and speak with Professor Snape about your class schedule for the year, and congratulations on your perfect OWLs," He reminded me before leaving. I smiled to myself before working on my divination once again. After another hour I had given up, already being here for almost five hours, I figured it was time for me to head over to Snape's office.

After I knocked and there was no answer I headed over to his class room to see if he was in class. I opened the door and took a couple of steps in to see a class full of third year Gryffindor's and Slytherin's.

"Yes Miss Black?" Professor Snape's voice drawled catching my attention along with the rest of the class.

"Sorry Professor, I didn't mean to interrupt, I just wasn't sure if you were in class, or somewhere else about the castle," I told him with an apologetic smile, "I was hoping to go over my schedule for the year,"

"Sit at my desk, I will be with you shortly," He stated and continued where he left off, meaning the class had only just begun. I walked over to his desk, and sat on the opposite side of his chair. He finished up quickly before taking a seat in front of me.

"Well Miss Black you received O's in all of your classes, you basically have a pick of whatever you may want to be. Have you thought about it at all?"

"I haven't been able to make a decision yet, I'm down to two though," I stated

"Which are?" He questioned looking at me.

"Either I want to be a teacher in potions or divination, or I want to pursue Divination as a career and do potions on the side," I stated. He quickly began to fill out my schedule and handed it to me. On Monday I had Defense Against the Dark Arts in the morning, and Potions Class after lunch. On Tuesdays I had Divination in the morning and Herbology in the afternoon. On Wednesday I had Astrology late into the evening. Friday I had Transfiguration in the morning. Which means I had Thursday, Saturday and Sunday completely off, with more than enough time between classes to study and do what I want.

"Now on Thursdays, obviously you have the day off, if you would like to come and sit in on my class you are more than welcome to," He stated.

"I would very much like that Professor," I smiled and he added it on with a tap of his wand.

"You are excused for the day Miss Black, please enjoy yourself," He gave me a slight smile, before I got up and headed out after thanking him. I spent the majority of my day going around and speaking to my teachers for the year, all of them delighted to here my choices of career path and for me to be attending their classes this year. My last stop which I put off for as long as possible was DADA, where I would have to go and talk to Remus. As I was about to walk in the door opened and a stream of students piled out talking excitedly about the class. Once they all filed out, I quickly grabbed the door and walked in before it could close. The room now empty of students, Lupin had his back to me as he erased the chalkboard. He looked behind him, as the door closed and I watched as his lips formed a tight line.

"Professor I figured I would give you a heads up, that I'll be in your class this year," I stated looking at him, standing on the opposite side of the room.

"That's good to hear, I look forward to seeing you in class," He stated before looking away from me. I gave myself a nod before turning and leaving the room. It was obvious he didn't want me there, he took off the moment he could after everything happened, while I was carted off to an orphanage, not even allowed to attend James, and Lily's funeral. 

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