Round 27

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Tyreek's POV

Life has been good to me lately.

Like... Suspiciously good to me. Good shit don't usually happen to me so I'm a little shocked. My parents trial is coming up. Dre tried to ask if I planned on testifying, but honestly I don't really know. I've been talking to my new therapist about it. She says I shouldn't force myself to be in a room with them until I'm ready to face them.

Speaking of my therapist, she's great. I had to get a woman though so DeAndre wouldn't try to follow me to my appointments and threaten some random nigga for doing his job... My baby a little insane, but that's okay.

Winter is officially in full effect, and honestly I'm glad to be able to experience it with Dre and Antwon. They like the snow because they're both psychopaths, and I like them so I pretend to also like the snow.

Winter brings fun shit. Christmas, of course, but also my birthday after that. I never really used to be excited about either of those. When I was a kid Christmas was spent with Miracle and his folks. He and his parents would buy me presents to make me feel included. After them, I spent several Christmas' on the streets or fighting for my life in a ring. When I got to New York I spent Christmas with Auntie and the others at the parlor handing out food and presents to all the queer kids who couldn't celebrate with their families.

My birthday only ever really brought bad memories. I didn't even tell my friends when my birthday was last year until it already passed— And then they all tried to beat my ass and forced me to go out for dinner with them.

But this year will be different. Not only do I still have those same amazing friends, but now I have my future husband and son to celebrate with too. I plan on spoiling both of them.

On top of all of that, I have my first returning fight coming up, which was exactly what I've been training for for the past few weeks. Personally I think it's too cold to even want to fight anyone, but I signed up for this shit so... Plus it's a Christmas charity fight. Not sure what's charitable about beating a niggas ass but we doing it anyway.

This fight takes place in New York, so thankfully no traveling in this cold ass weather.

My opponent for the charity fight is a man named Raymond "Monty Ray" Montgomery Jr— Yeah. I'm fighting Mr. Raymond's son. He didn't even tell me he had a son. I mean it makes sense... He's an old nigga from Georgia. Of course he has kids. But still.

"This some bullshit." I muttered as Quan showed me a video of Mr. Raymond cheering his son on while he trained for our fight. Yeah it makes sense that he'd be on his sons side, but the old man's been by my side since he brought me into this shit and now he's with the opponent? Some bullshit.

"He's just supporting his son, man." Quan laughed as he pulled his phone away. "Imagine if I had another client and he was supposed to fight you? You'd want me to be on your side right?"

I pointed a finger at him and squinted. "There are no other clients, Dayquan." He immediately held his hands up in surrender and laughed like shit was funny. Ain't shit funny.

"Keep laughin' nigga. I'll make Dre beat you up." I muttered as I stood up from the ground and walked over to the boxing bag.

"That nigga would deadass shoot me if you asked him to." Quan laughed again. He's right. One thing about DeAndre, that nigga does not play about me. He has fought MANY people about me— in fact he's still tryna figure out who took that video of Smoke kissing him so he can beat their ass. I asked him what he'd do if the person was a woman... His ass said he'd get Bianca to beat them instead.

Shit, I'm not even sure Bianca would do it. Ever since she and Romeo fell out once she started seeing that nigga none of us likes, shits been weird. None of us believe she was obligated to date Romeo. We all just thought it was weird that she kept telling them to wait and that she just needed to get over some shit for them just for her to turn around and get with someone else— That's my girl though and I love her forever. I just need her to leave that bum nigga behind because even if she wasn't betraying Romeo... that other nigga just sucks.

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