Round 13

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Tyreek's POV

The day after all of that shit with Mr. Raymond, I was still reeling.

Life was moving fast as shit and I was just tryna keep up with it all.

I was on my way to making it out of the underground, something I've been looking forward to since I was a kid fighting dirty for money. And on top of that, I had a whole ass date with DeAndre tonight.

My nigga was real life happy for me after I told him that the WBO wanted me. He and Antwon stayed with me at my place for hours after that, just talking and laughing and celebrating until they eventually went home.

One thing I was still worried about was being in the spotlight. I had complicated feelings about fame. I want the world to know my name and how hard I worked for this shit, but I also don't want people from my past showing up pretending they were always there for me once they see me making it big.

But at the end of the day, I can't afford to let any second thoughts keep me from reaching my full potential.

I'll just have to deal with the consequences of my actions when I get there.

I had a lot of shit I needed to do. My ribs still weren't at 100%, but I was good enough to start getting around on my own without anyone worrying about me dropping dead, so I planned on making some trips before I went out with Dre.

I wanted to go to the mall and look for some presents for Dre and Antwon. After that I planned on stopping by the gym to talk to Quan about a proposal I had. After all of that I planned on stopping by Club Onyx to let Mr. Onyx know about these upcoming changes... That nigga needed to find another champion and fast. Better ask Red's bitch ass.

And after all of that, Dre would be coming to get me to take me out.

If I'm real lucky I could try to push this celebration a little further and ask to give him head again.

... Is it weird that I'm more excited to give him head than to even attempt to ask him to reciprocate it? Maybe this is just what it's like when you're really feeling somebody. All I want is to make him feel good.

But I digress.

I checked my phone as I walked through my house, seeing texts from Dre, a few from Antwon, a bunch of bullshit from my friends, and a message from Mr. Onyx asking if I was healed yet.

The funny part is that I know he isn't asking for my well-being. He just wants to know if I can fight again yet. His was the only text I straight up ignored. If he's lucky I might give him one more fight just to relinquish my title, and that's a heavy ass if.

As I was responding to the texts, I saw a call coming in from the one and only person that stays on my mind.

"Wassup, baby?" I answered with a whole big ass smile on my face. I could never stop smiling when it came to him. There was a bit of silence, then I heard I something mumbled but I couldn't pick up what he said. "What? Baby I can't hear you."

"Nigga I said I miss you." His aggressive ass said, louder this time.

I laughed at his response and shook my head. "I miss you too, baby. Why you can't ever just say shit normal? Always gotta be so aggressive."

"Nigga fuck you." I laughed again as I grabbed my keys, but super negro on the phone apparently had dumbo ears and heard it. "You goin' somewhere?"

"Yeah I'm goin' on a date with Tay." I just wanted to mess with him, but when the silence on the other end of the line dragged on for about a minute before I started to hear frantic shuffling I quickly spoke again. "I'm playin' baby, I'm sorry. I'm playin'. I gotta run errands and shit before our date." This nigga found out I fucked Tayvion and has been waiting for an excuse to beat his ass ever since.

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