Round 1

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DeAndre's POV

The volume of the people around me was almost enough to make my ears bleed as I pushed my way through a crowd of sweaty, irrationally angry bodies. Most of them were shouting at the two people attempting to tear each other's heads off in the center of the caged boxing ring. Most of them had bet a large sum of money on one of the fighters or the other, some of them were only yelling because everyone else was.

I wasn't here for the fighting though. I liked to consider myself more of a concession stand... Except of course I sold weed and pills instead of hot dogs and beverages. I was known enough in the city by now for the people to recognize me. Most people walked up to me, money in hand and buying one or two products. Those who were less familiar with me asked some questions before nervously making a decision.

Overall, I wasn't here to watch the fight. I looked up from counting the money I'd collected so far as a loud bell rang, announcing the winner of the previous fight. I could barely make out the crumpled heap of a man on the ground as the winner was escorted out of the ring. Soon enough the loser was carried out, and excited chatter filled the underground club once again.

As I continued selling my product to any who asked, I couldn't help but notice that the conversation's seemed to have more excitement than before. Underground boxing was almost always cause for excitement, the betting, gambling, and high stakes made it fun for anyone who could stand to lose a few hundred dollars. But this- the buzz of excitement in the air was something I'd never felt before in an event like this.

Curiosity got the better of me eventually, and I pushed my way through the crowd until I reached the fence around the ring. No one aside from the announcer was there for now, but even he seemed excited for the next match. I crossed my arms over my chest, waving away a few potential customers as I waited to see what all of the commotion was about. I only had to wait a few minutes before the announcer nodded at seemingly no one before raising the microphone to his mouth.

"Ladies annnnnd gentlemen!" The man began, causing the crowd to turn their excited gaze toward him. "I know we've all been plenty entertained by the small fish tonight, but now it's time for the big fish." His words were met by thunderous cheers. He waited a moment for the cheers to die down before continuing. "In the red corner, coming in at 6'5 and 235 pounds, it's the Titanium Fist himself, give it up for Eddy "The Fist" Miller!"

A burst of cheers echoed around the room once more, but there was still a sense of anticipation in the air. They were waiting for someone else. As the large behemoth of a man entered the cage and made his way into the ring, I couldn't help but wait with bated breath for the next announcement.

As the cheers died down, the announcer continued. "And in the white corner, coming in at 5'10 and 210 pounds, give it up for the Notorious heavyweight champion of Club Onyx... Tyreek "Pretty Boy" Nixon!"

And just as I had been anticipating, the room suddenly erupted into loud cheers and screams. My own gaze remained locked onto the ring as a hooded figure entered the cage and pulled himself up into the ring. The man pulled the hoodie from his head once he was up and turned to face the crowd, sending them all into another uproar as he grinned.

The man was shorter than the beast in the opposite corner, but he was built heavy with muscle. That was made more obvious as he shrugged the hoodie off his broad shoulder and tossed it away. He rolled his shoulders and I watched the way the muscles in his back rippled before he turned to face him and the rest of the crowd. That same grin was still present on his face as he waved and winked at the people. For a moment, his eyes passed over me, and his grin seemed to widen impossibly further before he winked a bright eye at him and turned back toward the announcer and his opponent. The announcer gave the two fighters their rules before making them touch gloves- and then the fight was on.

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