Round 22

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⚠️ WARNING⚠️ This chapter will have mentions of the following: Child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, attempted molestation, sexual assault/rape (Mentioned, not detailed), and potentially other triggering topics. If any of these topics are potentially triggering or harmful for you to read, I would suggest skipping through this chapter or skipping it altogether. These topics show up at Tyreek's SECOND pov (towards the end of the chapter) if you'd like to just skip that part.


Tyreek's POV

My fist connected with the underside of my opponent's jaw, and I watched with bated breath as his head snapped back. He swayed on his feet for a moment before his eyes rolled back and he fell onto his back with a thud.

"Tiberius Davidson is down!" I heard one of the announcers yell above the cheering and chanting of the crowd.

The referee started counting, and before long he made it to ten, causing the crowd to shout in a frenzy once again.

"Winner by TKO, securing his sixth win and his fifth win by TKO, let's hear it for Tyreek "Pretty Boy" Nixon!"

The cheering was deafeningly loud, but I only smiled through it all as the crowd chanted my name.

It's been three months since my fight with Fernando. Five months since I met DeAndre. Two years since I moved to New York and started my new life.

To say my life has been going up since I debuted would be an understatement. I was six wins deep, all except for one being by TKO, with zero losses so far and everyone knew that my career was only at the beginning. I was quickly becoming a fan favorite of the world due to both my skill and my personality. I wasn't really a fan of interviews, but I did them every once in a while to keep niggas intrigued. They mostly asked questions about my upbringing, my passions, my struggles in life, and of course- DeAndre.

In the beginning, right after Dre confirmed that we were together, he struggled a bit with the sudden influx of people prying into his life. He went from just living a regular life to being stopped by random niggas in the store asking about me and how it felt to be dating what could potentially be the next champion of the boxing world. He hated the attention, but he loved being able to just be with me.

Some niggas from his town tried him a few times once word got to them, but Dre handled that shit before it could get out of hand.

I asked Dre a few times if he regretted his decision. He'd say no without hesitation every single time. He doesn't like the excessive attention, but he likes being with me.

He says the best thing about the whole situation is that now that the whole world knows he's with me, he has to worry about less people flirting with me.

That has yet to step him from trying to fight the men that flirt with me.

"Let's go, nigga." Quan called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. We were in the locker room now. I just got done taking a quick shower and changing into some regular clothes. Now we'd have to go out and meet up with DeAndre, Antwon, and the rest of my friends. And then, of course, we'd get stopped by paparazzi and reporters asking question after question about my life.

Quan grabbed my bag for me despite my complaints and led me out of the locker room. I still had yet to hire anyone else for my crew. I was just used to Quan doing all this shit for me. I knew eventually I'd have to take some of the weight off of his shoulders, but I just didn't trust anyone the way I trusted Quan.

We made our way through the halls and out into the lobby where I saw Dre and the others grouped up together by the door. Like clockwork, a smile found its way onto my face as I made my way over to them.

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