Round 20

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Tyreek's POV

"Let's go, pretty boy." Quan called to me from outside of the ring as I dodged punch after punch.

It's been a week since my fight with Niko. Despite most of us wanting to stay in Vegas for a while longer, we all ended up returning back to New York since Antwon had school. We tried to convince him that he could miss a few days but the kid damn near passed out at the mere thought. He's very punctual.

Quan, Mr. Raymond and I have been busy going through my potential candidates for my next fight. So far we have my next two fights planned. My next fight was supposed to be next month, but since my first fight was so successful and I didn't get too hurt, it's been rescheduled to the end of this month.

The man I was supposed to fight was a Brazilian man named Fernando Ferreira. Another rookie who was quickly rising through the ranks. Eight fights, eight wins, zero losses, four KO's. He was becoming a quick favorite due to his personality and win streak.

Too bad I'd have to knock him down a peg.

But most importantly, of all the things going on in my life... Tomorrow is my son-who-isn't-really-my-son-but-I've-claimed-him-as-my-son's birthday.

Antwon is turning thirteen and I'll be spending the entire day with him and Dre.

It's crazy how much I love that kid. Probably as crazy as how much I love his dad. You'd think I just fall in love quickly, but this is my first time being in love since I was a teenager. There's just something about Dre that captivates me. He's impossible not to love.

Between me and the lord... I think he might be my soulmate. I just get that feeling with him.

"Focus, pretty boy. Hands up!" Quan called out, making me shake myself out of my thoughts just in time to raise my hands and block a punch aimed at my head.

I was currently sparring with another gym member while Quan and Mr. Raymond watched me. Mr. Raymond has taken a personal interest in me since scouting me. He technically has no reason to stick around now that he's successfully scouted me and got me to sign, but he stays around to help out with shit Quan and I don't really get yet. He helps us figure out which fights to accept and which to decline. He helped me figure out what the hell media training even was. He even got me some new custom shorts made for my next fight. When I asked him what the sudden interest in me was about, he looked into my eyes and told me he saw something special in me.

"I've seen a lot of greats in this industry, kid. A lot of them. And I've seen a lot of niggas think they could be the next big thing. They step into that ring with a chip on their shoulders thinkin' just because they can fight, they'll get the world's love... But you? You have the potential I've seen in so many of the niggas you see holding championship titles and records. You have the skill, the charisma, the talent, the desire, the ambition, the love. I can see it in you, and I'm hell you grow until you get to exactly where I know you can get."

Not to put another nigga in Quan's spot, but Mr. Raymond has been like another father figure for me recently.

"Gimme five more minutes." Quan called out as I ducked away from my opponent before throwing a few jabs back at him. This whole exercise was supposed to be getting me prepared for fighting Fernando. My opponent, Kwesi, had a similar build and fighting style to Fernando. So he was my stand in for the man.

Fernando was a man who stayed moving. He never let himself get trapped by his opponents. He was fast on his feet, moving in and out of range before his opponent could get a hit off on him. He had a strong left hand that led to all four of his knockouts, but his right hand was formidable too.

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