Round 6

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Tyreek's POV

I didn't believe Dre when he said he'd do better. Not because I didn't want to believe him, but because he was making promises after fucking up. A promise made after a fuck up is usually only made to cover someone's ass. It's like getting hit by your spouse and they promise to never do it again.

But he'd been working hard to prove to me that he was serious.

His ass really did buy me flowers. Fresh ass flowers. Had them sent straight to my house and shit. I won't lie to you, he had a nigga blushing.

He wasn't planning dates and taking me out yet, but he has been doing more. I no longer had to text him first just to hear from him.

We had been texting back and forth when I got a call from Mr. Onyx.

I immediately groaned.

He's been calling me everyday since my loss to remind me of how disappointed he was. I almost let the call go to voicemail, but I eventually sighed dramatically and answered the phone. "Hey, Mr. Onyx."

"How's my ex-best fighter doing?" No hello or nothing. Just straight to the bullshit. "You know Red has been going on and on all week about how easy you were to beat. He says your luck ran out. He's been telling people that we've been paying off the other opponents so they'd let you win, and that he was just the only nigga real enough not to take the money."

As he continued to rant and ramble, I pinched the bridge of my nose and took some deep breaths. I wasn't sure what was more irritating- Red talking shit knowing good and well he only beat me because I was off my game, or Mr. Onyx telling me all of this like I didn't already know.

The longer he talked, the more irritated I became until I finally snapped.

"Aight nigga, tell Red's people that imma beat that nigga ass next week. I'll be healed enough by then. Now get off my fuckin' phone wit' this shit." I hung up and resisted the urge to beam my phone across the room. I never really talked to Onyx like that. He was my boss and he was the one who ensured my fights were set and that I got my money at the end of the day... But even he can reach my limit.

He did try to call me back, but I sent his ass straight to voicemail. I was then bombarded by texts, but I just repeated my message. Clearly the only way this nigga would leave me alone would be if I got my title back from Red.

And here I was thinking illegal boxing was supposed to be less difficult than real boxing. But no, the titles and championships still meant just as much underground. Maybe even more since people bet money on the outcome.

Mr. Onyx eventually stopped blowing my phone up, leaving me with my own thoughts.

My mind had been a mess since everything went down. Between losing to Red's bitch ass and everything that went down with Dre, my life has been feeling more than a little chaotic. In theory I could just relax and take my mind off of everything, but I knew I needed to start training again. I had a week to get ready for this fight.

It's not like I needed to work on my skill. Everyone knew I was a better fighter than Red. I just needed to make sure I could take a hit to my ribs without keeling over.

As I thought about my plan, my phone went off again. I was going to ignore it, thinking that it must've been Onyx again, but when I looked down and saw DeAndre's contact name pop up, I couldn't help but smile.

Future Husband 💍
U busy 2day?
Read 12:37 PM

Headed to the gym
in a bit, but other than
that I'm free
Read 12:46 PM

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