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posting early today bc I don't know when I'll get wifi again 🫶


'You shouldn't say things like that Mirio, she's young and you'll shape her mind into thinking liking someone is a bad thing.' Aeri wrote, scolding Mirio as she walked up to the pair. Midoriya skipped over a moment later, causing Bakugou to scowl.

"Wait I'll change it," Mirio pursed his lips, thinking of a way to reword his statement. "No boyfriends or girlfriends until you're older." He nodded proudly and Aeri snorted.

'Eri did you get the gifts I sent?'

Eri nodded shyly. "Thank you, I like the pretty dresses."

Aeri smiled and Mirio put her down so Eri could spin around and show Aeri the outfit she was wearing. Aeri clapped and showered the little girl with compliments and promises to send her over any pretty clothes she found. Bakugou clicked his tongue at that and Aeri sent him a glare, warning him not to say anything.

"Eri, shall we go find a candy apple?" Midoriya bent down to her height and Aeri smiled when Eri's face lit up. The little girl nodded and bid goodbye to Aeri and Bakugou with the promise to see them later. The couple waved as she disappeared around the corner with Mirio and Midoriya.

'You told me I wasn't allowed to spoil you, you didn't say anything about spoiling anyone else.' Aeri pouted.

"Stop spending so much damn money on people and just save it."

'Eri deserves to be spoiled, she's only 7 and she's had a harder life than most adults. I'll buy her all the clothes in the world if it means she'll get to be a normal little girl.' Aeri sighed, falling forward into Bakugou's arms. He scoffed but held her to him, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.


"Aeri let's go in the haunted house," Bakugou said as they wandered around the festival, collecting snacks and trinkets. Aeri nodded and they walked in, laughing when they heard Mina and Kaminari scream further in.

Aeri snorted when Shinsou popped out of the ceiling upside down, dressed like a vampire and he gave her a blank look. She reached out and ruffled his hair before they moved further in, wondering how their friends ever managed to get scared in this thing. Aeri was looking around at the homemade decorations when Bakugou took his hand from hers and reached into the pocket of the black denim jacket he'd thrown on after leaving the concert hall. He pulled something out and glanced at Aeri, deciding the best way to go about this.

He wasn't stupid, he knew the Prada boots weren't just a random gift for the sake of giving. Today was their three-month anniversary and she wanted to give him something without alerting him to the fact that she actually did care about little milestones. The reason he got mad was because he wanted to give her his gift first, to show that he paid attention and cared too.

Bakugou decided to just shove the velvet box into her hand and hope for the best, refusing to look to his side as he stared forward, the exit of the haunted house in sight. Aeri tapped his shoulder and cocked her head to the side curiously—her way of asking what this was about, though her eyes twinkled like she had some idea.

"Just open it," Bakugou grumbled his ears burning a bright red. He pulled her through the door and back into the light, walking around a couple of corners until there were fewer people. Aeri complied and lifted the lid. The box gave away what it was but Aeri broke into an excited grin anyway. She almost broke her vocal rest with a gasp when she laid eyes on it.

It was a gold band, seemingly for her thumb (the only finger other than her ring finger available on her left hand). On the outside was a dainty crescent moon engraved into the band, but on the inside were their initials and the date they officially became a couple. Aeri couldn't help the happy tears that fell down her face as she slipped the band onto her thumb, holding it up so she could admire how it matched perfectly with the rest of her rings. Bakugou had probably taken one from her room so he could get one similar.

"Why are you cryin'? You don't like it?" Bakugou panicked, watching as more tears slipped down her cheeks. Aeri pulled her phone from her pocket and started typing in her notes for him to read.

'These are happy tears. I love it thank you.'

"You scared the shit outta me, I thought I fucked up!" Bakugou huffed, linking their hands as he began to pull her back to the main square where they bumped back into Mirio, Eri, Midoriya and Aizawa.

"I have your iPa—why are your eyes red?" Her dad narrowed his eyes as he observed the smudged mascara and her watery eyes.

'Hay fever.' She wrote, taking the device from his hands. She massaged the bridge of her nose to make her lie more believable. She couldn't tell him that Bakugou had remembered their 3-month anniversary because he didn't know they were dating. He thought they were just really, really close friends who held hands and slept in the same bed.

"The pollen levels are pretty low today..." Midoriya frowned, clearly not catching on that she was purposefully lying. Aeri shot him a glare.

"Aeri you don't have Hay fever, so either you've been smoking something you're not supposed to, or he made you cry." Aizawa pointed a finger at Bakugou.

"Me? Why the fuck would I make her cry?" Bakugou yelled back.

"You're with her more often than Jungwon is these days, if it wasn't you then who else could it be?" Aizawa glared and Aeri waved to get his attention, holding up her iPad.

'Not sad tears.'

"Why would you lie if they weren't sad tears?"

'Stop asking questions, you're embarrassing me in front of Eri.' Aeri stuck her tongue out at her dad and wiped the smudged makeup from under her eyes.

"I'll give you something to be embarrassed about you little shit—"

"Dad! No swearing in front of Eri!" Jungwon said as he and Hyunjin ran over, takoyaki in their hands, and stood by Mirio and Midoriya who were watching the entire interaction with amused smiles. Aeri just looked confused. "Why are you yelling?"

"Aeri's eyes were red and then there was this whole thing about who made her sad and then she said she wasn't sad and he's embarrassing her, etcetera," Mirio explained, trying to keep himself from laughing, never having seen Aizawa get angry over something so small.

"Oh I saw her go into the haunted house earlier, she probably laughed too hard or something." Jungwon shrugged, lying smoothly. He knew why she was crying. He was the one who helped Bakugou think of what to buy her.

"Are haunted houses funny?" Eri asked quietly.

"They're meant to be scary but Shinsou doesn't make a very convincing vampire," Hyunjin snorted, offering the little girl one of his takoyakis.

"I can't be bothered with this conversation anymore. Aeri we will talk about this later." Aizawa said before he sighed and wandered away.

"Why is he so damn set on finding out?" Bakugo huffed out a deep breath.

"He's been extra protective since she got out of the hospital. He'd wrap her in bubble wrap if he could," Jungwon rolled his eyes. "You're welcome by the way, and as your saviour, I would like to request you buy me more takoyaki."


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