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"No way, I'm not letting that fire-bearded fuckface take the credit when he wasn't even there. I don't care if he's number two, I wouldn't even care if he was a god. He. Wasn't. There. If anyone has to take credit, it will be Moon Jinyoung. Because Jinyoung was there and he's the reason why two young heroes didn't bleed out and die." Aeri glared the police officer down.

It was the next morning and Aeri was perched on the end of Midoriya's hospital bed, dressed perfectly in her cropped pinstripe Prada blazer and matching skirt. She wore Prada earrings and heels to complete the outfit. The police officer blinked at her, shocked at her language and her ability to argue so confidently despite being in trouble. Todoroki laughed lightly at her vulgar name for his father. He'd make sure to use that one later.

"Miss Moon, Endeavour is number two in Japan, if he's seen as the man who took down the Hero-Killer the public will rejoice!" The police officer argued.

"Did he tell you that?" Todoroki raised an eyebrow. "My father isn't exactly popular, even his own children don't like him so if he's telling you that, he's probably just really desperate for a better rating."

"Give the credit to Jinyoung," Aeri said again, her golden eyes blazing as he stared him in the eye. "He's number 1 in Korea and more popular worldwide than Endeavour is. If you want the public to rejoice so bad, then they will definitely do that for Geomtusa."

The police officer sighed and backed down. "Fine. Just don't tell Endeavour. He'll find out that he's not getting the credit at the same time Geomtusa's victory is announced to the public. Now as for you four, I won't be able to get you out of this if you do it again."

The four students nodded and thanked the police officer. Aeri turned to Todoroki once the authorities had left the room. "Are you mad that I insulted your dad and then fucked him over?" She asked.

Todoroki shook his head with a small, rare smile. "No, I actually can't wait to see the look on his face."

Aeri smiled and stood up. "Well, enjoy the fruit baskets you two, but I need to get to the company before Jinyoung murders me."

"Thank you for bringing them, you really didn't need to," Iida said.

"Yes thank you, it was very kind of you." Midoriya agreed. Aeri nodded at them and picked up her handbag, her heels clicking against the tiled hospital floor.

"I should be going too." Todoroki agreed, following Aeri out.


Despite how beaten up she was by the end of the week, Aeri had learnt a lot and had visibly improved in her fighting style. She could teleport further distances and create more shurikens without passing out and cutting up her hands. As harsh as Jinyoung was, he was damn good at training, especially in such a short amount of time.

Unfortunately, no amount of makeup could cover up the deep purple marks on her body but luckily enough, the bruise on her jaw had faded and was barely noticeable, plus she'd managed to avoid any other hits to the face. To cover up her arms, she wore a white Ralph Lauren sweater over the top of her school shirt seeing as she'd ditched the blazer altogether, the jacket now lying forgotten at the back of her closet, and for her legs, she wore tights underneath her skirt.

She approached Bakugou, trying to keep her laughter at bay as he stood by the window brooding. His hair had gotten so used to the way Jeanist had been styling it for the past week that it was stuck. "Hey Justin Bieber, I see you haven't changed your hair back."

"Ha! She called you Justin Bieber!" Kaminari guffawed, pointing at Bakugou's hair. Bakugou slapped his hand away with an angry scowl.

"It won't fucking go back!" He yelled. Aeri rolled her eyes and reached a hand up.

She looked to Bakugou for permission and then ran her fingers through the front of his hair, trying to figure out his problem. "Did he put a perming solution in it? It's so limp."

"I don't know what that is." He replied grumpily. Aeri took him by the arm and sat him down so she could get easier access to his hair. He grumbled but let her do what she wanted as long as it meant his hair would go back to normal.

"Smells really bad, makes your hair go straight or curly depending on which one you use." She said. She fished a comb out of her bag and started brushing it through in the opposite direction to where Jeanist had forced it to lay.

"No, it was just this really fucking strong gel at first but then my hair started to go that way naturally 'cause he'd spend damn long forcing it down," Bakugou told her. He ignored the odd stares his classmates were giving him and Aeri. They were probably shocked he was even letting her do this. Of course, they knew that Aeri had somehow managed to befriend the explosive male, but they hadn't known the extent of their friendship.

"This is working." She told him, carding her finger through his ash-blond hair as it began to return to its natural state. She continued to part his hair and brush it the opposite way.

Bakugou would never admit it out loud, but he kind of enjoyed the feeling of her playing with his hair.

"What's working?" He asked, glaring at Kaminari who was trying to approach them, probably to make an inappropriate joke that would piss him off.

"Brushing against the parting Best Jeanist created. Your scalp might feel a bit odd for the rest of the day though." She finished up with the comb and ruffled his hair for good measure, stepping around to his front to see how it looked. "Perfect, Aeri's Salon is now closed." She curtseyed dramatically and he gave her a deadpan look.

"Thanks," He said quietly. reaching a hand up and sure enough, his hair was back to its usual state, just as she'd said. "When you fail to become a hero you can come be my personal barber." He joked, his usual smirk appearing.

"Definitely not. But maybe I'd consider being your stylist." She played along. He rolled his eyes.


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