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"Our second match will be..." Present Mic stalled for dramatic effect. "Todoroki Shoto vs Sero Hanta!" Sero grimaced but Todoroki remained expressionless. They both stood and moved to the door.

"Good luck you two," Aeri called after them. Todoroki continued walking without any regard to her words but Sero gave her a grateful smile.

The class waited in anticipation as the pair walked onto the battlefield. Present Mic called for them to start and Sero made the first move. He shot his tape out in an attempt to restrain Todoroki but the stone-faced male didn't even let the tape get near him, shooting out an extraordinary amount of ice that took up the majority of the arena, trapping Sero inside of it.

"Sero has been disabled! Todoroki wins!"

Next was Midoriya against Kaminari and though Midoriya struggled to close the distance between them, he ultimately managed to push Kaminari out of bounds by blowing him away using the force of his quirk, breaking his finger in the process. He rushed straight to recovery girl who was on standby to get his finger fixed up before his next match. Kaminari was sulky when he returned to the box.

"Next we have the impressive Moon Jungwon vs class 1B's Shiozaki Ibara!"

"How come you got called beautiful and powerful and all i got was 'impressive'? I'm smelling favouritism..." Jungwon narrowed his eyes at his sister playfully.

"Clearly Present Mic is a fan of mine," Aeri joked. "Come on, time to fight." Aeri ushered Jungwon up and out of the box, their classmates shouting their little motivational messages after him.

"Are you ready?" Aeri asked as they approached the large opening, the daylight shining through.

"I am. Do you happen to know who Shiozaki is and what her quirk is?" He asked awkwardly.

"She's the one with the vine hair. You'll be fine you have the advantage with all your daggers. Just slice through it all." Aeri gave him an encouraging nod. "You've got this in the bag." She ruffled his hair lovingly and then pushed him forward as his name was called over the speakerphones. "Now go and win."

She teleported back into her seat in the box and Bakugou glanced at her, unsurprised as she appeared in the chair next to him. She leaned forward without a word, concentrated on her brother on the battlefield. His opponent entered the arena a moment later. Aeri frowned, confused when Jinyoung didn't throw Jungwon a note like he did for her.

"Match start!"

Shiozaki immediately reached her vines out towards Jungwon, trying to wrap them around his limbs and body to constrict and restrain him, but Jungwon sliced through them without struggle, dancing across the battlefield with his katanas as he closed the distance between himself and his foe. Aeri could see the panic on Shiozaki's face when Jungwon disappeared. She retracted her vines and looked around frantically only for Jungwon to appear behind her and knock the hilt of his katana into the pressure point on her neck. Shiozaki collapsed forward and Jungwon caught her by the back of her jacket, lowering her to the floor gently so she wouldn't get injured.

"Shiozaki is unconscious, Moon Jungwon wins! And what a gentleman he is!"

Jungwon smiled to himself and teleported from the battlefield and into the stands with the rest of his class. Aeri gave him a high five and a grin.

"Well done Jungwon!" Kirishima clapped his friend on the back. "You were so manly out there!"

"Thank you Kiri," Jungwon's smile was bright and proud. "I was lucky I had an advantage."

"You would've won even if you didn't. You're a Moon." Aeri told him, Jungwon shoved her lightly and rolled his eyes.

They sat through four more matches in the first round, cheering and clapping for their friends. Iida won against the support student, Hatsume Mei, Mina won against Aoyama to which Aeri gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, her lipgloss shimmering on Mina's pink skin. Tokoyami won against Yaomomo and due to a poor match up with Tetsutetsu in class 1B, Kirishima drew in his match and would have to go through a tie breaker match.

"And finally, our last match is the highly anticipated Bakugou Katsuki going against Uraraka Ochaco, both from 1A!"

Aeri turned to the blonde next to her who was already smirking. "Good luck." She said quietly to him. He nodded to her once and walked out of the stands casually.

"They aren't making it easy for me," Uraraka chuckled awkwardly as she stood and zipped up her jacket.

"Don't doubt yourself, you can do it." Aeri said encouragingly, reaching backwards to pat her hand in comfort.

"You're right." Uraraka said. She rushed out of the door leaving Midoriya calling 'good luck' after her.

Bakugou was the first to walk into the ring, his hands in his pockets. He kept his eyes towards the opening on the other side of the arena where Uraraka walked out confidently, her head held high.

"Match, start!"

Bakugou charged instantly, unleashing explosions towards Uraraka who did her best to dodge, keeping her body close to the ground. She got hit a few times but always recovered, never faltering or giving up.

"He's being too harsh on her!" Someone yelled and Aeri was taken aback. This was a battle and he was planning on winning, so was Uraraka. Their quirks were different, Bakugou could fight in both close range and long range but Uraraka relied solely on close range, she had to get close to him and touch him to activate her quirk, and Bakugou was not just going to let her.

The crowd in the stands erupted into boos, slandering Bakugou and treating him like a villain for wanting to win. A few of her classmates were also booing.

Aeri's eyes narrowed and she turned around. "Why are you booing at him? If anyone else was on that battlefield giving it their all you'd be cheering and gushing about how powerful and cool they are, but because it's him, you're treating him like he's the bad guy. Uraraka is perfectly capable of handling herself against Bakugou, you're basically just telling everyone that you don't believe in her." She scolded them and the look in their eyes turned regretful, a few of them like Kaminari and Sero had considered themselves friends with Bakugou. "Uraraka would hand your asses to you on a platter if you ever went against her. Don't underestimate her just because she's a girl and you think Bakugou is more powerful."

She stood up and left the stands, the silence in the 1A stands filled with the echoing of her father's voice over the speakerphone, ordering them to stop their negativity and telling them something along the lines of what Aeri had said to her classmates. Even the pros were booing childishly, as if they wouldn't do anything to win themselves.

Aeri went down to the openings and leaned against the wall, watching through the door as Uraraka attempted the move she'd been building up for the whole match, it was impressive. She used her jacket as a decoy and used her quirk on the rubble that had accumulated as a result of Bakugou's constant explosions, she used her gravity to throw the rocks and dirt and flung them at Bakugou. It definitely was a smart move but Bakugou recovered quickly, releasing his biggest explosion yet and blasting all the rubble, and Uraraka herself, away. Uraraka was rendered unconscious and Bakugou won the match.

"The winner is Bakugou Katsuki!"

Bakugou didn't wait for the clapping to begin as he stomped off towards the door where Aeri was waiting for him.

"Hey, winner." She grinned, his scowl didn't drop but he stopped in front of her so she knew he was open to having a conversation. "How're you feeling?"

"Good. I won." He answered shortly.

"You don't look like you're feeling good... How're feeling about the booing?" Aeri furrowed her eyebrows.

"They can do what they want. I'm here to fucking win." Bakugou brushed her off and began walking. Aeri fell into step beside him.

"You did well. The last explosion was very impressive." She praised him, wanting to bring his mood up.

"I know." He smirked.


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