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"Have you figured it out yet?" Bakugou asked as he walked into gym gamma that morning. Surprisingly, Aeri had actually got there before him and was working on her ultimate move again before the provisional license exams next week.

"Most of it, I just need to do it without passing out," Aeri huffed, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Bakugou came up behind her and wrapped an arm around Aeri's waist, ignoring Dalnim who was staring right at them.

"Are you gonna be able to do it in time?" He questioned with a frown. Aeri had told him her idea—he was the only one aside from Dalnim who knew—but he found himself worrying that it was too much power at once, and he didn't want her to destroy herself.

"I'm almost there, Katsuki...besides, I can pass the exam without it."

Bakugou scoffed at her cockiness but pressed a light kiss to the shell of her ear before turning to his own training. Aeri watched him go, and merged with Dalnim once more, now able to do it without any strain or difficulty at all.

'Summon one first. it's too dangerous to summon all of them at once.' Dalnim commanded, speaking directly into her mind thanks to them sharing a body.

So Aeri did. She focused all her energy, all her power into summoning the one she wanted to see the most, the soul preserved by Dalnim that she desperately wanted to see—her mother.

Aeri blocked out the sounds of Bakugou training, closing her eyes and focusing on collecting the power from Dalnim's soul inside of her and projecting it forward.

Bakugou gasped behind her and Aeri cracked open her eyes, staring at the flickering spirit that stood before her. Aeri strained to hold it, acting as a tether between the spirits and the physical world whilst Dalnim assisted the best she could, tunnelling more power through Aeri's body.

Her mom's spirit smiled at her gently before the iridescent light winked out and she was gone. Aeri fell to her knees, panting, and Dalnim ejected herself, disappearing back to her resting place seeing as Aeri was out of commission.

Bakugou rushed over, dropping down in front of Aeri and gripping her shoulders tightly whilst she battled to get enough air. "Why the fuck are you pushing yourself so hard? Do you want to end up in a damn hospital bed again?" He scolded her.

Aeri laughed softly, tears welling up in her eyes. "That was my mom," She said, her voice cracking. "Did you see her? I did it, I brought my mom here!" Aeri leapt forward, straight into Bakugou's arms and sending him toppling over.

"Yes, I saw." Bakugou sighed, relieved that she wasn't burnt out or injured. "You look like her." He added and Aeri buried her head further into his shoulder.

She was ecstatic.

Aeri was so excited to surprise her family. It would take a little more work but she planned to conjure up her mom's spirit in front of her brothers and her dad, so they could see her too.


"You're wearing jeans," Bakugou said as he walked into Aeri's dorm room, locking the door behind him. He slid up behind her and hovered his hands over her hips as she stood in front of her closet trying to decide which top to wear so she could change out of her school shirt.

"Will you choose a shirt for me?" She asked, huffing as she gave up trying, leaning her weight back into Bakugou's chest instead.

"You want me to choose? I don't know shit about clothes," Bakugou frowned, staring into Aeri's weirdly organised closet.

"Just choose the one you like best," Aeri answered, giving him an encouraging nod. Bakugou sighed and released his girlfriend, walking towards the closet and standing in the middle, facing the section that held her shirts and cropped tops. He began to sift through, pulling a few out to look at them before putting them back and continuing his search. Aeri watched in the doorway as he paused, pulling out a Chanel baby tee.

He took it off the hanger and threw it to Aeri who caught it with one hand and a smile. "Good choice," she said. Bakugou scoffed and slid past her, into the main part of the bedroom. He took a seat on her bed and almost did a double take when he looked up to see her undoing the buttons of her shirt.

"Oi, what the fuck are you doing?" He hissed, cheeks turning red. Aeri looked up at him, her hands pausing at the last button.

She clicked her tongue at him. "You see me in sports bras every day, an actual bra isn't that different is it?" She said simply. "Turn around if you're uncomfortable but I'm not leaving my own bedroom to get changed."

Bakugou scowled but didn't make any move to turn around—in fact, he kept his eyes locked on Aeri as she switched shirts, eyes widening slightly at the flash of black lace before she pulled the other shirt over her head.

"Pervert," She joked as she moved towards the bed, sliding her arms over his shoulders and sitting on his thighs.

"You're the one who started stripping," Bakugou huffed, his cheeks still a deep shade of red.

"Getting changed and stripping are two very different things," Aeri laughed. "I see you without a shirt all the time, what difference is me without a shirt?"

"The difference is that you have tits." Bakugou narrowed his eyes at her and Aeri burst into shocked laughter.

"They're just boobs, Katsuki, nothing major. Half the damn population has them." Aeri said after she finished laughing, squishing his cheeks in her hands as he frowned up at her.

"It's different when they're yours," Bakugou said, his speech muffled by Aeri's hands on his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care as long as it's you? You can look and you can touch because I trust you...and you literally used them as a pillow the other night,"

"I was half asleep! It didn't fucking register what I was laying on." Bakugou defended, his face getting more and more red.

Aeri clicked her tongue again. "I don't mind Katsuki," she leaned down and pressed a feather-light kiss on the tip of his nose. "You've been respectful so far, so I trust you."

Bakugou didn't say anything, not really knowing how the conversation got to this topic, but his heart pounded in his chest at her words. Knowing she trusted him with her body made him feel all kinds of warm and prideful. So he nodded, pressed a lingering kiss to her lips and then stood, bringing Aeri up with him and walking over to where she kept all her shoes, picking out his favourite pair of heels and sliding them on her feet for her.

"Let's go." He said simply, waiting for her to grab her phone and her purse before he led her out of the room.


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