Chapter 29

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(Tegan's POV)

We couldn't hide on the roof of our friends consignment shop forever, and I surely couldn't hide from my family forever. Luke was going to walk with me home, and make sure everything was okay before he left. Nothing was really okay, but okay for me to go back home. I let out the most relieved sigh when we got close enough to my house to see that my dads car was not in the driveway or the open garage. Just means I can avoid my problems that much longer.

"He's not here." I say as we get closer to my house.

"Where is he then?" He asks.

"I don't know, and really I don't care." I shrugged my shoulders. "Just lets me procrastinate a little bit longer." I stepped through the front gate as my front or swung open.

"Girl I was about to call the cops on you!" Charlotte had ran down the front steps meeting us halfway up the sidewalk. "Are you okay? Where have you been?"

"I'm fine really." I said, noticing my mom come down the stairs inside the house, and glanced over my shoulder. "Besides, it's not like I was by myself." 

"Well I'm glad you're okay." She says.

"Enough about you, how's Jess?" I ask.

"Where have you been?" My mom asked. She sounded more upset and angry with me then relieved I was okay.

"Somewhere safe?" My response came out more like a question. She just looked between the two of us before pointing to me and Charlotte. "You two, inside. Please." Though it didn't sound like she was asking as she started walking back to the house.

"Are you going to be okay?" Luke asks me.

"Yeah I think so." I nodded starting to walk away. "But don't worry, I know where to find you." He watched Charlotte and I walk towards the front door following my mom. 

"When's the last time your mom looked that mad at you?" She whispered to me.

"Probably the time I came home like four hours late from a show." I shrugged.

"Oh yeah I remember that, that was bad." She says. 

"This is going to be worse." I said walking up the steps. "I can feel it."

"So where is this somewhere safe you say you were?" Mom asks as Charlotte shuts the door.

"Luke found me after I ran out, he let me stay in his parents guest room. Just so I had a place to stay." I explained. 

"You could have come to your house." She says, "You know where you parents live?"

"Yeah after what I saw last night, that was my breaking point." I said. "All of us have put up with everything that he has done, probably since, I don't know Sara leaving for college. Which was yeas ago. I've had it, I'm done!"

"What are you going to do? What are we going to do?" She asks. "Where are we gonna go?"

"Well I'll tell you what, if something doesn't change, I'm out of here." I said, and watched Charlottes face change, as my mom and I never argue like this. 

"Where are you going to go?" My mom, almost laughed at me. 

"Anywhere but here. You may not know, but I have more people that love and care about me, more than the people in this house." I quickly answered. 

"You can't rely on a bunch of teenage boys if thats what you're getting at." She shakes her head. "I don't know them like you do but I can tell you can't rely on them to give you what you need."

"Exactly. You don't know them like I do." I say sternly. "So I'm the only one that can tell you for a fact that I would trust those boys with my life. We're there for each other. If one of them needs help, no questions asked, I'll be there. And I know they'd do the same things for me."

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now