Chapter 23

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Friday, January 8th, 1995

(Lukes POV)

"I already hate this." I sighed as Tegan and I walked back into school after winter break. 

"We've literally been here two seconds." She laughs. "How are you already miserable?"

"I'm miserable anytime I'm here." I respond. 

"Well guess what? You got one semester left and you're free from the prison known as High School." She says.

"Can't wait." I said.

"You're like the only person I've ever know that can't wait to be an adult." She smiled.

"I don't necessarily want to be an adult, I just don't want to go to school." I respond. "There is a difference."

"True, but I hate to break it to you, in this world you can't really have one without the other." She kept walking as I stopped at my locker. "See you later!"


Over the winter break, while we were taking a slight break from the band for the holidays, Tegan and I still found time to get together and write. Our first 'session' we had planned she came in dying to show me a song she wrote the night before. Saying the idea just came to her and she had to write it then and there. She showed me the page in her book entitled "Never Be" I hadn't even noticed till then that she signs the bottom of every page of music she writes with just her first name. 

"Never be" was a little less 'rock' then some of our other songs but it was still good, and I could tell it meant a lot to her just by the lyrics.


Saturday, January 9th, 1995

"Merry Christmas to you from us!" Bobby says scanning the pages with 'Never Be'

"Yeah considering I'm close to broke, all my songs are gifts for Christmas, birthdays, Easter and any other holiday or gift giving occasion." Tegan says sitting with me on the couch. "So Merry Late Christmas!"

"Don't forget about 'Heart Attack'." I added flipping the page in the book Bobby was still holding. "That one we wrote together. So Merry Christmas from me too because I am also broke."

"I love Heart Attack, but if we're doing a multiple song set, that needs to be last." Tegan says while the other three looked over the pages.

"Because it's amazing!" Reggie asks.

"Well yes, it's a good song to end on, but it's sung higher and there's more than one big note I have to hit." She explains. 

"It is very demanding for everyone who's on vocals, but yeah there's a good number of money notes." I said. "One of your first performances was Bad Romance, if you handled it then, you can handle this now."

"Oh I'm not worrying about not being able to handle it, I just know my vocal cords are probably going to turn on me if we're not careful." She laughs.


It was one of those rare occasions I let Tegan walk me home after the studio, usually I walk her home, but she insisted and it wasn't too dark yet. We had talked about the new music and our next show before we got to the end of my driveway.

"Well goodnight, see you tomorrow at school?" She says turning to walk the other way.

"Wait hold on, I forgot I have something for you." I said setting down my guitar case and taking my backpack off my shoulder. "I know none of us really did Christmas gifts this year, but I couldn't help myself. I had to get you something." I pulled one of the few t-shirts of mine that I hadn't cut the sleeves off of out of my bag and she immediately recognized it.

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now