Chapter 17

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(Tegans POV)

I stepped into my house after waving goodbye to Luke to a completely empty foyer and dinning room. I looked to my right at our study where my mom usually reads and it was empty as well so I went to the kitchen door and the sign that was there is now gone so I pushed open the door to an empty kitchen. The only thing out of place was a ridiculous amount of dishes in the sink. Jess and Charlotte never leave anything unwashed as soon as my family finishes eating they clean the kitchen until it's spotless. I had a feeling I knew what was going on so I walked up the stairs towards my room. Every door in the hallway was closed, including my door at the end of the hallway. I looked down at the bottom of my door as I opened it slowly my lamp lights flashing on and Jess and Charlotte sitting on my bed screaming,

"Surprise!" I smiled and laughed shutting my door behind me looking around my room at the streamers wrapped around the posts of my bed and my desk lined with all my favorites.

"Happy birthday!" Jess said getting of the bed running towards me. She was about to hug me before she stopped noticing the guitar case I was wearing on my back by the straps. "Char you see this?" She said pointing at it.

"Oh thank god we couldn't afford one." Charlotte laughed.

"We're you going to buy me one?" I asked taking of the case.

"Yeah but she's right we wouldn't make rent if we bought one." Jess said.

"That, that really sucks." I said sadly.

"But who got you that one?" Jess asked.

"Luke did." I said sitting on the bed with the two of them.

"Aww that's so sweet of him." Charlotte said as I opened the case. "How'd he afford this? This things is sweet." 

"He didn't exactly say but I think I know." I said running my hand over the strings. I had a feeling Jack had something to do with this.

"Isn't he the one that brought you into the band?" Jess questioned as I nodded yes. Charlotte got up and brought me over a plate of food.

"Thanks guys." We all ate and I told them about what my band did for me. It was late at night, pretty much all the food was gone and we are all about to head to bed but Jess reached under my bed, pulling out a white gift box.

"Your sister left this when she was here last." She said handing me the box. "I think we are both going to head to bed, but show us what she got you tomorrow."

"Goodnight guys." I said while Charlotte hugged me from behind.

"Happy birthday." Jess said just before they both slipped out my bedroom door. I pulled the lid of the gift box in my hand and smiled at what was inside. Her gold necklace, with a guitar charm on the end. The same one I always tried to steal from her when we were little kids. I put it on my night stand to put on tomorrow morning. I went to put my new guitar away, and felt something other than a smooth surface on back of the neck of the guitar. There was a sentence engraved on the back of the neck, a few inches below where my hand usually rests. It read, 

Every time you sing or play, do it like it's your last, because if there's one thing we've taught each other, live life like it's Now or Never. Happy Birthday.                                                           

- Love, Luke

That really brought a smile to my face. I Loved that reference to my first song I wrote with them. I remember just staring at the engraved words, rereading them to myself over and over, before locking it back in the case, and heading to bed.

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant