Chapter 19

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Saturday, December 5th, 1994

(Tegans POV)

"Wooo I am ready to get back on stage." I said spinning around backstage at our show waiting to go on.

"You say that like we haven't played in forever." Bobby laughs. 

"Cause we haven't." I replied. 

"It's literally been like two weeks." Alex says.

"I know that, but its been way to long." I said. "I'm just so excited because-"

"We're playing your song?" Alex finishes for me. "You've mentioned it more than once today."

"Oh come on let me have some joy. This is a big deal for me." I laughed. "But I can't really do this with out Luke so, where is he?"

"He said he was meeting us here." Bobby shrugs.

"This is why we all come together." Alex adds. "We always go to gigs together because we always loose somebody if we show up separately."

"Like the one time we lost Reggie and played our first song with no Bass guitar." Bobby laughs. 

"Yeah that would be terrible, but I literally can't preform this song without him here, so what are we gonna do?" I asked. 

"Hey I can be your second vocalist." Bobby suggests. 

"Yeah, but even if you were to do that, I still don't have a lead guitarist so......" I added. 

"I'd be a better lead vocalist than you anyway." Reggie says tuning his guitar.

"Guys! We still have a big issue here!"

"Hey guys! Did you see Jacks here?" Luke says running back stage and slightly stopping when he saw me. "Wow that dress does look great."

"Uh-, thank you? Wait, where have you been? You gave me a heart attack! I thought I would have to preform without you!" I asked while he ran around taking his jacket off and opening his guitar case. "We go on in less then five minutes and you're just now getting here?"

"I got caught up at home okay, and I was running a little late to begin with." He explains hooking up his guitar. "Besides, you could sing 'Bright' on your own, you don't need me." 

"That is possibly true, but your also the lead guitarist, so I kind of still need you." I reminded him, since it seems everyone forgot.

"Yeah, I guess you do need me." He smirks sarcastically. "Ready for your debut as a lead song writer?"

"Oh trust me she hasn't stopped talking about it." Alex laughs. 

"Hey, Its a big day for me okay." I said. "And yes, super ready."

"You guys are on in uh, two minutes." One of the stage managers said passing by.

"Alright lets bring it in." Luke says bringing all of us into our circle. "Just like every other night, lets go kill it."

"Can I call it?" I asked.

"Yes, you can call it." Luke answered since he was waiting for me to ask. 

"Sunset Curve on three. One, two, three,"

"Sunset Curve!" 

We waited in the small wings of the small stage, before the stage manager said back stage, "Please welcome our next band, Sunset Curve."

After taking our normal spots on the stage, I waited before the sound of the quiet guitar and slight drumming before taking a breath while Luke gave me that reassuring head nod.

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