Chapter 96: Attacking The Inner Squalor

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The Next day all four of them are walking on foot within the lake city of brynhild 
" Do you all still remember the plan right " Kouha asked.  upon hearing that 
Elsie had a flashback about their discussion last night " Lake city has two
path one is the main road that leads to the inner squalor which is the capital 
City itself. however the main road will be for sure tightly guarded so we will 
be heading from the underground channel of the capital city bryndhir 
once we are at the underground channel we will be using one of the tunnels
That leads to a exit then we will strike at near dusk " then Elsie remembered
The details for the plan " Yeah i do still remember " Elsie nods her head 
Then kouha nods her head as well then they all took the pathway that 
leads to the underground channel. then they found a massive pipe and use it
as a cover and changed their outfit  back to their adventuring equipment 
then they returned their own hair color by changing it back using ether  
" Alright what is the battle plan kouha " Elsie asked " are you sure you want me 
To decide about the battle plan? you're the expedition leader you know " 
Kouha responded " its fine you are more capable of implementing tactics than 
i do "  Elsie responded honestly  " Alright here's the battle plan " Kouha Starts 
Briefing and tells them interesting ways to take down the enemies  

Devilkin soldiers are patrolling the whole city  " You can slashed them 
without being noticed  " Elsie was at the rooftop on her mirage form 
Remember what kouha has suggested for her to do  and she Channels her attribute
on her sword and slashed from the rooftop this Causes the Devilkin patrolling
from the roof of settlements to get slashed Into half from within inside them 
" its true its more effective this way. she has a terrifying tactical mind " then 
She jumps to the next area and kept the same method meanwhile Erasia 
lurks in their shadows using her race's racial skill  shadow motion she points 
her fingers from their shadows and channels electricity within their armor and
Swords and stuns them with shock. then they get taken down by being hit in 
The head by sonic blow from a katar.  Erasia emerges from the shadow and 
Sheila unveils her wind cloak making her emerge from the air itself 
" Nicely done " Sheila praises erasia  " You too " Then both of them decides 
To perform the sneak attacks in the ground taking out devilkin soldiers 
by large numbers meanwhile Kouha uses her ether vision and locates 
the ambush units at the center of the town " One two three four five...
twenty... Fifty four... one hundred fifty two " She counted then she kept her 
Ether vision toggled on and unsheathes her sword and channels her upon 
it then she throws her sword from the window of the tower and controls 
its movement using her mind and commands it to slash the devilkin
soldiers that are positioned to ambush any adventurers upon reaching 

This  central part of the " Alright clear now to take out the sentries
before the bodies gets spotted she then recalls her sword back to her
hand and flicks the blood away then sheathes it then she strafes with 
her index finger and shoots ether bullets from her finger tips and silently
Snipes down the sentry guards one by one in order for them not to spot 
The suspicious body piles that are in the nooks and cranny of the central town
" Alright that's about it now to wait for the others here "  Kouha stated then she 
Slant her back against the walls of the tower.  back near central.  Erasia creedps 
from shadows to shadows marks the devilkin warriors with her lightning mark and
then moves away from Their shadow " do it now Sheila "  Erasia said then sheila o
 her wind form Generates a lightning charged and throws a lightning thrust at one 
Warrior the moment it hits one it bounces to another one. the lightning thrust continues
Bouncing from one warrior to another this thanks to the lightning mark made by 
Erasia that guides the lightning thrust to hit each one of them. then a bunch of 
The Devilkin Archers got thrown off the building with stabbed wounds on their
Chests and some are severed into half from a slash that comes from inside them 
Then both erasia and sheila regroups with Elsie into the rooftop  " Looks like
We are done here " Elsie unveils her mirage form and shiela toggled off her wind
form  " Yeah " Erasia responded to Elsie then Sheila takes a look from above 
" It is indeed a squalor " She describes the situation of the capital city itself"

" the capital is connected to the palace after all. i am guessing some people 
Had managed to fled. and those who are not fortunate remained to get used 
as labor till they are unable to manage the city and later fell ill " Elsie says as 
She and the two girls proceeds to walk their way towards the tower. 
Sheila upon seeing the slayed ambush units and sentries using her energy 
Sight and whistles " Looks like you work faster than the three of us "  
Elsie says as they approached Kouha and Regrouped with her  " Well we 
never thought we will be performing stealth killing on expedition though"
Sheila shrugs her shoulders as she says that " Well you do agree that its more
efficient than having to deal one wave to another right?" Kouha responded 
and the three nods their head in agreement. " What's next now kou?"  Elsie 
Asked " We're gonna enter the castle and invade it and kill every single one
of them and there wait for evil king to return. judging how prideful devilkin 
are they wont run away even there's danger right in front of them " Kouha
Responded while smirking  " is that why we need to wait for the dusk? 
Sheila asked  " yeah according to the information that you and elsie got. 
The Evil king leaves his throne by afternoon in order to meet with his 
Nobles to discuss war plans against cygnus right.  looks like he has 
Issues with the empress.  now i know you guys are sent here to strike 
First against him.  then he returns by the dusk to sit in the throne 
and listen to his magistrates reporting the situation and events that had
Taken a place in Bryndh " Kouha explains to the two of them briefly 
And the two nods their head hinting that they understood her 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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