Chapter 67: A Year Together -3

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one morning. after taking a morning walk. haru immediately looks for Kouha 
she doesn't need to look around anymore as she already knew the places that 
the princess should be. one of them is the craft room she proceed to go there
then she opens the door and sees kouha was indeed in there. but what haru 
Saw has left struck in Awe.  it was not what kouha was working on. 
the ray of the early morning sun hitting on Kouha's skin the beauty of her 
Light skin glistens,  the color of pale reddish lips, those pretty sharp red eyes 
Haru was in awe in this very moment.  She has indeed seen Kaohu's beauty 
up close before. but she didn't expect that Kouha will be such a well endowed 
beauty  "Hmm? oh haru! just in time i want you to help me with something! " 
Kouha hollered at her. as usual she's brimming with positivity and energy 
Haru couldn't help but to follow  this positivity and energy it is as if she has become
clingy towards it "Your positivity really reels me in.  you are so majestic that 
I couldn't take my eyes off you " Haru's internal thoughts about Kouha herself 
" Yes what is it princess?"  she asked . then kouha handed over a very modern 
rectangular device that is about pocket size " Eh?! isn't this the devicers that 
The adventurers guild in cygnus uses isn't it?? " Haru was shocked and 
Kouha nodded then smiled at her. haru remembers reading a manual about 
it and she turns it on and she was surprised by the amount of time and effort 
That Kouha had poured to produced such sophisticated technology 

" lets see... " Then Haru starts browsing " Friend system.. sending and accepting 
Friend requests from a fellow adventurers. also reveals their current location " 
Haru reads the functions of the devicer " also it records the items that you 
Looted from dungeons and Mines " Haru finished reading " so what do you 
Think? hehe " Kouha asked and haru looked at her in the eyes " well its a 
Very good thing to have. very useful when going on a adventure but outside
of adventuring its really just a bland device " Haru says her findings " Ah
Even you think so too haru "  Kouha states "ehh " she then scratch the back of 
her head " you asked me for help could it be that you want my opinion in this
one?" Haru asked curiously " Yup that's right! " Kouha answers happily 
" So what do you think? what sort of addition do you think would fit  in the 
Devicer?" She asked and Kouha nods her head happily " I heard that you 
Recently developed recording devices for music making and made some 
small technology that input disc games and such" Haru asked to confirm it 
And  Kouha nods her head " How about some functions like able to listen
To a music through it and play games without needing a disc " Haru suggested
happily " Hmm" Kouha places her right hand to her chin with her left hand is 
holding her Elbow and thinks " That's really a great idea haru! " Kouha's 
Loving her idea made Haru happy in the inside prompting her to smile 

" Thanks haru! now i know what kind of things that i needed to add. 
a very complex attribute stones with very linked and rooted commands
Program attribute, selection attribute, Artificial mind, Attribute 
Update, navigation, install, play, choosing, and many more commands " 
By thinking  what she want to do next pumps her up " Princess can i 
atleast how to craft?" Haru asked " eh? are you sure? these kind of 
activity is very length and time consuming you know " Kouha rubs her 
cheeks with her index " Well i don't mind. after all i am free to learn
What i want to learn aren't i?" haru responded with a smile and 
Kouha blinks her eyes three times and chuckle " Yeah you are right " 
Then she smiled back at haru. then she proceed to give haru a practical 
lecture she was teaching haru while  performing crafts and haru also 
Listens and watches attentively. they started from basics first then to
the expert or master difficulty.  Kouha taught haru.  to smelt, forge
mold and to shape,  then she also taught haru how synthesize and 
to compound items together she taught haru everything that she knew 
About crafting and it took her a month to do so . with erasia constantly 
bring them meal and dried laundered clothes. but kouha didn't mind of 
How tiring it is as for her teaching haru is very fulfilling in her part 

one noon. at the back of the castle erasia was laying out and hanging 
the laundry at the hanging lines with clothes pins and hangers. these 
hanging lines are made with the metaled silk. that can hold a hundred tons
this again was also a creation of kouha.  Haru walks towards erasia and 
Watch her hanging the laundry for them to dry.  "hmm?"  Erasia turns around
Noticing her" oh you don't have to help me out this time. just take your time 
To rest " Erasia says as she starts clipping the clothes in with the clothes pin
Haru still looking at her silently " are you perhaps still wondering if being 
Free is a luxury that you should have?"  Erasia stops what she is doing and
Turned around and sees Haru's surprised reaction. " so i was right " she added
" Since six years ago. I've always been about wanting to become a good queen 
consort by just indulging myself  on fulfilling that duty no matter what. 
as that's what the aristocrats from both of our countries wants me to do " 
Haru voices out  " so you always believed by fulfilling that duty is something 
That was set for you to do. and didn't think much of indulging into things that 
can be only noticed and enjoyed with freedom.  you see the freedom as rather 
a luxury but not as a right to follow " Erasia stated and haru's smile against her 
statement confirms that she's right on her observation about haru " that's
Something that i can't deny " Haru added.  then Erasia looks at the maids 
through the window. that are doing their daily routine of their jobs 

" Helping people is probably a trait that she's born with. our princess 
That is " Erasia comments.  " From what i have been seeing.  you and 
princess seems to have a good relationship " Haru states and and 
Erasia smiled at her as she crosses her arms " Princess Kou doesn't 
Looks down on commoners she regards us as people of nation. unlike 
How aristocrats sees us.  she even dares me to be casual towards her
of course i wouldn't do that i adore her as both my master and
My savior.  after all she's the only one who help me during my lowest
and darkest time To me she's the light that i respect deeply. and that i don't
mind giving her my full loyalty " Erasia states and turns around to continue
hanging the laundry up " You two really have a solid bond " Haru responded
With a smile  " I Too used to think that my worth is measured through the 
Expectations and ideals of others. i always obeyed my parents back then 
And i would try to do something about it to be praised by them. i have been 
Living like that. until the very same mindset started to destroy me slowly both 
Mentally and physically. that's why i am really grateful to princess kouha 
For showing me that only me can decide and measure my own worth 
through living my life everyday.  " Erasia turned around and smiled at haru
After responding to her " That's why you shouldn't dwell on such unnecessary
details. just grasp the freedom and live your life everyday with it. you 
Always have it you just had forgotten about it " Erasia smiled after giving 
her advise to haru then haru nod and smile genuinely and it was this moment 
That haru finally knew that freedom is very versatile thing to have 

[To Be Continued ] 

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