Chapter 9: Battle at Sea - 2

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Meanwhile at the Deck of the ship. Fuchsia and Nedesko's fight still at it. 
Fuchsia throws a double spinning heel kicks. Nede evades the first one and caught 
The other's heel at the second kick and slams the back of her Shoes at the 
Spinal area of Fuchsia staggering her Nede followed it up with scissor kick 
Fuchsia bends her body backwards and slides through Nede's attacking range  
And throws a a hook at Nede's Jaw and nede retaliated back using a liver blow 
Both of them staggers from each other's punch Fuchsia presses on and throws   
one-two Nede backsteps from each attempts and Fuchsia does a tornado kick 
Nede Catches her foot and elbow strikes her side off the knee then she shoves 
Fuschia away and delivers a chopus sweep at Her sternum knocking Fuchsia away 
then fuchsia does a kip up and swiftly throws a knife at nedesko faster than the eye 
Nedesko instinctively dodge grazing her cheek and quickly turns around grabs the 
the knife mid air and throws it back at Fuchsia lodging the knife at her shoulder 
Then Fuchsia pulled out the knife off her shoulder and toss it away and smirked 
then nedesko responded by light a smile at her opponent  

" Reloading. Cover me " Kyle requested " Affirmative sir " one of the Guard 
Responded one of the guard comes close to him and fires at the monsters 
While Kyle pulls out a magazine from his vest and resumes firing at the sea monsters 
then hilde stops firing and reloads her submachine gun but a monster 
Rams itself at her causing her to drop her MP5 on the floor then the same 
Monster lunges at her and she swiftly slides her energy knife from her Gown's 
Sleeve and and slid its throat and quickly pulls her handgun off her thigh holster
And Fires at the incoming waves of monsters while picking up her Submachine 
Gun at the same kyle and others supports fire her taking down many of those monsters 
Deon reloads his handgun and continues firing some monsters decides to take a 
Split path the others decides to climb at the side of stage but Bruji takes them down 
the guards from the back exit quickly backs her up and shoots them down as well 
" can someone get Whiu? " Bruji yelled " Nah we can't move from here need as many 
Hands as we could splitting our numbers now is not ideal " Olga yelled back as she 
Keeps firing at the sea monsters nailing attribute empowered bullets at their heads
" Looks like we have to wait for her to notice eventually so until then " Kyle reloads 
His Sub machine gun and continues firing " Stand your ground soldiers! stay frosty! " 
Kyle yelled " Sir yes sir! "  The counterforce guards responded loudly and assists at firing 

The ocean suddenly roared and shaken up " oh that can't be good " one of the soldiers in 
The fleet stated then the waves suddenly starts to retreat backwards and the water suddenly 
Starts spinning " Here it comes boys! power on the magnetism link! " one of the soldiers 
Yelled at the the radio then all of the assault ships of the fleet on both sides of the SSS Avalon
Has powered on their Magnetism linking device causing them to be linked by at the ship 
Through the cultivated and innovated magnetic force "Don't falter Keep firing!" then the 
Counterforce soldiers then whips out their Attribute channeling Assault rifles and 
Strafes. as the Whirlpool starts forming more and more of sea monster hordes has 
Emerged from the body of waters "Fire!" the Fleet Captain shouts an order and the 
Soldiers open fires at the Sea monsters that are advancing towards the ship 
Olga tapped her ear com receiving reports from the fleet outside as the guards 
Cover for her  " Wilco. i am going to inform them about the situation. also 
Keep firing on. its our job to prevent anymore casualty " Olga responded " Wilco 
Commander "  The Fleet captain responded and Olga looked at bruji  " Bruji " She 
Called out to her and Bruji turns towards her while firing at the monsters " Yes?" 
Bruji hollered at Olga back " Listen up Bruji we got a sudden situation and it needs 
Immediate action! " Olga hollers and Bruji nodded her head at her . 

Then Bruji passed her automatic shotgun to Deon and the other caught it 
and Bruji gets off the stage and the guards that were assisting her takes over 
then she grabbed the announcing device that is connected to all speakers in the 
Room " Attention everyone on board. this is the owner speaking we got a situation 
that has suddenly arisen an whirlpool occurred please do not panic and hold onto 
Something that will anchor you as the ship will be continuously the titled and be 
Dragged by the force of the whirlpool please follow the cautionary we will do our 
To ensure your safety " Bruji finishes announcing and the people nodded their head 
decided to grab onto the metal ledges of the ships and some immovable objects that 
Are installed in the ship. possibly built for the sea trouble situations like these 
Deon passes back the shotgun back to Bruji and pulls out his handgun again then 
Both of them continues shooting down the monsters. Whiu upon hearing the 
Announcement proceeds  to take her weapon case from one of the lockers and 
Assembles her great axe and its blades on both sides emits Razor sharp 
Wind  coating due to the Attribute stone that she placed onto it then she spins her 
Great axe and wields it with its cleaving blades facing the ground then she took a 
Side glance at the people " You guys stay here. don't be a hero and wait for the 
Announcement of safety and clearance " she demanded and the people nodded 
Their head in fear of her intimidating glare. then she rushes out of the gambling 
Station. while at the Ship's deck nedesko and fuchsia are on stood still despite 
Both of them are bleeding from their gums and nose " So you are using a 
boots empowered by gravity attribute huh " Fuchsia pointed out " Agnes made 
These for us so that even we don't have attribute powers like you guys. atleast 
We can fight and help somehow " Nedesko responded which prompted Fuchsia 
To Laugh at her statement because to her hearing that kind of thing from a 
Powerless human is hilarious but there's no hint of underestimation on nedesko
either as Fuchsia recognizes her skills despite having no power to control attributes 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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