Chapter 91: Preparation for expedition

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" That reminds me how long is our expedition this time " kouha asked them
" About a month if we are fast enough. and about 2 months if we are slow " 
Shiela answered " Fair point " Erasia responded " let's say 2 months Kou" 
Elsie responded " 2 months huh. i guess we'll be needing around 50 zell "
Kouha calculated the expenses needed " So fast! " Shiela reacted  " Well
She's a business woman after all " Erasia states internally. " Ain't that 
Too much to ask something like that ? whom are we gonna ask? 
Freym Pia? " eh 50 zell is too much? i made that kind of amount in a day 
Though? true it will be reasonable to use my own money instead but 
I want to experience hardships though " Kouha also states internally 
" well you'd know we get there "  Kouha responded then both shiela and 
Elsie nods their head and decided to follow her all the way. then later as 
they entered a very large and glamorous looking mansion their face 
Turned pale upon meeting Keliana obellon " H-Hey don't tell me that the
Associate we are meeting today is is-- "  Shiela is too shaken to say 
" Miss Keliana Obellon??"  Elsie says in her stead but with a shock too 
" Yup that's right "  Kouha casually responded while nodding her head

" There isn't a single person in cygnus never heard about miss obellon 
You know! " Shiela panickingly responded to kouha's casual answer
" My My for the No1. and no.2 adventurers in the guild to hear about my name
I must have been that a famous person like young kouha here says "  Keliana
then chuckled softly " Miss Kou has visited me so i am guess that you 
are going to expedition now?. my you had made quite alot of progress when
we met first time you are still porcelain now you are a sapphire ranked 
Adventure. that's a no small feat "  Keliana praises her " Thank you for your
praises. about the budget for this expedition i estimated to be around 50 
Zell " Kouha says the exact amount she needed " That's about 2 months 
long of expedition no?"  Keliana also made the same estimation " Yes 
it is Miss Keliana " Kouha then nods her head " Well i guess business
women do think alike " Erasia says internally while grinning mildly 
" no problem i did promised that i will support your expeditions after all"
Keliana then grabbed a pouch containing amount of 50 zell from her 
vault. " she had gained miss obellon's support??"  both elsie and shiela
Stated interanlly with a shock expression painted on their face 

" Thank you very much ill be sure to bring home souvenirs for you" 
Kouha takes the money pouch " Ill be waiting for it it then "Keliana 
gently chuckles then four of them bade her a good bye then left 
her abode. while walking back to the guild town shiela asked kouha
" so where are we going now? " then kouha smiles " Guild town's 
Sea port " Kouha answered " Sea port?" both elsie and shiela tilts 
Their head in wonder  " Yes i got us a transport for our expedition" 
Kouha replied " A Transport?! you really thought ahead while still in
The lowest rank "  Shiela was amazed " Yeah never thought that I'd 
get an easy transport for expedition considering it was not a easy 
to get even one caravan let alone a sailing ship you're really something
else " Elsie praises her  " you're praising me too much " Kouha stated
While smiling modestly as erasia nods her head many times in agreement
Then the moment they had arrived at the sea port they were shock even more
because instead of a sailing ship.  it was rather a Ferry refitted into a Light
Battleship " My word... " Elsie was lost for words.  "Oh Kouha meow! " 
Felinnung noticed as he and the others such as hamish and grannol are
helping the ship's crews load the supplies and shiela was too stunned 
by how well rounded kouha is when it comes to preparation towards exploring
" as expected from princess " Erasia smiled while saying inside her mind 

" Supplies are loaded Ma'am when we will be leaving?" Captain farland asks
" Tomorrow in the dawn captain " Kouha responded  " Affirmative where should
Be our destination Ma'am "  He asked where they are headed to " Hmm that 
Would be Bryndh  right?"  She turn to face elsie " Right it is Bryndh" 
Elsie speaks to confirm the destination " Affirmative will fuel the ship with
Gasnites for a four days trip to Bryndh's waters " Captain farland gives
his word that he and his crew will do the maintenance on the ship before 
Leaving  " here's one for you captain and crew " she handed to him 
10 zells to him " isn't it too much Ma'am?" he asked " its fine i pay my 
Associates fair and square "  then captain farland bows " we will do our 
best during the expedition " he added  " Here's yours felinnung" 
she handed 10 zell to him " Oh my! thank you meow! " felinnung seems
happy by the amount he received  " Here's yours  Hamish " She handed
another 10 zell to the food merchant " thank you adventurer but you
didn't have to pay us we give our support to you for free " hamish 
Thanked her and thanked the coin " he's right you know " Grannol 
added " yes but these supplies are not easy to obtain and i am 
paying for what they had cost. ill be going on expeditions here and on
i don't want you to get poor because of me " Kouha says as she handed the 
10 zell to grannol. and he takes it " Thanks you're really kind hearted " The 
old dwarf was happy by her response then she turn around to face Elsie and
Shiela " We'll meet here at dawn? just to make sure that you'd wait for us " 
She asked  " yes we will i promise i swear it on my name as a fairchild " 
Elsie answers honestly then kouha nods her head " well we will see you later" 
then four of them left the port and goes on their separate ways for today 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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