Chapter 42: Mason's Past

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" If Walker was the one who had purest desire to become a soldier among us then 
Elvira herself is already a soldier and reinstated her Job after she met commander"
Cherish briefs " Yup that's right " Elvira proudly replied and they all chuckled 
Then they all raise their glass and bumps it together to perform a cheer. 
" Well she did trained us along with Commander after all and she too got trained by 
Commander " Walker added and they all chuckled " True thanks to her we are
battle ready on battlefield " Kyle responded to that and drinks from his bottle 
" so whose turn is it?" he asked  "that will be mine sir " Mason responded as he 
poured whisky to his glass and drinks " it all started from the day that i was released
From the prison "  he shook his glass as he starts narrating about his backstory 

Cloudy that day at the entrance of the arizona state prison. " Someone bailed 
You from Jail. You're Lucky this time Mason Doe and please do not go back in 
Here again " The Warden bade mason "I will warden thank you " Mason responded 
With his head hung down he stared at the pavement emptily until his girlfriend 
Hugs him from behind " its alright i know everything will be alright " His Girlfriend 
Snuggles him and he shed a tear silently these are for his lover because she too 
has suffered from the consequences of his action he committed years ago 
" I know you don't have to shed a tear for me I'll be always here in your 
Side supporting you even at your darkest " His girlfriend assures him.  then after 
That short reunion both of them went home. to their old apartment in Nevada 
In there Mason rest for many days until his mentality is ready for the outside world again

Mason then started looking for job to help his girlfriend to pay for their bills and 
Expenses to pay the rent as well. he decided to go on Job hopping he would proceed 
To look for companies that accepts high school level workers. his attempts on finding 
Job all led to failure because of his criminal record and that was branded as the child 
Killer the very crime that damages his reputation and no working industries are 
Willing to accept him to work for them. Mason would came home every night 
Depressed and his girlfriend always cuddle with him to cheer him up and then she 
Said to him " Don't worry Dear ill pay for our expenses as long i am able to. please 
Don't give up upon finding a Job i am somewhere there is a person  willing to 
Hire you without a care about your criminal record" His girlfriend Stella comforts 
him which makes him smile " yeah you are right thank you. i will keep trying and 
Trying  until i am accepted " That gave mason a gusto to try on finding Job again

Not wanting to a dead weight to stella. Mason would go apply as handyman but 
was straight up got rejected again. he would also applied for labor jobs like 
Carpenter, field laborer and electrician or even a pipefitter and fixer but all 
of them were turned down and rejected because they thought he was 
Gonna sneak upon them to steal them from and kill them afterwards since 
He has a reputation for killing a child which led them to believe that he 
Would even murder the elderly. mason one day stumbled upon the 
Kid is about to be attacked by an entity. mason decides to saves the kid by
 wearing His gloves that is refitted into a bladed gauntlet using door's 
Sliding lock as a slide for the combat knife that slides out and in from the 
chambers that is made from the car's muffler and a leather bag  Mason 
Swiftly kills the entity by striking it from the back of its head and slides 
In the knife back to the chamber " are you alright kid?" he lends his hand to 
The little boy. the kid looked at him smiling and reaches out for his hand 

" Honey! stay away from that man!" the mother yelled then rushes forward 
and slapped mason hard then the father yanks mason up through his 
Clothes's collar " Don't you ever approached my child you filthy Child 
Killer " then he pushes mason away with a such a force that mason ended 
Up falling on his buttocks.  then mason walked away. on his way home 
Decided to drop by at the convenience store to buy some cold beer 
Then heads towards sits at the bench infront of the fountain. Olga sat beside 
Him also holding a cold beer " you look troubled young man?" she asked as
She drinks from her bottle " I have alot of troubles lady " He responded as he 
opened his bottle and drinks. " well... it goes like this " he starts telling olga of 
What happened to him years ago why he was imprisoned until he was bailed
they both drink their beers and as the sun slowly sets down 

"Late night in the dark alleys of Nevada a 13 yearr old mason was seen chasing 
Something. damn you child eating entity i wont let you kill another young 
child Mason keeps running while looking around " where is he where is
That child eating monster " Then he suddenly heard a loud scream of 
Horror it sounded like a child's scream he hurriedly followed the location
of the scream but the moment he arrived there. the entity had Successfully 
devoured a little girl. the entity is a size of a child also has a appearance 
That of a child but it shows its horrendous form in front of mason 
" Alright does that it! " Mason point his glove's fingers at it and fires the 
Finger tips at the entity and it blankets out nets causing the entity to be 
Shackled then Mason rushes towards it and bashes its head against the 
Pavement to stun it " This is for Stella's little sister you piece of shit " 
Then he pulls out a combat knife and stabbed it in the heart killing it 
Instantly. but the officers saw him performing the coupe de grace 
" You there! stop! you are under arrest for committing a murder! " 
one of the police officer hollered while pointing a gun at him 

Then some of the police arrives gun pointing at him as well 
" Murder but this is... " Mason looked down and widened his eyes
In realization that this Entity only reveals its true form to one
person and appears as a human child to the other humans 
Mason then drops the knife and gets on his knees and raises both 
of his hands up then one of the officers proceeds to perform the arrest 
the time mason finishes telling his side of story it was already night time 
" so you got arrested for a crime that you didn't commit " Olga then places 
The bottle on the trash can beside her " Yeah no one would ever believe me 
Anyways only my girlfriend does  " Mason responded as he drinks his beer 
then olga stood up and turns her back around " Humans tends to believe 
on What they see rather than trying to uncover the truth behind something  
That kind of mentality wont be ever removed from the mindset of people 
But let me tell you this mason doe " hearing his name makes mason looks 
At olga with surprise " Doubting each other is the first foundation of trust 
and trust is slowly build as you get to know each other more. however 
Doubting one person for something they are not that is simply the 
Shallowness of humanity that would go on for eras and generations 
but you should never doubt yourself  " after giving him a counsel she left 
Mason was touched he stood up and bows at olga as she walked away 

Two days later on his way home from another failed job interview he 
Stumbled upon a Entity attack Just infront of a family restaurant Police 
and the Army are fighting it with their guns they would get impaled by 
Tendrils and getting fed into the entity's massive mouth " Looks like 
the police force and the army can't beat it... but what i can do.. i am 
Merely a passerby... " Then just when is about to lose hope he saw an 
Unconscious armored soldier nearby " Sorry sir ill be borrowing this for 
Awhile " he took the the armor from the soldier and donned it for his self 
the family screamed in horror from watching the police and the soldiers 
Getting butchered and devoured alive by the dinosaur like entity that 
uses tendrils to catch and eat humans then it shot tendrils from its 
Mouth aiming for the pregnant woman the woman screamed for 
Her life. then Mason wearing a power armor slides into the scene and
Catches the tendrils pulling the monster towards him and punched 
it on the head knocking it about four meters and half apart from them 

then the Entity generates a super charged ionized energy and 
Shots it from its mouth towards the restaurant with the intention of 
Obliterating it into ashes. then mason rushes infront of the restaurant 
And Performs a cross arm guard activating the armor's defensive 
Capacity but the energy burst like a stream of water fired from the
Faucet it continuous flowing against mason.  " Warning High levels of 
Energy detected Warning Damage Detected " The Armor's Ai warns 
Him " Hngkk! " he could also felt the damage connecting to him  
" This thing is melting through the armor's defense and the 
Armor itself " I Never expected that there's a person who have a 
talent to operate power suits " Mason heard Olga's voice and she 
Saw approaching them " You are the lady from two nights ago!" 
Mason recognizes " Good that you still remember me mason doe " 
Olga responded as She cuts the energy burst of the Entity effortlessly 
Causing to wane " Did she... just cut energy???"  mason couldn't believed 
What he had saw then the Entity angrily charges towards them with 
Mouth open ready to devour " Look out lady! " Mason hollered then 
Olga grabbed it by its Snot " so how's life outside of Arizona mason?"

Olga asked as she effortlessly stopped the Entity's attack and 
It tries to overpower her in strength but fails to do so " how did 
You know that i was imprisoned at Arizona?"  Mason asked in wonder 
" I was the one who bailed you after all. i had did some investigation 
And wrote a petition of freedom for you using my authority " Olga 
Responded as she finishes off the Entity by crushing its whole head 
with her grip " No man should ever be kept inside the bars for a 
Misunderstanding " she added " You said that you used your authority 
To set me free. Just who are you lady? " He asked " Oh right i forgot 
To introduce myself i am olga the leader and founder of the counterforce"
She then lends her hand to him " Now i know that you have the talent to 
Operate power suits. so i am offering this Job to you. Join my force 
Mason doe you are very much welcome here " Mason looks at her hand 
Hesitating " You can doubt me now but i can assure you that no one 
In counterforce would judge you for your past that alone is my 
Word i could guarantee as a commander to her counterforce " 
Olga gives him assurance " You have a big heart of gold. you 
Still help and save the helpless no matter how many times they had 
Misjudged you that alone is enough for me to call you as one of us
The defenders of humanity " she added. then mason grabs her hand 
with both of his hands while shedding tears of Joy and relief 
" Then ill be in your care commander please accept me i will do everything 
to become one of you " He pleaded his loyalty which caused her to smile 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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