Chapter 16: Leah vs Kyle

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Elvira Slowly turns around.  " Leah Shine. the Deputy Leader of the Evil Bellows 
I Heard you are a tough and formidable " Elvira squinted her eyes this time she's 
Serious " I gonna ask you to kindly to step away from my Subordinate " Leah 
asked " then my answer is no. its our duty as the counterforce agents to put 
Criminals like you behind the bars  " Elvira responded to  her and Leah sighed 
" Whatever floats your boat " She added.  " Enhance Physiology Superhuman " 
Elvira enhances her entire physiology into superhuman levels then She 
Bolt at Leah at Super Speed " Enhance Maximum Punching power " Elvira 
Rearing her fist and punched Leah but her punches only phased Leah's face 
Then Leah Knee strikes Elvira bypassing her Superhuman Withstandability 
Elvira then head butts her but she phased through Leah's entire being  then 
the Leah she pass through was an afterimage as Leah was already infront of her 
Grabbing from the collar yanking her up and punches her with Tachyon coated Fist 
knocking her at irrelevant speed Elvira got impacted against the wall and wobbles 
Down Leah's fist flashed before her eyes but couldn't react to it causing the uppercut 
To knock her off her Feet " I Can't get a hit on her not only she has Light Physiology 
She also uses Light combat and Tachyon empowering. She's indeed formidable 
Like they say " Blood Trickling down from Elvira's Lips " You must be surprised aren't you 
Despite your enhanced superhuman defenses i can still penetrate it like this " 

Leah pointed her index Finger Elvira. she got holed wounds from both shoulders 
And Her Thighs she bleeds from both of them " I don't know how you are doing 
That but " forcefully clutched the pavement below them and Flips it upside down 
Causing both of them to fall down from that floor while free falling Leah utilizes 
The light perception of Elvira's eyes blinding her superhuman sight within then 
She moves at irrelevant speed and attacks Elvira from all angles. despite to be 
Seemingly haven't moved from her free falling position then elvira fell down 
On the pavement bloodied. then Leah transforms her right food onto Light Lance
then a void bullet fired at her foot causing the light lance to be negated " Don't 
Tell me.. " Then Leah Turns around saw Kyle Riding an Armored Bicorn. he 
Also donned hooded black mantle with  a modernized black knight suit 
Kyle was Strafing a Lance modified Shotgun " Kyle Thanis " Leah then Moved 
Her hand onto the unsheathed Katana she has carried that is held on her waist 
then She unsheathed it revealing that its a bladeless sword then she channeled 
her Attribute upon it it becomes  Proto Tachyon Sword  she gets into striking stance

" Sir Kyle... " Elvira saw Kyle facing against leah then loses her consciousness 
Kyle Fires Void at Leah. the other Evades by turning her entire being into a 
Traveling Ray light then one of the ray of lights there comes out her 
Hand wielding the Proto Sword Striking at him at His Chest area  then 
Kyle Pulls his Reigns up causing the bicorn to Neigh and Rising its front feet 
Up and Pounds Down the Sword causing Leah to reform body with light itself
Blocking the Ground Pound attack of bicorn  Kyle Jumps off from his Horse 
And Kicks Leah in the face knocking her away. the other stomps her foot 
Down and skids backwards a little. " Your Attribute is Darkness after all. my 
natural counter. and you are happen to be my natural Enemy Kyle " Leah 
Spits blood from her  mouth " Yeah. i am your natural enemy " Kyle shoots void 
Bullets at her and she dodges  kyle strafe chases with his lance gun and keeps 
Firing void bullets at her and she kept dodging then Leah held her sword horizontally 
reflecting Kyle's reflection on her Proto Sword. then half of harm vanishes in blink 
of eye Kyle caught her blade with barehand Leah seemingly to have warp her 
Hand using Light to attack Kyle as he used Kyle's reflection and the reflection of 
Kyle's light perception to preform the warping slash. but Leah also Caught Kyle's 
Lance Gun's Skewering Stab with her barehands Kyle used the shadow portal to 
also Warped his attack through Leah's Shadow though both of them 

Seemingly grazed Each other's Side Neck " Sneaky " Kyle commented in a 
Deadpanned voice  " Look who is talking " Leah Responded to him with 
nonchalant voice  then Kyle pulls the Trigger of  his Lance gun and it fired a 
Void bullet at Point blank range. leah notices it and Barely Dodges it  and it 
Grazed her cheek Leah reforms her arm and sword back and lets go off 
Kyle's lance gun and side steps evading another shot then kyle wields the 
Gun with both hands and strafes at her performs a rapid firing of void bullets 
At her this time he applied ricochet attribute to his bullets with his bullets
Bouncing at omnidirectional state. it give no time for Leah to evade them with 
Her Light Physiology forcing her to evade with her acrobatic skills " Fine i will 
Withdraw for now " Leah stated as she quickly maneuvers towards the  
Unconscious Svenia and picks her up then she performs acrobatic flips 
to dodge the bullets and back jumps away from the building through the broken
Glass window " I Really don't want to let you go. but this time saving my comrade 
is a priority. there wont be a next time. Leah Shine " Kyle snapped his fingers causing 
The ricocheting bullets to dissipate. then she walks towards the Unconscious Elvira 
And Picks her up and carries her on her shoulder. then he spun a heel toward his 
Bicorn and climbs on it and mounts it on while carrying elvira on his shoulder then 
he slams his reign causing bicorn to neigh and it runs out of building and it runs 
Into the night skies using the darkness itself as if its pavement for its hooves 
Kyle commanded his Bicorn to head towards the direction of Counterforce's Headquarters 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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