Chapter 99: Bryndh's Freedom

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Meanwhile Kouha was sitting in front of the fountain at the center of the Bryday 
working on the core that she is developing she begins making the slots for it 
And the placer or holder in the center.  meanwhile Elise and Sheila were Assisting
The soldiers for the arrest of the corrupt nobles after an five hours then they 
Were brought to where Kouha was  " here we got them all  kou" Elsie said as she
Slammed one of the nobles onto the pavement " What should we do with them?"
Sheila asked as she kicked one of the corrupt causing him to fall on his knees and 
Points her katar at the back of his head " Execute them " Kouha says as she put 
away the core to her bag  " Wait a minute you're just gonna execute us! we 
have families too! " one of the nobles raised his voice at her and Erasia then 
Cuts his head off his neck with a very cold anger painted on her face " Nobody 
Dares to Raise their voice at my lady "  Erasia says in cold yet angered tone 
" Families? Oh please don't kid yourselves did it occur to all of you as well 
that you are also endangering and damaging the families of this country as well
Nonsense all of you is think for yourselves! without the people the country is 
Nothing. there's no people there's no king! " Kouha berates them angrily 

" Ill Carry your orders "  Elsie bows after hearing her speech then she personally 
Execute all the nobles one by one severing their head off their neck after the 
Corrupt nobles  has fallen all of the People of Bryndh Yelled happily and 
Rejoice loudly after Five years of torment and abuse and inconsideration 
from the hands of the Evil King and his Peers " Now we don't have a king 
or a ruler I'd fear that we will turn into lawless country" Darcey.  Darscia's 
Older sister expresses her worries  " Why not you become the new queen 
of this country then?" Kouha sugggested " Ehhhh Me?!! " Darcey was 
Surprised by her suggestion " You're a former adventurer and a former
Military commander for the old king.  that means you have the 
knowledge over wartime and security and politics at best and that's 
Why there's no one here fit for the role to rule other than you " 
Then Darcey turns around upon hearing that all of the people and the 
Soldiers and guards of the country nods their head in agreement 
" I am quite beat for today we will be leaving back to cygnus for tomorrow
I Bid you best wishes New Queen of Bryndh " Kouha pats Darcey's 
Shoulder twice then she turned around and walked away,  Elsie and 
Sheila and Erasia bows to her as they turn around and followed Kouha 

Tomrrow night As Kouha About to board the ship  " Milady!" she heard
Darcey's voice and she turned around " Here to see me off?" Kouha 
Asked and smiles " Yes " Darcey responded. she's wearing the queen's 
Attire which signifies Bryndh's theme.  " I also want to let you know 
That you are one of the saviors of this country if one day need my 
help and our help Remember that Bryndh has your back even if the 
Entire World is your Enemy we wont turn our back against you 
Just like you did for us " Darcey smiled then she hugged kouha and 
the other hugged her back " For the behalf of our country i thank you 
For liberating us from the hands of evil. "  Darcey smiled then breaks 
Their hug " She also has something to say you " Darcey stepped back
And Allows Darscia's daughter to step forward " Kind lady! are you 
leaving already..?" The young girl seems saddened then kouha 
leans downwards and pats the girl with a smile " Yeah i am on my 
Journey and i will finish the Journey for your mother. for now  
focus on growing up. maybe one day ill visit your bakery~ "  
Kouha responded and the girl has cheered up happily  
" Okay! I'll be waiting your visit tehehe! " The Young girl then smiled
Brightly then Kouha smiled at her then she walks back to the ship 
And aboard it as the three of them were waiting for her to do so 

The People of Bryndh Yelled at them their good byes while waving 
Their hands " bye bye and see ya kind ladies! hehehe!"  Darcsia's 
Daughter hollered happily and giggled as waves her hand 
Kouha, Elsie,Sheila and Erasia waved their hands at them as soon 
as the people are no longer visible they stopped waving Sheila 
then lays her back against the deck as Elsie slants her back 
Against the pillars in the hallway and closes her eyes enjoying the 
Sound of the waves  " So what are you two gonna do after this. are you 
Two are going to more expeditions?" Kouha asked she sits on the 
Deck as well beside Erasia " We're actually planning to Retire from
Adventuring Life before we met you two " Elsie responded while 
Smiling with eyes closed " Retiring i guess you been adventuring 
since your 20s after all " Kouha responded " So you did a mental calculation
based on our age eh.  you are really accurate and cautious as usual  " 
Elsie praises her for getting their adventuring life longetivity correct 
" So are you planning to retire this year? " Erasia asked " Nah 
Not for now " Sheila responded  " We will only be retiring after the 
Two of you reach Orichalcum. at very least i want witness with my very own 
Eyes the very moment that you reached the highest rank as adventurer 
After that i am satisfied for life" Elsie voices out her very honest desire 

Leaving both Kouha and Erasia flustered " Oh my how rare for the great 
Kouha to be flustered " Elsie teases " oh come on now.  with you saying 
That you will look forward upon seeing us reaching Orichalcum really 
Makes us wanna work hard even more " Kouha responded as Erasia 
Rubs her head while nodding in agreement to Kouha's response to Elsie's 
Teasing " What about you two. after this what you want to do?"  Elsie
then shot a question back at them " After ranking up we will rest for days 
Then customized my new gear for my next adventure i have to repair and 
Upgrade Erasia's Weapons too.  "  Kouha responded  " Mind if i asked what 
your next adventure you had mind?"  Elsie asked again while raising an eyebrow
" Monster Slaying.  I did promised To Elizabeth that I'll be joining her and 
The Prydwen for their Monster slay quest "  Kouha replied while remembering 
What she has said to elizabeth during her registration day " Prydwen huh
They are infamous for taking on World Class Threat  monsters. but if i 
Remember the Next one in their query is the Queen Terror  " Sheila recalls 
A Detail about the Prydwen " Queen Terror huh. that's bigger  plate than they 
Can handle. she's really difficult one. because her power bypasses the 
Protection from the attribute.  Queen Terror will give them a run for their money" 
Elsie voices out her concerns about the Prydwen's next target as she knows 
Exactly what they are about to deal with next.  " Interesting. a tougher foe 
Alright i made my mind ill join them " Kouha nods her as she says her decision
" Well for now lets eat a dinner " Erasia suggest as she stood up " The dinner is 
on me! " Erasia indicates that she will cook for tonight " ohoho! you're cooking eh?
Its been days since i last ate your cooking " Sheila responded with excited tone 
Both Kouha and Elsie Giggles as she follows the two of them to the dining hall 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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