Chapter 2: Outbreak- Part 1

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 They been Hearing Sirens blaring across the town,  Police Sirens , Ambulances 
And Even Firetrucks's the Customers at the very same coffee shop pinned their 
Gaze at those glass windows so far nothing has been sighted yet but they surely 
Do noticed that the streets are empty  " it does looks like a ghost town now" 
One of them commented " I wonder if something happened to the people 
Around us? this emptiness gives off eerie feeling " the female customer added
" Here comes ambulance now! "  one of them pointed out and they saw a
Ambulance coming from the left side of the street and Just passed by them 

" Did they Just drove past us...?" said by one of the customers that saw the 
Ambulance ignoring the four dead people just outside of the coffee shop
" What do you mean they Just dove past us?? are you saying that no one's
Will ever gonna come to help us?? " The old Lady says responded panically 
" Ma'am calm down there will be help coming.  please don't lose hope " 
The Manager responded to her in attempts to calm her down the old lady 
Looked at the manager and and nodded her head and the manager nods back

one of the customers looking at her phone suddenly spoke " Guys i don't have 
a signal on my phone " her worries prompted others to also pull their phones 
up and looking at their signal  " I am not receiving any signal either " one of the 
Security guards  said " same here " the male student responded " not even 
one bit here " one of the female students here  " me too" Iterated by the others
" No signal?? Who is going to come to help us now?? " one of the old man fumed 

" They maybe right. without a signal on our cells. our chances of getting 
Help is very slim" The manager thought to herself then she shot a glance 
At the picture frame containing a photo of her and other two women. 
one has red hair and golden eyes and the other one is blonde with emerald eyes 
" I Hope you two noticed on what's going on our city now. " she sighed and 
Smile " and ill be sure to serve you both coffee after your work is done " 
She stated internally she has no worries or whatsoever and just a belief
then they all noticed and heard the knock on the crystal doors themseles
And all of them simultaneously turned around to see who was knocking 

" Open the door let us in! " the young man stated " Uhh what should we
Do?" one of the businessman asked the others " I don't know man didn't 
You heard what the news say?"  the other business man responded 
" yeah that's right " the server responded too " I'm Sorry Sir we have 
No room left for all of you " the security replied to the man outside 
" Please this isn't funny! let us in! we have children and elderly here! "
The man responded " Our Deepest apologies but we can't take the risk
Here who knows if you guys are infected or not " The other security guard replied
" Oh come on!  Don't leave us out here with those things!"  The man on the 
Outside desperately pleaded for allowing them to enter " no Pal I'm very sorry "
One of the customers responded to his Pleas shutting down his hope 

" Hey open the door! or ill bust it down! " the buffed guy threatened them 
" I advise you that won't dare to do that sir or else we'll shoot you down "
One of the Security guards retorted and the buffed guy clicked his tongue 
then one of the old man who was with them looking at their far left 
" Oh no! they're here! Run for your lives! " he and the other elderly booked
it for their lives  " Lets run sweetie"  The mother picks up her little daughter
And she too booked it  "come on lets get the hell out of here " the Buffed 
Guy urges the man on the door " Damn you selfish people i hope you 
All Rot in hell! " The man in the door peels his self away from the door 
And he and the buffed guy started running away for their Lives 

" What's what happening now?" one of the customers asked the 
Manager widened her eyes realizing on what is really going on 
" Everyone! Duck down below the windows level! if possible
Hug the floor itself! " Alerted by sudden warning and command
From the very level-headed person all the customers, staffs and 
The guards immediately drop their selves on the ground hugging 
The ground flat as pancake, then the manager grabs the laptop
Connected to CCTV off the  table as she hid behind the Coffee Counter
" Rrrrrr  Groaaaa  "  Low pitch yet terrifying groans can be heard from
Outside of the windows then the manager pulls the remote off her pocket 
And Press the button causing the blinds to drop down onto the windows 
Providing them more cover then she proceeds to review the cam's footage

and she saw infected people swarming the whole place from the outside
" Shit Zombies"  She muttered as low as possible not to cause panic
She then proceed to look at her cellphone again and still no signal
" looks like the Counterforce has Jammed the signal in order not to
to bring more casualties by calling for help and to avoid for the 
Evil Bellows to pick up Civilian Distress in order to attack even more "
The manager shoves her phone back to her pocket and closes puts 
Down the laptop  and limping towards the other while crouching
in order not to make an noise through footsteps so that " The best
option i have now is to make customers believe on the counterforce
while the real help arrives "  She Stated inside of her mind 

" Alright listen up people " she speak so softly " it seems like 
We had an infected swarm upon us you know.. zombies?"  
The manager briefs as some of them about to panic she 
Does a shush signature while tapping the ground softly with her 
palm indicating them to shut up and to calm down " The counterforce 
Are probably going to send us help anytime soon so please from here
I want all of you to cooperate with me okay?"  She requested in 
a very soft voice and everyone nodded their head at her Request 
" Great thank you i really appreciate everyone "  She thanked them softly 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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