Chapter 69: A Year Together -5

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week later.  Haru was bed ridden with a high fever and colds she was squinting her 
Eyes weakly and is coughing constantly. Kouha enters the bed room with a 
Tray containing a porridge and nutritional side soup " Good Morning Haru how 
Are you doing?" she asked " Princess please.. dont come near me.. you might 
catch my cold.. " Haru replies weakly with worry " Don't worry about me 
Take it easy. you're stricken with sickness currently.  ill nurse you back to 
health " She then helps haru to get up and starts spoon feeding haru with 
the porridge.  then she also picks up the side soup and gently help haru 
to take a sip from it by leveling the small bowl to her lips. then after that 
She starts peeling a banana  and feeds it to haru as well. and then haru in turn 
Doesn't rejects any gestures of care from her and haru just did what she could. 
then after that Kouha starts peeling and slicing the apple and feeds them to 
haru as well then she also pour a fresh milk on a empty glass and gives it 
To haru and she aid haru on drinking it by holding the glass for her  
then she grabs a dry cloth and soak in water and squeeze it to less the 
wetness of the clothe. then she starts rubbing it on haru. up from her forehead
to her neck to her arms and to her lymph nodes to cool down her body temperature

She kept doing this until haru's body temperature cools down.
And she drench the towel again in the bucket and squeeze it
And folds the clothe rectangularly  andplaced the mild wet on haru's forehead
then she opened  the curtains and the windows so that haru could have some fresh
air and sunlight she then administered a medicine for the fever to haru and 
The other accepts it then she gently lays down haru to the bed. since the dosage
of the medicine is making haru drowsy she went to sleep instead then Kouha 
Sits besides haru and starts reading a book to kill time for the next medicine
Which is the medicine for cold.  two hours later.   her alarm wakes her up and 
She noticed she indeed has fallen asleep. then she proceeds to wake haru
Up to make her drink the medicine for the cold. Later at evening kouha 
repeated the same routine. feeding haru, cooling her temperature down 
And helping her to take medicines. once she hears Haru's breathes 
that has become calmer and that she is breathing peacefully and is sleeping
peacefully. Kouha too decides to lay her head against the side of the bed 
And to catch a wink of sleep. Kouha then fell asleep beside haru 

Morning came.  and Kouha wakes and yawns while stretching " Good 
Morning princess " Haru greeted her and Kouha's sleepiness gets blown 
Away when she saw haru already back to full health.  she holds haru's 
Hand " Are you feeling well already??"  She asked worriedly " Yes 
It's all thanks to you princess "  Haru smiled at her. seeing that smile 
Sets off Kouha's worries " Thank goodness " She expresses a relief  "Though 
I apologized for have taken a day of your life that suppose to be used 
For your crafts "  Haru's states apologetically " You should not apologize for 
Something that is not avoidable.  Just because you haven't gotten sick 
before it doesn't mean that you can't catch one. that's how logic of life
works haru " She smiles as she explains to haru. and haru also smiles 
back at her and to haru hearing her preach about something is a must 
hear that she should hear she enjoys listening to Kouha more than anything
Then Haru stood up from her bed and lays her hand to Kouha " Shall we 
Take a morning walk princess " Haru invites her " of course I'd love to " Kouha 
grasps her hand and haru pulls her up causing her to stood up and both of them
To look at each other in the eye which made haru to get flustered as  usual 

While the two of them taking their morning walks. the streets of the priafire 
Kingdom is busking with life.  the sound of vendors selling.  children's laughter
As they play together. the sound of water falling from a water fountain 
The conversation of people passing by, the sound of the smokeless vehicles 
the sound of equipment from  the people that are working with their profession
The sound of birds chirping and humming. the grace of the breeze 
Haru with her eyes closed appreciating and enjoying these kind of thing
on their daily morning walks. and Kouha looking at haru with a smile seeing 
That haru has enjoyed her freedom. " Say princess " Haru calls out " Hmm?" 
Kouha responds  " Would you change the path you believed in under a whim?"
She asked and Kouha looks at the skies " The only thing  that can change 
The path that i believed in. is no other than time itself,  Time changes people 
after all. not even i could disregard that change. maybe someday my beliefs
Will change but still it doesn't mean that I'd forget about it. I'd look back
At it and will continue to chase after it again once the changes settles in " 
Kouha responded. hearing this someone makes Haru felt sad about it 
and that she too cant argue that time changes people as it already did for her
she fears that the changes caused by time may change Kouha forever   
She fears that the kouha will no longer be the same one she's admiring now

Kouha Seeing her troubled looks and typically read haru's mind through her 
Expression " I am too afraid of my own change. but i am sure that the 
People around me won't let me fall down and will always bring me 
up and help me  build a future for me and for them as well. you know 
What they say. No Person can truly live by herself and no man's a island
That's how us mortals thrive and survive by living together, doing things
Together " She briefed to haru about her positivity  towards the changes 
And believes that even her beliefs will change nor herself she believed 
That people like haru will not allow her to fall no matter how difficult the 
Situation is no matter what changes that may occur and leave a impact on 
Her. haru noticed that Kouha despite of afraid of changing. places her 
Faith on the people around her and haru nodded and smiled at Kouha 
" Don't worry princess. no matter how much the time will change you. i will make 
Sure that you won't fall down  and that is my promise to you " Haru made a 
Swear  to Kouha and the other widens her eyes and eventually smiled  
" Yes.. ill be counting on you when those days come haru " She responded 

Then after their morning walks the two heads back to the royal palace of the 
Priafire queendom.  but in there Haru met her parents and they seem to
Have dropped by to visit haru " We heard that you got sick sweetie are you 
Alright now?? " Haru asked worriedly  " Yes Mother i am well and alright now 
Thanks to the princess nursing me back to health " Haru responded to her 
Mother  " The princess nursed you back to health..? " Claude then looked at Kouha
Then to haru. Claude didn't expect that the eldest princess knows how to 
Nurse a sick people back to health this act alone made him flabbergasted  
" Yes father i know what you are thinking. even i was surprised too " Haru 
Chuckled noticing her father's expression " We sincerely thank you for taking 
a good care of our daughter you royal highness " Both him and har bows down 
To Kouha " Don't mention it Duke and Duchess Hurrain,  your daughter is a very
Close and dear friend of mine. ill always help her at anything she needs " Kouha
Returns their act of gratitude with a humble response and smiled at them 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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