Chapter 64: Six Years Later -2

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After bursting through the door barging in a meeting between Horan, Karue 
And Haru's parents. upon seeing Kouha carrying haru on her back. all could 
Har do is softly chuckle and claude smiles while drinking his tea. Karue
Was shocked that the two appeared out of nowhere while Horan placed her 
Palm on her forehead and sighed " Idiot daughter of mine. didn't i told you 
Even royals are not excused to be charged for kidnapping. even if she's your 
future sister-in law " Horan sighed and looking at her hopelessly " wait 
mom before you gonna say that you had given on making sense about
me i have a good reason on doing this " Kouha states as she puts Haru down
" Fine ill listen to you this time. this better makes any sense or ill punch you 
In the head again " Horan has given up and decided to listen " Mother also
Grand Duke and Grand Duchess" She calls to them and they all look at her 
" the Engagement has been broken " She added " ha?" four of them tilts their 
head "Between who?"  They added  " Well.. Kaohu with Haru?" She replied sheepishly

" Idiot daughter you better not be the main cause for this... " Sighed as if she has given 
up " Mother i know i am nothing but a troublemaker. i wont go this far to destroy 
Someone's relationship " Kaohu  responded to horan's question " well its but " 
Horan looks at Haru in the eyes " Is that true? " She added. Haru nods her head
And then answers  "Yes its true your highness.. princess Kaohu has broken 
The engagement publicly. and that she calls me a faceted liar who can't stay
True to myself and that i have been only trying to cover my selfishness by 
faking the act of selflessness. and defused the belief about the commoners and
noble born reconciling "  Haru breaks into tears " Does it hurts sweetie?" Har asked
and haru nodded her head while sobbing " Hearing something that you are not 
Hurts. after all it happened to me almost on daily basis by the aristocrats  " 
Kouha responded to Haru's source of hurt. remembering what happened six years 
ago made  their parents to place their hand on their foreheads and shakes their head

Then Duke Claude stood up from his seat and patted Haru in the head 
" Is the Duty of being a queen consort difficult to you?" He asked his daughter 
And Haru nodded in tears while lips curbed in emotional pain " Yes it is.. 
Being turned down as queen consort only led me to the feeling of immense 
Failure on my part. I'm sorry that i failed you and mother " Haru cried at the 
Feeling of her failure and Claude rubs her head to comfort her " That's fine
isn't it "  Kouha speaks " Eh?" Haru reacted " Not all purpose in life can be 
Called as our duty.  purposes are found as long as you continue living your life
Failing one doesn't stops everything. in fact you'd discover more as you walk forward"
Kouha responded " Your Duty as the queen consort ended that's fine. You'd find
another purpose again. it doesn't have to be now or tomorrow. as long you are 
The duchess no.. as long you. as haru hurrain still seeks it. it will come for you " 
Kouha added while smiling  and Haru widened her eyes with realization 

" That's why duke hurrain " Kouha looked at claude in the eyes seriously 
" I want you to give me permission to haru to live with me. even just for a 
Year ill make sure to teach her everything outside of Tradition and etiquettes 
Could teach " Sensing the princess's Sincerity and Genuine over her words 
he couldn't disagree " Please take care of my daughter your highness the 
eldest princess " Claude bows before her and Har also did the same  
Then Kouha reaches her hand to Haru " Lets go. for now lets you change
And rest for tonight to face the better tomorrow " She smiled at haru. seeing her
Smile somehow sobered the immense negative feelings that haru has felt  
And grasps Kouha's hand then Kouha holds her hand and leads her out of the 
Room in a hurrying manner. which prompted their parents to smile  
" She who thinks for others she who is adored by the commoners. the one
Who cares for others in her own way the one who thinks of a freedom as 
an ability to decide and to choose. rater than a right to do  so.  ah this
Was this moment that even i knew... that this girl.. is the true queen " 
Haru looks at kouha while following from behind to her eyes Kouha is shinning

Kouha led haru to the craft room. haru felt the nostalgia as she hasn't come 
to this room for about six years. upon stepping in she still got the same feeling
of Amazement that she felt before but it was doubled when she saw that the 
Whole room got beautified and decorated and very organized she was fascinated
by the latest crafts recently. crafts that are not  released for sale yet. Attribute 
Channeling guns that has attribute type changing technology for the bullets and 
Many more she was also amazed seeing the room got expanded. the it now 
had a bathroom a kitchen a bedroom and a laundry room " it had gotten 
Bigger than before " Haru comments as she and kouha changes to their 
Sleeping pajamas " I Ought to expand it years ago so that i wont need to 
go to different rooms for my needs " Kouha responded while buttoning up 
" Looks like you have been busy for six years princess. and looks like you
Indeed used my suggestion Freym Pia as your producer name " Haru giggled
" I Promised you aren't i that i gonna use it " Kouha's replied made her blushed 

While Horan was at the balcony of her office. smoking her smoking pipe 
as Gaze at the stars.  Har Approaches her " Are you sure that its alright?" 
Har asked " About what?"  Horan answered with a question " About
Your decision on accepting your daughter's denouncement of her
Rights " Har answered " My Daughter believes in her own way of life its my 
Role as the queen to accept the princess's  Denial of royal politics.  and 
As well its my role as her mother to support her decisions that she makes
Throughout her life " Horan's answered made Har nod in satisfaction 
" What do you think Horan. Princess Kou truly posses the Aptitude of a 
True queen isn't she " Har remarked " Yes i can see that. and i admit that 
She surpasses me in that aspect. and her refusal to become one truly shows
her passion on following what she loved.  as i don't show it to her. but i am 
happy that she's chasing and doing what she likes to do. its something that 
I lost opportunity to do so " as a fellow mother Har understood Horan's  Sentiments 
" Well I'd be happy to if your daughter pushes my daughter on the bed and do 
Wild stuffs on her " Upon hearing this Horan chokes on her smoke which made Har
Laugh while holding her sides " oh damn that was a good one " Horan chucked 

back at the bed room of the craft workshop.  Haru lay down besides Kouha on a 
Two-person Luxurious royal bed. then Kouha pulls the blanket up covering 
Both of them to keep their selves warm. " Haru " Kouha calls out and Haru
Looks at her " Yes princess? " haru responded " Does it hurts upon finally 
being relieved from  your duty all of sudden? " Kouha asked and Haru Lowers
Her head in sadness " Yes it really hurts... because to me it feels like all of 
Things i studied hard for things that i learned and accumulated of. suddenly 
Lost all of its meaning . the feeling of failure hurts knowing being  a queen 
consort was one of main reasons why i worked hard. i guess i have been 
Confusing my duty for a purpose.. " Haru sorrowfully admits and realizes 
her own faults " then Kouha embraces her and place haru's head nigh to 
her chest  "Do you remember the answer i gave you six years ago?" 
Kouha asked as she caresses haru's hair " That I'd find out five years later 
If i have something else that I'd like to do?. yes princess that is i too want 
to help people especially commoners " Haru responded " Haru that's not 
What i meant "Kouha stated " Eh?" Haru reacted " My answer was a question
to you if within five years later that that you can attain the ability called 
Freedom " Kouha answered with a assuring smile this made haru widened
her eyes as right now  she indeed has freedom. it is as if Kouha predicted it
" Starting tomorrow ill show what it means to be free. for now lets sleep "
Kouha closes her eyes and snaps her finger causing for the lights to be turned off
Haru then embraces Kouha for comfort. as for the first time after six years 
She finally found relief and comfort from all of the tough times she has undergone

[ To Be Continued ] 

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