Chapter 12: Clearance

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Olga and Kyle along with counterforce soldiers and guards secured the 
perimeters from both inside and outside of the ship. then they all 
proceed inside of the ship and spun their heel towards the stadium Where 
Everyone is rounded by Whiu " Excuse me I'm going somewhere else " Agnes 
Excuses herself as soon as olga and kyle arrives they shrug their shoulders  
not wanting to daringly ask her  of where she's going to go. then Everyone 
Seems to have stood up the moment they saw olga and kyle they were waited 
With Anxiety and Anticipation " Ma'am is it safe already?"  one of the celebrities asked 
" Yes it is safe but right now we are still approaching the Miami patrol force " 
Olga responded with assuring tone and everyone sighed in relief about an hour and
Half the ship finally arrived at the Miami Harbor the counterforce patrol made sure 
That there are any dangers lurking around. then the ship's Stairs has been lowered 
the counterforce guards goes down from the ship first and stood at the side of the 
Stairs holding their submachine guns this is to see ensure safety while the passengers
Comes down. then Olga and Kyle stood at the at the deck " Alright everyone you all 
can come down now one by one at the time and please no pushing " Olga ordered 
Then the passengers starts coming down from the ship one by one 

After all the passengers came down they were all escorted back home by the 
Counterforce patrol then it was the turn of the personnels turn to come 
Down to the Ship Followed by Nedesko, Bruji and Deon the personnels 
Were escorted back home as the three remained decided to stick around 
With Whiu.  Meanwhile Olga turned her gaze to the cuffed Fuchsia and 
is surrounded by heavily armed counterforce  soldiers " I never thought 
That we would ended up catching the perpetrator and happens to be a 
Member of Evil bellows too huh " Olga scorns.  " Well who would never 
Thought i would get my ass kicked by a female bartender. for someone 
Who doesn't attribute she can move and fight very well " Fuchsia smirked 
Seemingly satisfied from her defeat by Nedesko.  " Alright Kyle time to 
Put her bars " Olga ordered " Yes Ma'am! " Kyle replied steadfast then she 
Yanks Fuchsia up by her clothes collar  " Roughing up a lady aren't you lad " 
Fuchsia jokingly remarked " you had the right to remain silent that means 
Shut up! " Kyle yelled and Slam the butt of her Submachine on her back 
" Okay Sheesh " Fuchsia then starts descending on the stairs  

Meanwhile there is a woman dressed in black she has a beautiful as
Night Black long hair  but she had her face covered with plague doctor masked 
she was sniping from far distance using her sniper rifle crafted from her 
Attribute.  " Milady i had the failure on sights " The woman reported to Yvon 
As She had locked on Fuchsia with her scope.  " Do it take her down " 
Yvon responded " Yes madam " The woman responded and the Coms went off 
Then She sniped Fuchsia again and puts her finger on the trigger but before 
She could pull the trigger  " Don't move " She heard a voice behind her its 
Agnes pointing her sword at her as its blades are swirling with razor sharp 
Aura dancing around her blade then the woman turned around and 
Points her sniper at Agnesia but the woman's head gets cut into half and so 
Her legs and arms gets slashed into pieces . these scenario was flashed into 
her eyes as it was told by her instincts what happened if she's to resist 

" haha your instincts just told you now isn't it " Agnesia deduced what did 
The woman's instinct flashed before her.  " a swift cut to the head a slash 
at the arms and legs at irrelevant speed cutting and slicing your already 
Severed arms and legs into 200 pieces of flesh in mid air before the time 
it self hits a one second mark " Agnes added. the woman sweats underneath
her mask immense pressure and fear felt by her. under the presence of 
Agnesia so much that her instincts are telling her that if she runs she dies 
if she tried to fight she'll die it comes to the point all of what her instincts 
Could tell her that she's gonna die the woman didn't dare to turn around 
She was still as statue on the same position and facing the same position 
Then Agnesia Lowers her Sword and Flicks it then the Razor wind Aura 
Dissipates and sheathes her sword and slings her sword on her back 

" You guys are lucky that your troubles are also giving me merit. otherwise 
 I would have destroyed your organization long long ago. Ill spare you this 
Time.  Svenia Havard "  Agnes Calling out to her real name gave her chills to 
her spine then she decided to pick up her sniper and snipes to see what is 
Happening  to Fuchsia and it turns out that she was being shoved into 
Kyle's Personal patrol car with one counterforce soldier sitting on passenger 
Seat. meanwhile Olga hopped on Whiu's track which is also occupied by 
Nedesko, Deon and Bruji then Kyle turns on the ignition of his car and drives 
Away then Whiu follows him from behind to drop off Olga first at their headquarters
The masked woman sighed and puts down her sniper rifle slowly. then she
Slowly and carefully turn around to see if Agnesia is still behind her but 
She's nowhere to be found then the woman fell flat on her back and 
Sighed a very long sigh of relief " so that's the rumored supernatural 
Collector. Deputy Leader said to avoid her at all cost. so that's what she 
Meant by avoiding the particular red head " The woman then placed her 
over her forehead gazing at the clouds " What a terrifying woman she is 
it is as if she's a flame ready to destroy any moth meeting her " the woman thought 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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