Chapter 18: Staff of Resurrection -2

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on the top of the Evil Bellows Headquarters. There is a Light skinned
Beauty  wearing a SleevelessBlack Vest over her Long  Sleeved Black Shirt 
she also wear fingerless black gloves. Then a black leather pants. and a below
the knee high Black Leather boots. she is  about 5'10 ft tall she has a long habanero
 Hair tied in a ponytail. her cold looking  amber colored eyes reflects the city below
as she smokes her cigar . then Leah approaches her from behind " how may i be in 
Service Ma'am?" Kresnia asked " This is mission that seniora gives to you. a mission 
only the phantom thief could perform " Leah handed the layout of the sanctuary
Then Kresnia takes it and proceeds to analyze the Layout " so you want me to steal
The staff of resurrection. seniora surely has a nice taste about artifacts like this " 
Kresnia folded the layout and handed it back to Leah " so are you gonna do it?" Leah
Asked Furrowing her eyebrow " Ill do it Ma'am I'm going to head there now " then 
Kresnia puts off her cigar on her pocket ash tray and shove it back to her pocket 

Then Kresnia leaped from the building and Manifests a Giant Wind Falcon and 
mounts it and sets the destination of its flight towards Rome where the Holy 
Sanctuary was located.  two hours later. reached the destination and she unsummoned 
her Falcon and she made a friction canceling bestowment on herself using her wind 
Attribute. and landed down behind a large tree  " Two, four, Six, Eight, ten, twelve, 
There are Twelve guards. that are guarding all entrances. " Then she look at the 
Point blank angles. " Motion senor cameras and heat sensor cameras. also there
is a force detection cameras.  The counterforce are surely well prepped "  then 
Kresnia Snapped her finger commanding the air around the sanctuary to emit 
Lullaby melodies causing the guards to fall asleep " Next is " she snapped her finger 
Transforming her physiology into Air form and she sweep above the cameras and 
Enters through the ventilation and travels from one vent to another skipping through
The areas that are well guarded with attribute detector automated Turrets that can 
Shoot Attribute empowered bullets then Kresnia on her airform emerges from a Vent

That leads to her target. the room where the staff of resurrection  Kresnia took a glance
at the Staff from a distance. the staff is about meter long. its made by very ancient 
materials. studded by eons old artifacts. the Soul gems. it is said that these gems contains
Souls of four beings. A Dryad, Faery, Demi God and Deity This staff is truly a marvelous 
Sight design with its helix body design painted with Sepia and Gold colors. to its 
Head design Two hands holding a glowing sphere.  the sphere is said to be crafted 
From a Immortal Star that has fallen on earth many eons ago.  " It is indeed a Beautiful
Artifact but " Kresnia looks around the room guarded with heavily armed soldiers that 
are wearing auto-reaction and Life sensors and as well Attribute detection Battle suits. 
These guards are also personally trained by Kyle himself and Mastered Pankration themselves
" I Can't take against these guards they are one of Olga's Extreme Trained Units they can beat 
me in Combat like i am nothing. " Kresnia stated to herself " Also those " then she moved her 
Glance towards those Attribute empowered Laser defense system and the automatic  
Attribute detection Stun field that Surrounds Glass containment of the Staff itself 

" Guess Olga's someone not to be underestimated. however i can't fail here. its 
One risk go for me " then she shaped her arm using the wind outside of the facility 
opens the power switch and shuts down the power of the sanctuary causing a total 
Blackout from the inside then she strides towards the glass containment and switch back
To her physical body and hurried opens the glass containment and takes the staff off. then 
the soldiers armor picked up her presence and they strafe with their Attribute empowered 
High firepowered Assault Rifles and Fires at her. Kresnia attempting to make the darkness
As her advantage tried to dodge their shits. the bullets have life tracking attribute thus 
Following her which direction she may go this forced her to activate her Razor Wind Barrier 
Causing the bullets to sliced into pieces then she quickly heads towards ventilation area 
one of the soldiers whipped out a Handgun empowered with armor piercing attribute and 
Fires at her she was unable to dodge these bullets causing her to be hit in the left shoulder 
And Left leg then she leaped into one of the vents and transforms into her airform and
Escapes the Holy Sanctuary.  the Sanctuary eventually regains its electricty seconds after 
She has barely escaped the sanctuary one of the soldiers decided to report  it

"Commander.  This is Agent Mason of Coffin Squad Reporting. The Phantom Escaped with the staff of resurrection Should we initiate Pursuit ?"  The Soldier Named Mason reported to 
Olga " No need to pursuit. This is an order " Olga responded " Affirmative Commander " 
Mason Responded then the Olga turns off the communicator after responding 
Then She and Kyle Watches The Wounded Kresnia Leaving the premise of the 
Strikezone of the counterforce " Are you sure that we gonna let the phantom thief go
Commander?" Kyle asked " For now i won't pursue after her. she's vital to whatever 
Lady Agnes is planning " Olga replied at Kyle's Question. " speaking of lady Agnes 
She asked me hand this to you " Kyle hands over the Capsule containing a replica 
of Bacchu's Data  " Oh thank you Deputy. she real fast on her hands as usual " then 
Olga takes the capsule and store it on her pocket.  As soon as Kresnia reached the neutral 
zone of Rome.  she summoned her Giant Wind Falcon again " Mission complete... " she 
Said in ruffled voice due to blood loss she suffered. then she mounts on her falcon 
Commanded her falcon to fly back to the evil bellows Headquarters before passing out 
Due to the amount of blood she has lost then the Falcon flaps its wings and Flies  

[ To Be Continued ] 

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