Chapter 76: Adventurer Hunter

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" What's going on now?" Kouha asked " Its her again... "  Ashrey stated in 
Frustration " Erasia" she contacted telepathy " I'm on it milady " Erasia 
Tethers her super hearing with kouha and all they could hear are the panicked
Adventurers and townsfolk and the dying breather of the guards of the guild 
" I've come here for your heads again adventurers! " They both hear from a 
a low pitched yet terrifying loud shout and they able to discern that it belongs to 
a woman " Looks like under attacked and she's heading this way--" before 
She could finish her sentence a guard was sent flying inside the guild and
he got impacted against the pavement. one of the healer class goes on to 
check his state " He's dead " she gives her findings causing the other to gasp 
then the four of them decided to go outside of the guild to see what's going on
and there she saw a grey skinned woman. with withered beauty she has a 
Ashen White Waist length she's wearing a tattered Magician outfit. hinting 
the forlorn beauty it once had. she carries a dual staff that is designed to be 
sinister looking  with black wings at the back of it she has two large goat like
Horns protruding from the side of her head. she has sharp orange colored irises
paired by blackened eye balls. " The Adventurer hunter " Elizabeth says the 
identity of the being in front of them  " Adventurer hunter?"  Kouha lifts her 
brow  " She's formerly a platinum ranked adventurer with supernatural tier 
ether however she was cursed by a demon lord and council turned their back
Against her and since then she's seeking revenge against the guild
If i remember it very well her name is Darscia Ivory from Bryndh " Nhiem
responded as he uncrossed his arms and shot a glance at the adventurer hunter

" Usually Its Lady Elsie and Sheila who stops her. but they're not here " he added
" Young Templar you can fight as vanguard even without a weapon right?" 
Elizabeth asked as she lifts her palm assuming a stance of a spell casting 
" yeah i can what about you. you can spell cast without a staff right?" 
he returned the question " I can. its two man cell. you'll be the vanguard 
ill be the rear support "  She suggested a battle plan  " Okay got it " Nheim agreed
As he gets into battle stance " Ill Fight her " Kouha volunteers as she takes a step 
Forward " She possessed a very deadly attribute.  her attribute is death" 
the three of them gasped " how did you know?" Ashrey asked " Oh i can see 
From the guard's ether pool. there's a residue of death attribute on his ether " 
Kouha responded " she can see the ether?! " both Nhiem and Elizabeth were shock
" Don't interfere Erasia Stand aside " she ordered " as you wish " Erasia bows 
then she spun a heel towards Darscia  " You don't have to attack anyone ill fight you" 
Kouha challenges the cursed adventurer  " You are not from elsie or sheila's party 
Aren't you. yet your ether levels are higher than theirs combined i don't know who 
You are but if you stand in my way i will kill you " Darscia angrily yelled at her 
" That's fine bring it on " Kouha gives her a sharp and serious glare. this signals
Darscia that her opponent this time is not a pushover and she too takes it serious 
then black aura flares from Darscia it was thick enough to intimidate erasia 
Kouha then utilizes her ether cloaking causing her body to have a bluish glow 

" Death bolt!" Darscia then points her staff at Kouha and fires small speeding 
Dark orbs of death attribute and fires towards kouha then kouha utilizes her 
attribute vision and scans the projects of death then she channels the ether 
From her ether cloak towards the air and utilized a very thick droid ether barrier 
That deflects the projectile attribute attacks of any kind and it got reflected
Back to Darscia causing her to skid backwards bleeding from her own attacks
" No chant cast??"  Both Nhiem and Elizabeth were surprised " not to mention
she reflected death attribute. one of the most powerful attribute that has no 
defense against with. just who is she?"  Ashrey ponders " megafist of death" 
Darscia transforms the staff into massive gauntlets and bolts towards Kouha
then Kouha clenches her fists and steps forward  with her Ether cloaking on
she exchanges blows against Darscia punch for a punch. but the punches of 
Kouha are coated by Ether breaks Darscia's  Megafists into pieces prompting
The Ether to back away for few meters and rematerializes one of her staff 
Back and it gave off a putrid dark glow " Death Burst! " she fires a colossal 
Amounts of Death Ray towards Kouha. then kouha lifts her palm utilizes 
A Colossal shield to block the Death burst then she snapped her finger 
causing the Formulated Ether Shield to multiply forward towards Darscia 
Then those shields changes shape and proceeds to Boxed Darscia in 
Suppressing her ether making her to utilized her Attribute any further 
Then Kouha clasps her hands together causing entrapment squished 
Darscia in then the entrapment vanishes the other falls on her Back 

then Kouha proceeds to break a branch from the tree and formulates 
an Ether Long Sword and walks towards the fallen darscia.  " O..Oh...
I Guess this is it for me huh... " at this very moment darscia temporarily 
Regains her humane side. " Looks like you got something to say i allow it "
Kouha gives her permission to  say her last words " Looks like it was fate 
That led me here today. to have meet my salvation by your hands... " 
Darscia responded " Looks like you have been suffering for too long 
You don't have to suffer now. everything ends here same with your life " 
Kouha replied to her as she points her ether sword at Darscia " yeah 
finally "  Darscia responded with a ruffled breather  then Kouha stabs 
Darscia in the chest straight to her cursed heart which led Darscia to smile
as life fades from her eyes " Thank you for freeing me from this curse 
I Hope your fate.. as a adventurer won't be as worse than mine... "  She 
says as she looks at kouha with blood oozing from her mouth  " also 
becareful of the council... " Darscia warns Kouha about the council  
As she finally succumbs to her death. her devicer notifies her then 
She grabs it from her pocket and reads the notification. it was her 
the items that are classified as her loots for defeating Darscia which are
Cosmic Witch Hat, Umbral Gems, Locket and one hundred zenn which is the 
Money that darscia has from the day she lost her humanity to her death 

She decides to loot the said items off her and picks up lavender flower and 
arranges it in a way that Darscia's  corpse was holding it. and it seems like 
Darscia died smiling as well.  the Lavender flower in floral language means 
Ultimate peace.  she learned that from her mother. since Horan used to love 
Doing gardening.  then she turns around and walks towards the four of them 
" I had finished her " Elizabeth nods her head and Nhiem softly scratches the 
Back of his head and Ashrey seems to have regain her cool as well " so back
To what i want to say earlier. about my decision " then the three of them decides
To listen to her attentively "I Want to atleast to rank up. atleast up to Ruby rank 
To Join a adventuring party then maybe after that ill decide to join who's who
But if you already got those slots filled by the time erasia and i reached ruby 
Ill just recruit on my own or search for one " Kouha declares her decision this 
led erasia to smile in support of her decision. then both elizabeth and nhiem 
Looks at each other and nod  " I got it. please after reaching that rank 
Do notify us both "  Nhiem agreed and answered. elizabeth too agree with 
His answer by nodding her head.   " Alright until then i gonna focus on 
on our own adventures we shall be on our way for now " Then Kouha stretches
as she heads back towards the dormitory and Erasia follows after her 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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