Twenty seven: happy birthday!

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Today is Harry's birthday and do I have a surprise for him.

I called up Louis, Liam and Niall and they all said that they would help out with the surprise party. We all were going to do it the right way, and just how we wanted it.

I woke up really early and began to cook Harry his favorite breakfast: three pancakes, scrambled eggs (with ketchup), hash browns and a side of bacon.

I poured him a glass of orange juice and walked up the stairs to our bedroom. I opened the door and saw him sleeping so peacefully; his curls laying on his pillow and a small smile on his face.

"Harry," I crooned and sat the breakfast down. "Wake up sweetheart,"

He groaned and rolled over and I snuck over, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. When I pulled away he opened his eyes.

"Happy birthday," I smiled.

"It is my birthday, isn't it?" he smirked lightly.

"Yup. Now sit up, I have breakfast for you," I kissed his nose and grabbed the tray, setting it on his lap as he sat up.

Harry smiled ear to ear and looked up at me. "You're incredible,"

"Aren't I?" I smirked and laid beside him as he ate.

"This is the best way to wake up being 21," he said and took another bite.

"Oh trust me Harry, there are a lot more surprised coming your way today,"


I got dressed in a cute, white sundress that Harry had bought me and slipped in some gold flats. I walked in the bedroom as he was getting changed and he smiled at me through the mirror. "Don't you look beautiful,"

"Thank you," I said, walking up and wrapping my arms around his toned body.

"I'm so glad you get to spend your birthday home," I said.

"Me too, princess," he wrapped an arm around me and kissed me on the head lightly.

"Now get dressed," I said. "I have a surprise,"

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said and smiled. "Now let's go!"

Harry groaned softly and pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. He pulled away and kept our bodies close; our noses brushing and eyes locked. "All I want today is to spend every hour with you, Jenna."

I smiled. "You can Harry. Just... I made plans for us today. And I can't just de-plan them,"

"De-plan?" He asked, giving me a cock of the eyebrow.

"It can be a word!" I defended which made Harry chuckle.

Harry continued to laugh and placed a single kiss on my head. "Let me get dressed and I'll meet you in the car,"

I nodded and walked out, grabbing my phone and purse. i saw Anne sitting at the kitchen table and I stopped. "Anne, why aren't you at the party?"

She sighed deeply. "My little boy's twenty one today,"

I smiled and I understood. Anne doesn't want Harry to grow up, which is common for many parents. I gave her a hug. "Harry will always be your little boy, Anne. Even I know that. I mean, look at him. He's twenty one and he still has nurf gun wars with me,"

Anne chuckled and kissed my cheek. "You're right, Jenna. Thank you,"

"Anytime, Anne," I smiled. "Now go to the party. I told Harry you had to leave for work and if he sees you here my plan in ruined!"

She laughed and squeezed my hand. "I'll see you there, Jenna,"

She ran off and when she did Harry came down. "Where are you taking me?" He asked.

I handed him a blind fold. "It's a surprise,"

"Jenna come on! We have been in the car for hours!" Harry complained.

"It's only been twenty minutes, you whiny baby!" I said back and pulled into the parking lot of Disney.

I guided him in through my way of work and into the big castle. Harry kept wanting to turn and he kept throwing me off on purpose.

"Would you stop!" I laughed.

"Make me," he smirked.

"I'll make you when we go home.," I smrirked back and opened the door to the ball room. Everyone was in there but really quiet.

"Harry, take you blind fold off," I said.

He did and everyone cheered "happy birthday!"

He had the look of pure shock and surprise In his eyes and I smiled. "Happy birthday, Harry."

His smile grew and he grabbed me in a giant hug. "Everybody come here and hug me!" He cried.

I Laughed as people piled into us, giving Harry big hugs.

They pulled away and looked at me. "Did you set this up?" He asked.

"Of course she did, Harry!" Louis said, holding Taylor's hand.

"Do you really thing we could set something up this big?" Niall asked which made everybody laugh.

Harry turned turned to me and gave me a passionate kiss. "You're amazing,"

"I know," I smirked and we began to mingle with everybody.

Harry collapsed on our bed and I collapsed beside him. I was taken into his arms and he kissed my forehead.

"What an amazing party," he said.

"You're welcome," i smirked.

Harry kissed me again and I smiled back at him. "You know, we can use that for our reception," I said.

"That's our next big party isn't it?" He asked.

I smiled. "I guess it is,"

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