Twenty-one: good ideas

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I was watering the flowers with my mom and chatting with her while the days went by.

I turned off my phone, so j have no idea if Harry has called me or texted me; he probably has.

"I told you getting engaged was a bad Idea," my mom said as she put a Lilly into the ground.

"Mom, I love him. I didn't leave him, i just needed some time," I said and dug another hole.

"Jenna, he's never going to understand what you went through," she told me.

"Well yeah, I was raped and sterilized. He doesn't know what that feels like," I said.

"Are you going to go back to him?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and thought for a minute. Was I going to? I loved him, I did. But right now, I just have so many internal feelings I can't share..

"When the time is right," I said.

My mom continued to plant the flowers and she finally spoke up. "Troy got tickets to see the forewords at the Magic Kingdom on Christmas. Would you be interested to come?"

I smiled, remembering my time my senior year at Disney and all the heartbreak and adventures I went on at Disney.

I looked at my mom. "Yes," I smiled.

"Good, run in and let him know," she said.

I got up and whipped off my hands on my pants, running inside and seeing Troy and Louis.

"What's up, Jenna?" Louis asked.

"Mom invited me to see the firewords. I said yes,"

"That's great!" Troy smile and kissed the top of my head. "Now I need your help with dinner. Go wash up,"

I nodded and ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I turned the sing on with warm water and let my hands sink in there. I looked at my reflection and I realized I looked gross. This is how I looked during the three months.

I can't ever stop thinking about it, and I was Harry to understand it. I can't go out, I can't deal sign fans. I love him so much, but I don't want them to ruin what we have.

I want to tell his management, I want to tell the world.

I took the IPod Touch that Fizzy was letting me borrow and logged on to my Twitter. I hit the tweet button and began to type.

My name is Jenna Rose Fitzgerald, I am in love with a man Named Harry Styles and we are engaged. I love him with all my heart even when I run away. @Harrystyles

I bit my lip and clicked the send button. I saw it post and logged out and a lifting relief came off of me.

It's December 23rd and I'm ready for the hate, the articles online, and management. I'm ready for whatever is thrown Harry and my way.

I walked out smiling and went up to Troy who handed me a knife. I never felt better cutting potatoes than anything in my life.



My name is Jenna Rose Fitzgerald, I am in love with a man Named Harry Styles and we are engaged. I love him with all my heart even when I run away. @Harrystyles

As I read that tweet from Jenna my heart lifted and I smiled. She still loves me.

I'm on a plane to Florida right now because Jenna would not answer any of my calls. I decided I better go in person.

After flying the longest flight ever, I finally got off and got a car, driving the way to where Louis' parents house is.

Jenna has to be there.

The neighborhood wasn't far from the plane and i got there twenty five minutes. It was very nice and out doors like. Just where Jenna would love it.

I saw the house Louis described and I pulled in and ran up to the door. I knocked and to my surprise, Louis answered.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Where Jenna? Where's my girl?" I ignored his question.

"She's not here." he said "they went out to eat because the dinner got burnt. Harry, you can't be here,"

"Why can't I?!" My voice raised and I didn't mean it to.

"Harry, she needs some time. It's only been two days," Louis said.

"But I need her. I get I pissed her off. I'll never understand why she's in pain and I'll never understand what she went through and how the fans make her feel. But I need her Louis. I need her!" I was nearing tears.

"Harry, take this ticket, go get a hotel, and tomorrow at eight go to the magic kingdom at Disney in front of Cinderella's castle. Jenna will be there, you can see her then," he said.

I read the ticket and it was for a firework show. I knew exactly what to do.

"Do you rememeber that Prince guy, what's his name, Daniel? He is Prince charming,"

"Yeah, why?" Louis asked.

I never told Louis that me and Daniel actually got really close as in, best friends. So this sparks me as an idea.

"Make sure Jenna is in a really pretty dressy dress," I said.

"Okay?" Louis questioned giving me a weird look.

I ran back to my car and pulled out my phone, Dialing Daniel's number.

"Hey, Harry! Long time no see," he answered.

"Hey Daniel, I need a favor," I said.

"Anything buddy," I could tell he was happy.

"I need that Prince suit I wore for the ball for tomorrow night,"

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