Twenty-two: Fireworks

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOUIS!" We all cried when we came down the stairs in the morning.

He chuckled and sat beside me; I gave him a kiss of the cheek. "I made your favorite breakfast,"

"Jenna, you didn't have too," he said.

I smiled. "I wanted to,"

His little sisters all bombarded Louis with their presents. "Open mine Louis!" "No! Louis, open mine first!"

"Calm down girls. Set them down and I'll open them after eating," he laughed and the girls all obeyed. His little sisters were the cutest.

Troy came up to Louis and handed him a small box. "Happy birthday, Son,"

"Thanks dad," he looked at the presents bewildered and began to open his fathers present.

"Hey! You're suppose to open OURS first," Lottie said.

"I think your dad's present is more important, okay?" I said and watched Louis fumble with the paper.

There was a box and he opened it, inside being a set of keys.

There were two keys on the set; one that looked like a house key, and the other that looked like a car key.

Louis eyes lit up and he ran out the door, shirtless and only on his red and green pajama bottoms.

I followed, and outside was a bran new Cadillac with a big bow on it.

I was slightly jealous because my dream car is a Cadillac, but I'm happy Louis could have it.

"You guys, you didn't have to do this," he said in disbelief.

"Louis, that old car we got you when you were sixteen out grew you. You're a superstar now; you ride in fashion," Troy said.

Louis gave them both a hug and even me a hug because he was so amazed and thankful.

"What's this key for?" He asked.

"Oh," said my mom. "You know that big building where you say you're going to live one day? Well, you are. We bought you the pent-house,"

Louis was so happy he began to cry. he gave us a a hug and hugged on to me the most.

"Louis, I wasn't in most of this," I said.

"I don't care," he sniffed. "You're the perfect size for holding in these situations,"

That made us all laugh and we went back inside to finish breakfast.

Louis pulled me in his lap while he opened the girls presents in the living room.

He got a CD from Lottie, a DVD from Fizzy, A hoodie that says "I heart 1D" from Daisy (which made up laugh) and a few miscellaneous things from his other sisters.

"Jenna, what's your gift?" Lottie asked before they cleaned up.

I got up. "We have to drive to it," I smirked.

Louis get up as well. "Let's get dressed and we can take my new car,"


I told him wear to go and as soon as we got there we got out of his car and I took his hand and ran to his present.

On a brick wall there were a bunch of people's names and recognitions to them. I took Louis to the spot his was.

In his was a picture of him, his name, and a really nice message I came up with myself: you took me in as a sister, and every day I wake up happier, because I have such a wonderful brother -- Jenna.

Louis touched it and gave me another giant hug. I giggled and hugged back, burying my face into his chest.

"Do you like it Lou?" I asked.

"Jenna, you're the best," I could tell he was starting to cry and he held on to me tighter. "Of course, I love it"

We stayed at an embrace and finally he stopped crying and looked at me, brushing some hair out of my eyes.

"You need to go back to Harry," he said.

I slightly gaped. "What? Why?"

"Because," he said. "He needs you. Jenna, stop being so stubborn with him; get married already,"

"Louis, I want to, but-"

"No buts," he cut me off. "After the fireworks tonight you're leaving and going back to him,"

I nodded. Louis was right, Harry needed me just as much as I needed him. He may never know what the raping felt like and why, but that's my own problems.

We walked back to the car and got in, him driving us back home.

"Are you ready, Jenna?" My mom called to me from downstairs.

"Almost!" I said and Louis zipped me up into a strapless dress that was white at top, mint green at the bottom and gave me a light green Silk thing with arms to cover up with.

"Why do I look so nice! It's fireworks?" I said.

"But you're a princess, and it's your castle, so you have to," he said. I sighed and walked down stairs and met my parents.

"You look beautiful Jenna," Troy said.

"Thank you," I smiled and we piled on to the car to see the fireworks.


Many oohs and aahs were happening but I just watched in wonderment.

Troy had my mom in his arm and I smiled at them. I'm so glad my mom is happy.

"Jenna," I heard a voice and turned around. In a costume like Hans from Frozen stood Harry.

"Harry," I said amazed. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't live without you, Jen." he choked out. "I can't lose you. I'm sorry I forgot about your feelings, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were still hurt,"

I cupped his face and ran my fingers through his long, uncut hair and smiled.

"Look at you. You're a prince," I said, nearing tears.

He caught my body in his arms. "I still hope you're my princess," he whispered so only I could hear.

"Always," I whispered back and he choked on a sob, his lips colliding with mine.

The kiss felt like the first time we were at Disney World our senior year. I had hated Harry and thought he hated me, only to then realize we really just loved each other.

What we had was something special, Something I never thought to have in my life. Harry is my first boyfriend, first love, first everything.

Out kisses would always be passionate, our glances would always be longer, our touches would always send sparks through us. That's just how we are.

I pulled away from our long, passionate kiss and my fingers stayed tangled in his hair.

"I'm want to marry you," I said. "Soon. I don't care about college, I don't care about One Direction. I want to be married to you in the next year,"

Harry smiled and pressed his lips to mine again and the hugged me. His face went in my hair and he kept me close to him.

"Let's do it, princess,"

The Forgotten Princess (sequel to A Disney Romance)Where stories live. Discover now