Twenty four: new years pt 1

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Troy and Marcie were going crazy with this party they were throwing. They wanted it to be perfect and big; a common combo.

Their house was big enough, I mean, it wasn't a mansion or anything, but big enough.

The furniture was moved and lots of food was placed out. They told us to invite anybody we wanted, but truly I just wanted Jenna there.

When it came about time for the party, Jenna was still upstairs getting ready. I was seated on the couch next to Louis who had just arrived with his guest, Taylor.

"I can't wait. I've never been to a party like this," Taylor smiled and Louis smiled with her, kissing her again.

"Could you please save it for midnight?" I groaned.

"Sorry Harry," Louis said. "Just wait until Jenna comes down,"

There was a smirk on his voice and I soon knew why.

Jenna came walking down the stairs in the dress she wore for her Disney interview; the blue one with black puffy sleeves. Her hair was all done up and her feet were covered in blue heals.

I smiled and got up, taking her two delicate hands into mine.

"You're stunning," I said.

"Good," a smirk played on her lips and I kissed it.

She even smelt really lavender and honey, and her hair was so soft.

I didn't realize that I was kissing her neck and had her body pressed against mine until the doorbell rang.

"You easy for a party?" She asked.

"You know I am,"


10:45 and this place is blazing with people. So many famous people that Louis must have invited; even Niall and Liam showed up.

Liam broken Sophia and Niall was alone, but not really alone with how Jenna stayed with him.

I think that's nice that she is very good friends with Niall. I mean, they have been since high school, but it makes me happy that my friends are her friends.

Louis and Taylor were no where to be seen, and I think I know why. I saw him take her down to the basement and lock the door.

At least it's downstairs and now up here.

Jenna came up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I grabbed her waist and pulled her in. "You having fun?"

"Lots. I wish you would," she pouted. I knew what she meant. Her mom told me to look for drunk people and if I found them I have to kick them out.

"Watching you laugh and smile is giving me plenty of fun," I said.

She blushed and tangled her long fingers in my hair. "I locked our room and I have the key. You know, just in case,"

Another smirk played on her lips and I chuckled, kissing her sweetly. There was a tap on my shoulder that made me pull away and here it was one of One Directions managers; the stiff is what I call him.

"This is a wonderful party, Harry." he said.

Jenna's arms dropped from my neck and she grabbed my hand, his I laced our fingers and squeezed them.

"Thank you," I said.

"Would you like to introduce me?" He looked at Jenna in a funny way and I bit my lip.

"Sir, this is Jenna Fitzgerald, my Feancé," I said confidently.

Jenna smiled. "It's nice to meet you,"

"The pleasure is mine," Stiff said. "Now, it is my pleasure to introduce you to your new girlfriend, Nadine Leopold,"

A girl with blond hair and freckles stepped out behind Stiff and she was very skinny, Basically a stick, and a cute face.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Harry, seeing you engaged is not good at all. Especially since Zayn is engaged and left for her," Stiff said.

"I'm not dating her. You said that if you met Jenna, you would let me be with her. The fans already know I'm engaged, they seem fine with it. Please, let me be seen with Jenna," I begged.

"I'm sorry Harry. But her mother is paying us a lot," he said.

"Does your mother work at Disney?" Jenna asked.

"In California, yes. She manages the princesses," she even sounded ugly.

"She's my boss," Jenna said. "I told her I am coming back after the new year,"

"Oh yes! You're that girl from the news! The one who got rapped and her baby taken. That must be horrible to have been sterilized," Nadine sounded so fake.

Jenna nodded and I could tell she really didn't want to think about that night.

Stiff Spoke up. "I hope you don't mind. Her brother came too. Maybe you can get on his good side. Jacob!"

Soon a tall boy with his almost blonde hair came up and smiled at me. "Well hello there, new brother,"

"Meet Jacob Leopold," stiff said.

"I refuse to date your sister," I spat and looked at Stiff. "You can't do this to me on New Years."

"Then let's talk tomorrow on my office," he smirked and walked away.

Jacob was looking at Jenna in a way that no man wants his princess t be looked at.

Meanwhile, Jenna look scared as hell.

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