Twenty: a fight for love

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Harry told me we couldn't hold hands or anything because of the paps and rumors.

"I don't want you to have hate after what you have been through. Plus, management still doesn't really like you," he said.

"So you will listen to them?" I asked dryly.

"Jenna," he looked at me. "You know it's not like that,"

I sighed in defeat. "I know,"

He kissed me one more time before getting his seatbelt on and going into the city.

It was so busy, which was just how we liked it. So many venders were open, the stores were blazing with people, the city was alive.

Harry parked in the usual spot and we got out. "Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"We could shop? I just got my next paycheck yesterday," he smiled

"Let's go shopping then,"


We shouldn't have gone shopping.

We literally couldn't walk anywhere without one of his fans bombarding us.

Did I mention we were trapped in one store because we were mobbed?

Yeah, that's right. Mobbed. We were currently trapped in Express and could not get out. Security was holding the fans out and I leaned on the counter.

"I didn't want this," I mumbled.

Harry sighed and wrapped himself around me in a hug. "I know, baby girl. I didn't either,"

We stood there, hugging each other until the manager can up to us.

"We can't really do anything until they die down," he told us.

Harry understood and thanked the manager but I was pissed.

"I want out! I want to go home!" I yelled at him.

"Jenna, calm down," he said and grabbed my shoulders.

I pushed him away I'm an angry rage. "Leave me alone. I'm going home, I never should have said to come here if i knew our time together would be ruined by your stupid fans!"

"Hey!" He yelled back. "Don't say that. Their fans, what else do you want me to say?"

I stood their with tears in my eyes. "Just don't say anything. You never have anything to say anyway. You were gone the whole time I was taken,"

I saw his eyes darken and he stepped forward and grabbed me. "I didn't want to be gone! I didn't even know! I cried when I found out, and you can't blame this on me! You can't. It's not my fault you lost the child,"

"You shouldn't have gotten me pregnant then!"i screamed and pushed him away, crying and stormed out through the fans and the crowd.

I ran to the car, putting in the spare keys I always carry and drove home, crying and upset.

When I got him Anne was it ring on the porch. She saw I was upset so she just politely gave me a nod and let me go into the house.

I am so upset. Honestly, I don't really know why, but I just feel as if everything is out to get me.

I feel like I'm trapped. I can't come out with my Feancé, I can't have babies, I can't even go shopping!

I don't know what's wrong with me, but i just need some time and I hope Harry understands.


So, I have no clue what happened.

Jenna stormed out in an angry rampage and right now I'm really scared. I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her; she's the love of my life.

The fans started to dissipate and I made my move to go out. Of course Jenna would take the car, it's only common sence.

So I pulled on my big boy pants and ran home.

My mom was out in the porch reading and she looked up at me.

"What did you do to Jenna?"

Of course that's he first question.

"We got into a fight," I said, about to open the door.

"She's not in there," my mom told me.

"What do you mean she's not in there?" I asked.

"I mean, she packed up. She's going to Florida to stay with her mom and Troy for a few weeks,"

My heart ached and I fell to my knees. I guess today really was pushing her limits, and I shouldn't have done this.

None of this should have happened.

"Harry," my mom said. "Did you ever think maybe you're too young to be engaged?"

My head shot up and I growled at my mum. "I love her! She's the best thing that's ever happens to me and you know that! And because I had to be an idiot I may have just lost her!"

I began to cry like I did the last time I lost her on our senior trip to Disney. There I was accused of cheating on her. Now, I feel like I did.

I put fame before her. I may not have seemed like it, but I did. I didn't come home as soon as I found out she was kidnapped, I took her out when she wasn't ready and let the fans take over.

I gave my mom a hug and looked her in the eye. "I have to go to Florida,"

"Then go," she said. "But if she doesn't want you there, don't hurt her anymore,"

I nodded and grabbed my phone charger and a hoodie and some extra cash.

I had to go as soon as possible if I had to go see Jenna.

If I have to make things right.

The Forgotten Princess (sequel to A Disney Romance)Where stories live. Discover now