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I rolled over onto my side and faced Billy who was trying his very hardest to scrub blood from his shoes.

"Where's Neil?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. The only thing I fucking know is that I'm possessed and Max is at Eleven's cabin."

I let out a small sigh. "Just breathe, Billy, the cold flashes should pass soon enough."

He nodded and he looked up at me. "Where's your mom and your brothers?"

"Mom went to see Hop, I think, she's been worried for awhile now. Her magnets are falling off fridges." I explained. "Will is with the boys doing only god knows what and Jonathan has been trying to keep Nancy from getting them both fired. Steve's with Robin and Dustin trying to find evil Russians."

"Why do you sound so mad?" He asked, setting down the shoes and inching towards me.

"I mean I've been distancing myself but I kind of hoped they'd notice and reach out for me." I looked at my fingers. "Its like when I moved out of town with dad all over again."

He nodded and pressed a small kiss to my forehead. "What can we do about that?"

I shrugged, "We could go for a walk."

"We're supposed to be going to Heather's house for dinner." Billy pointed out.

"I don't want to. We should've killed her."

He recoiled a bit. "Raya, don't be like that."

I took a deep breath and stood up, pushing past him. "Let's go to fucking dinner."

I ran my fingers through my hair and rubbed my eyes before walking out to the car.

Billy followed behind and hopped in, starting the car, a small smile on his face.

"How are you, Heather?" He asked as he started the car.

I scoffed and glared at him. "Really, Billy? Make up your goddamn mind! What happened to ignoring her existence the best we could? THERE IS NO MORE FUCKING HEATHER, ONLY HIM!"

"Seems he's getting to you too."

"Fuck you." I growled, slamming open the door and hopping out. "ENJOY DINNER!"

I slammed the door and he called after me. But I kept walking. I had expected for him to come after me but he didn't.

Angrily, I let out a scream and the sounds of his car faded as he got farther and farther away.

A flash of lightning forked through the sky and momentarily blinded me. When my vision adjusted, I was in the upside down staring at myself and the Mind Flayer hovering in the background.

"You should let me have control." Other me said, calmly as if she was discussing what coffee to order. "Your brother did, your boyfriend did."

"Actually Billy isn't fully yours. And the only reason you have partial control over me is because my raging emotions and I don't give a fuck type attitude."

"Which was brought on by me."

I shook my head. "Actually it was after I recovered from surviving my ex boyfriend."

"That was me too."

"You're not me so show me your true self!" I snapped. "Or are you just some coward?"

"You don't want to see my true self." He said.

"And why's that?"

"You would break. You see, Raya, I'm helping keep you semi-sane. Balanced. Without me you'd be in the loony bin."

"Stop changing the subject."

"I'm not."

I shifted my hand and the knife slipped from the sleeve of my leather jacket.

Other me chuckled. "Your not so smart, you know." She crossed her arms in front of her. "You're forgetting this is my realm."

And then the whole world started to peel away like wrapping paper on Christmas Day.

And then I was in a small padded cell, locked up in a straight jacket, a single mirror on the wall. I could see my smudged makeup but it I leaned over just a bit, it wasn't me staring back from the mirror.

But actually a man with graying hair, gouged out eyes, and horrific scars.

I swear I could hear his weeping echoing around the room at the faintest volume.

"Billy!" I screamed. "Help! HELP ME!"

Raya was laying on the grass, twitching. Screams broke from her cracked lips and small moans of either fear or pain were loud over the trickling rain.

"Raya?" I shook her slightly and noticed her veins would be gray and black and then normal and then back again.

I looked at Heather who had the blood of her  parents on her hand and groaned. I remembered everything and it made me want to vomit.

"What's happening?"

"I'm tired of her rejecting everything." A deep voice belonging to a man boomed from Heather.

"Leave her alone!" I screamed, shaking her, tears mixing with the rain. "Take me, damn it. Just let her be."

"Very well, William Hargrove."

A small broken sound escaped her mouth and her eyes popped open, filled with tears. Her hand went flying and a knife was flung into Heather's stomach.

"Raya?" I breathed.

She gasped and took a few more deep breaths, pulse racing.

"Baby doll?"

She turned to look at me and then she burst into tears. "He almost got me." She sobbed, holding onto me tightly.

I pulled her further into my arms and then kissed the top of her head. Her whole body trembled and she held onto me as if she was keeping me from blowing away in the wind.

"We gotta go." Heather said. She gritted her teeth and pulled the knife from her stomach. Those blank and lifeless eyes focused on Raya and I.

"That pesky girl, Eleven and Max are headed here, and we have to feed him." Heather said, her voice creepy and echoey over the rain.

I looked down at Raya and she nodded. "Let's go."

I helped her stand up and kept my arm around her. Then we hurried to my damaged car and raced away.

I looked at the rear view mirror and spotted them on the bike in their brightly colored raincoats.

I could've sworn El looked right at me.


I stood in front of the canvas and flinched when I seen the blue eyes staring back at me that I had been painting for the last six hours.

They weren't Billy's blue eyes.

But His.

I shivered and that itchy crawly feeling twisted around my neck.

"BILLY!" I called. "William Hargrove!" I called, stepping out of my room. "Where are you?"

Urgency fueled me as I ran through the house only to find him and his car gone.

No note, no warning.

Was that why I felt the Mind Flayer? Because he took over Billy?

My eyes widened and I ran to the phone, shaking as I dialed her number.

"Hey, Diane?"

"What's up, baby?" She seemed to understand my urgency and worry.

"I need the bike."

"You want me to drop it off?"

"Sure, but be quick, please."

"You got it, hon."

Diane delivered and dropped off the bike within ten minutes before allowing me to race off at a dangerously high speed.

To Starcourt.

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