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I stepped out of the men's locker room and walked out into the summer sun. I let out the smoke I had inhaled and started my path to my lifeguard chair.
I was aware of everyone basically drooling over me. The only person I wanted had ended things with me and sent Steve to deliver my stuff to my house in a trash bag.

I looked around and noticed some chubby and pathetic boy breaking community pool rules. I blew my whistle and looked at him angrily.

I wasn't angry at him, only Raya, but taking my anger out on him had to be good enough for now.

"HEY! Lard ass! No running on my watch! I gotta warn you again and you're banned for life. You wanna be banned for life, lard ass?"

The boy shook his head and looked as if he was going to pee his pants. I would've laughed but I controlled myself.

"Didn't think so."

I blew my whistle and the crowd chatter resumed. I passed the older woman who were here everyday I worked here.

Fuck Raya.

I didn't need her.

"Afternoon, ladies."


I sat with Robin in the back space of Scoops Ahoy and cringed as I listen to Steve try and get a date.

Robin and I chuckled as Steve began rambling and trying to find words.

I looked over at Robin to see her gazing at me.

My eyes widened. But before any of us said anything, she slid into Steve's view with her board.

"And another one bites the dust. You are oh-for-six, Popeye."

"That's rough, Stevie." I added, standing next to Robin.

"Yeah, yeah, I can count."

"You know that means you suck."

"Suck." I added to Robin's statement making her smile at me.

I returned the smile.

"Yep, I can read, too."

"Since when?" Robin and I countered.

We looked at each other surprised. Then we turned back to Steve.

Steve stopped complaining as Robin got hi attention. "Hey, twelve o clock."

Steve turned around and looked at the girls approaching the counter. He looked back at us. "Oh shit. Oh shit. Okay... uh... I'm going in. Okay? And you know what?" He tossed the hat that I thought was sort of cute. "Screw company policy."

"Oh my god, you're a whole new man." Robin said, sarcastically.

Steve turned towards the ladies and yelled, "Ahoy, ladies!" They gasped and I broke into laughter. "Didn't see you there! Would you guys  like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me?"

He keeps going and Robin and I share a look. She rolled her eyes, turned to the board and gave Steve another point under the you suck section.

"Let's get out of here." I suggested.

It took every ounce of willpower not to shudder when I felt the familiar presence of the Upside Down. After hearing the chittering sound fade, I followed Robin to the small table and helped her clock out, and put her stuff in her small duffel bag she had.

"Alright, let's go." She said.

I took her hand and dragged her out the back entrance of Scoops Ahoy.

Light music played out of the speakers that lined the mall. We continued until we made it outside and headed to the motorcycle I was renting from a coworker.

"Awesome." She murmured. "This is such a sick ride. Oh my god! You are so lucky."

"Technically, I'm renting it."

She waved off my arguement. "Technicalities, technicalities. You know my mom and dad told me if they ever knew I was riding a motorcycle with a boyfriend, they would kill me. But seeing as I'm gay, that is no longer an issue."

"Then let's go." I responded. I shrugged on my leather jacket.

Billy's leather jacket.

I sighed.

I hopped on the bike and Robin slid on. I turned my head to look at her.

"Sorry don't have a helmet."

"It's fine." She responded. "Um, where do I put my hands."

"Around my waist." I responded.

I felt her hands slide across my abdomen and my heart rate sped up. I had never felt like this with any of my friends unless Iiked them.

Did I like Robin?

I turned on the motorcycle and listened to the engine. I smiled and the heat in my face began to fade.

And then I drove.

Robin's arms tightened around my waist and she let out a squeal as we began to pick up speed.

I weaved around the packed parking lot and soon we were headed downtown towards the store my mom worked at. I noticed Hopper's vehicle parked in front of the general store.

As soon as we were parked, Robin sighed. "That was so much fun, Raya. But look at downtown. It's going out of business."

I nodded. "Let's go talk to my mom."


Raya kept her hand in mine as she dragged me inside. I noticed how soft hers were. I smiled and she smiled back at me.

"Hello, girls." Joyce said, giving us a huge smile.

Raya looked quite a lot like her mother. They had the same hair, the same eyes, the same smile-

"Hey, kiddos." Hopper added from behind Joyce.

"Hi." I said and Raya gave them both a hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" Joyce asked.

"Just looking around." I responded.

Joyce gave me a warm smile. I had met her once when she and the rest of the Byers had come to Scoops Ahoy.

I swallowed and snuck a look at Raya. She was beautiful, she made my heart pound and she made me ramble nervously.

I think I liked her.

"So, Mom, Robin's coming over for a sleepover tonight if that's okay." Raya said. Her voice was pretty and so alluring.

"Yeah, that's fine." She responded.

"How did you get here?" Hopper asked.

"I'm renting a motorcycle-"

"You're what?" Hopper and Joyce both demanded.

I almost laughed at their expressions.

"What I needed a distraction?"

I could be her distraction.

I cleared my head and focused on the terrified adults.

"That thing is a death sentence." Hopper argued.

"Billy and I are done and it hurts-"

"You broke up with him!" Joyce exclaimed, exasperated.

"It still hurts." Raya argued. "Right, Robin?"


I gave them a grin. "We should probably get going."

Raya nodded, we said quick goodbyes, and hopped on. They followed us outside and before they realized we didn't have helmets, Raya was racing off.

It felt as if we were free. We effortlessly weaved around the slow cars as we headed to her house.

We finally made it into the driveway and she slowed to a stop.

I slid off first and slung my bag over my shoulder. Raya looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to my humble and crazy abode." She said.

I let out a laugh and followed her inside.

HEARTLESS (BILLY HARGROVE FANFICTION) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt