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Karen had told me the brats usually hung out at the Byers. Maybe Raya was there. But why would Max sneak out to be there?

I started my car, took a sip of beer from the can, and drove off. My tires screeched as I raced away from the Wheeler's house.


"What is happening with my family?" I asked. "Please, Nick, they don't deserve this."

"But you do."

"What are you talking about?" I screamed. "What have I done that is that bad?"

"You ruined my life the moment you walked to school and caught my attention. For a day my life was good, and then you, you ruined it! My mom almost died, your drunk dad got with my sister. She got pregnant. My best friend died. And a lot more. You brought disaster to my home. I was relieved when you went missing but it wasn't enough, I had to figure out how to ruin your life. So I came to live with my dad here in Hawkins. You know he used to test on me. And then I figured out how I was going to plague your life-"

"You ruined my life-"

"How? I hit you-"

"And raped me multiple times!"

"Well your gonna wish that's all I did to you after I'm done with you, your family, and your friends."

"You're insane-"

"So are you?" Didn't you hear voices after getting rescued? Your darkest fears coming true not only in your dreams but in real life? You lashed out, you acted like a crazy person. You became depressed and weak. You even tried to kill yourself!"

I began to cry. "I hate you."

"I hate you too! Now let's go see that boyfriend of yours."


"He doesn't want you for anything except your body, so now we're going to show him that he doesn't want you at all and then we're going to kill him and make it look like Jonathan did it. He wouldn't last a day in jail."

I then stood up and then grabbed the axe. Nick didn't even try and stop me.

"Nice, I've been waiting a bit for you to do that. You've been eyeing it for a bit."


I narrowed my eyes. What game was he playing.

"SWING!" He bellowed.

He clenched his jaw and then grabbed the axe and shoved me. The axe dropped and fell very close to my bleeding leg.

Tears fell from my eyes but I stood up, slapping Nick.

He fell backwards and then swung his foot knocking me over and injuring my leg more.

Then I reached for the axe and swung. It missed him and he gave me a look full of rage. He dug his nails into my leg and I let out a scream.

Then I swung again.

It knocked him in the side and I hopped up. Then I began to half run, half limp. He got up and began chasing me. He had grabbed my hair so I turned around and saw him pointing a gun at me.

I froze completely.

"You bitch." He spat. "I'm gonna kill you."

He pressed the barrel of the gun to my head.

I swallowed hard and then swung the axe. It knocked him over and the gun went flying. We both rushed towards it. And then we both had it.


Blood splattered all over me, getting everywhere and for a moment I wasn't sure who got shot.

And then I looked to see a hole in Nick's face.

I let out a sob and crawled backwards, crying.

I killed him.

HEARTLESS (BILLY HARGROVE FANFICTION) Where stories live. Discover now