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(Sexual Content- 🔥)

Six came a lot faster than I thought it would.

Mom had been worried about me, saying Will was having some sickness and wanted to know if I had it. Then when I told her I could come home, she told me no and she said she didn't know where Jonathan was.

I heard Billy's car as he swerved down the road and shut off the engine.

I hurried downstairs and threw open the door. He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I smiled.

"You came."

"Of course I did." He responded, handing me the flowers.

I bit my lip and hurried to the kitchen to put the roses in some water.

He followed me and leaned against the doorway, beaming.

"Ready to go?" He asked.


I wore a black blouse, some dark ripped jeans and heeled boots.

He held out his hand for me to take and I took it. We walked hand and hand to his car.

He let go of my hand before we reached my door and opened it for me.

"Thank you." I told him.

"Your welcome."

He closed my door and jogged to his side before hopping in. He started the car and then turned on the radio. He pulled out his cigarette box and lit one.

"Not gonna offer me one?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't take you for the smoker type." He replied, turning look at me.

I took the cigarette from his mouth and stared at it. "Honestly I'm not, my mom is. So how do you do it?"

Billy burst into laughter. "Just inhale some and then blow it out."

I could feel him watching me as I brought the cigarette to my lips and inhaled.

And then I started coughing. Between coughing, I was laughing and so was Billy.

"Not bad-"

"Ewww!" I exclaimed.

We both began laughing as he took it from me and put it in his mouth. The tires screeched as he pulled into the bowling alley.

I looked at him in surprise. "We're going bowling?"


"I've never bowled before."


I nodded.

"Then let's go."

He took my hand and led me inside. The whole place was lit up with neon lights, music blasted from the speakers, and waitresses on roller skates delivered food and drinks.

Billy got us a lane and bowling shoes and once we were ready he walked up with me to where you threw the ball and then handed me the heavy ball.

I was very aware of how close we were. He showed me where to put my hands and how to throw it.

It hit the gutter.

Billy ended up winning and by time as it was over, I was still wanting to stay.

Billy walked me to the door and was about to say goodbye when I grabbed his jacket and pulled him closer to me.

Our lips met and we after a few seconds he pulled away. "The phones ringing."

I sighed. "Will you come inside?"

He nodded and I unlocked the door. I hurried to the kitchen phone and answered.


"Jonathan?" I demanded. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I'm staying at a hotel with Nancy-"

"What?" I hissed.

"Don't worry it's a double bed-"

"I'm gonna kill you-"

"Love you too." He said before hanging up.

I sighed and slammed the phone down into the reciever.

I felt Billy's arms snake around my waist and I leaned back into his chest. My heart was hammering.

He rested his head on my shoulder, his breath tickling the side of my head.

"Who was that?" He murmured, his voice very quiet.

"My brother."


I turned around to face him, his hands still on my waist, my hands on his neck, our lips only inches away from each others.

"Will you stay the night? Steve's not home."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel rushed-"

I gently pressed my lips to his and mumbled. "I'm sure."

"I have to take Max to the arcade tommorow-"

"That's tommorow." I mumbled, kissing him again.

His tongue entered my mouth and I moaned softly. His fingers curled into my waist and he told me to jump.

He carried me upstairs, our lips still together. He opened my door and I shut it with my foot before he set me on the bed. We continued kissing as I took off his jacket. He stood up real quick and took off my shirt before taking his own off.

"Wait, I don't have a condom-"

"I'm on birth control."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

I nodded and took off my shoes and sitting up. He pressed his mouth against mine and then moved to my neck, sucking on the skin. He unbuttoned my pants and I lifted my hips so he could pull them off.

"God, Raya, you're so fucking gorgeous."

I took a deep breath and pulled off his belt, sliding his pants off, revealing his bulge.

He then pushed me down and hovered over me, his lips still roughly kissing mine.

He moaned into the kiss and then reached to unclip my bra. He pulled it off and stared at me.

I felt so bare and went to cover myself but Billy shook his head and then pressed his mouth to my breast.

I moaned and he continued to do it, his warm hands traveling up and down my legs.

"Billy." I panted.

"Yes?" He asked, he paused kissing the flat pane of my stomach.

"I need you now."

His fingers grasped my underwear and he pulled it down. And then he pulled off his own.

I swallowed at the sight of his length. He kissed me again and slid into me. We both let out a moan as he thrusted in and out of me.

I had never felt like this and wanted him even more.

After we both finished, he rolled onto the bed beside me and I turned to face him. He held onto me tight and I kissed him one more time.

"I know we really just met, but I love you, Raya."

"I love you too."

Never really written smut before.

HEARTLESS (BILLY HARGROVE FANFICTION) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant