Chapter 30 - The Fall

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Caleb, Mark, Jack, and Zach are standing opposite Paige and her forces. All of them are preparing to fight. 

The four of their eyes start glowing their respective colors. Caleb unsheathes his sword from his staff, holding it to his side as it becomes engulfed in fire. 

Mark holds his sword in preparation as a white aura surrounds it. 

Jack pulls his sword out and holds it out in front of him as a dark blue glow surrounds it. 

A white aura glows around Zach's hands as a dagger made of ice is formed in both of them. 

Paige looks between the four of them, smiling as a dagger forms in either of her hands. She speeds toward Caleb, being followed by Cinder. 

Josa and Tasra go for Zach. 

Bovrak and Ayonna go for Mark. 

Nianna and Lanoh go for Jack. 

Mercury notices Dan and Paul in the shield before glancing over and seeing John, Ruby, and Yang helping the others out of the building. He then gets Emerald's attention before gesturing to both of those scenes. Emerald nods before she goes running off toward Dan and Paul as Mercury goes running off toward the others. 

Dan and Paul brace themselves for an explosion, but their eyes instead go wide with shock as the bombs begin expelling a black smoke. 

Paul: Dan! We got incoming! 

Dan looks to see Emerald running at them, getting a glimpse of Mercury running toward those who came out of the dorm. He opens his hands, allowing an ethereal dagger to form in his hand as the blue orb glows. Paul unsheathes his sword. 

Emerald slams her kamas into the barrier, bouncing off. 

Paul: How long can this thing hold out? 

Dan: As long as we need. Just wait. 

Mercury comes running up, flipping at them and going for a kick, and John pushes Ruby out of the way before quickly blocking his attack. He pushes him up into a flip that he uses to land on his feet.

Mercury goes to kick out a blast, when John quickly speeds forward, hitting his leg down before slamming his forearm into the side of his face. 

Caleb is flipping around Cinder and Paige, parrying and blocking their attacks as he continues getting pushed back. He lands on his feet as both of them swings their weapons at him from different sides. Spinning around with his staff and sword, he diverts both of their weapons away before flipping backward and landing opposite them. 

Caleb: Cinder, I've always thought you had problems, but I never thought that you would stoop as low as you have. You're working with the person who murdered my father! He's the one who took you in, we all did. We took care of you. Do you even still care about him? 

Cinder's eyes flash wide for a quick second as Paige lets out a laugh. 

Paige: It's not going to work. Her hatred for you transcends any other feelings. 

Caleb: Hatred...? Why...? We loved you like you were our own. 

Cinder: Shut up! 

Cinder goes speeding toward him, and he blocks her strike with his staff, hitting her sword out of her hand with his own before elbowing her in the face. Paige then comes flipping at him with her daggers, meeting his weapons in a stalemate. 

Paige: You won't be able to influence her after this. This will be your end... and your power will be mine. 

Caleb: You made a mistake attacking my family. 

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