Chapter 24 - Fueling Hope

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Inside a room with the view of a carving of a waterfall on the wall. There's a knock at the door before a male's voice answers. 

???: Come in. 

The door opens to reveal Paul Flame. He smiles as it shows Jack laying in the bed with Mary. 

Jack: Oh. What's up? 

Paul: Have you looked at the time? You're late for training? 

Mary: Are we? 

Mary leans over to her end table and picks up her scroll, looking at the time. 

Mary: We are! I can't believe I wasn't paying attention!

Mary jumps out of bed and goes over to her dresser. 

Mary: I begged to be trained and I'm late! That's not showing I want it at all! 

Paul: Just blame Jack. He distracted you. 

Jack: Oh, shut up. 

Paul laughs a little. 

Paul: Just get ready. I'll let Alessa know you'll be there in a bit. 

Paul leaves the room as he closes the door. 

Mary: You have to get up! I can't miss any more training than I have to! Every single second of it is valuable! 

Jack gets out of bed. 

Jack: Mary, you can relax. This is the first time either of us have been late. I'm pretty sure it's not going to be that big of a deal. 

Mary: It is, though. I promised my mom that I would commit to this. Being late is not showing that! 

Jack comes walking up to her, putting his hands gently on her shoulders. 

Jack: Listen to me. You have put so much time and dedication into this since you started. Nobody can say that you're not committed. Being late once won't break you. We'll just extend the time to a little bit later.

Mary nods at him. 

Mary: Okay, right. Thank you. 

Jack nods back at her. 

Jack: Of course. I don't want to see you work yourself up. And besides, there is no training without me. I was late, too. They can't be mad at us. 

Mary takes a deep breath, nodding again. 

Mary: You're right. 

Jack: Now let's not keep them waiting for too much longer. 

Out in the courtyard, Paul, Jade, and Alessa are sitting on a bench. They're watching a class of the Followers doing training exercises with swords. 

Alessa: Raimen would've loved seeing all of this. Knowing that we were safe here. That Mary is happy with Jack, being trained to be quite the fighter by him. He'd be so proud. 

Paul: I'm sure he knows. 

He then looks at Jade. 

Paul: How are you feeling? 

Jade: Way better. I mean, being here is still going to need some getting used to, but at least I'm out of bed now. 

Lyn: Where are the Water Lord and Mary? 

Paul: Getting ready in their room. Should be out any second now. 

Lyn nods at him. 

Jack and Mary come walking up a few seconds later. 

Jack: We're finally here. 

Alessa: Did you enjoy your extra time? 

Mary: Yeah... We did. But I'm ready to train for a little bit longer today, too. 

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