Chapter 19 - Winds of Time

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(No One's P.O.V.)

The scene opens up to team CMTS's dorm room. They're all sleeping in their beds with the sunlight shining through the window. 

Mark's scroll starts beeping, going off for a few more seconds before he starts stirring, letting out a groan as he stretches out. Sitting up as he rubs his eyes, turning off the alarm, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. 

Mark then looks over at Caleb's empty bed before looking at Jason and Luke. Neither of them has been moved by the alarm and Mark just stares at them for a few seconds, sighing and nodding. 

He gets up and goes over to the window, opening it before turning to face his friends. A white glow surrounds Mark's hand as he faces the palm out toward Jason and Luke. The trees outside start moving back and forth right before a gust of wind comes flying in through the window, going straight toward Jason and Luke, hitting and knocking them onto the floor. 

Groans are heard coming from both of the guys before Luke uses the bed to pull himself back up.

Luke: That was uncalled for. 

Luke rubs his eyes as Jason props himself back up on his bed. 

Jason: For real. There were probably so many other ways you could've gone about doing that. 

Mark: Maybe. But the one that I thought would work, you both just continued sleeping through like you were dead. 

Luke: Try making it louder next time? 

Mark: It's at the loudest volume it has. Only way I could wake up before coming here. You two are just something else. 

Jason: We'll figure out the alarm thing some other time. What time is it? 

Mark: Like ten in the morning. 

Luke: We couldn't have gotten like another hour? 

Mark: I would've appreciated another hour of sleep, too. But we promised the girls that we would hang out with them today. Can't bail on them like that. 

Luke: You got a point. All of that set for a certain time? 

Mark: Nope. Just as soon as all of us ready for it. I'm assuming we'll meet them out front and take it from there. 

Jason: Then let's stop talking and get ready. 

The scene then cuts to the front of the dorm building. Team RWBY are standing there. Ruby seems lost in thought.

Yang: Looks like we beat the boys out here. Hopefully they're not too much longer. 

Blake: That's surprising. It feels like Weiss took an eternity in the bathroom. 

Weiss: Hey! I can't help how long it takes to get my hair into a ponytail. It doesn't always cooperate with me. 

Blake: Can you please find a way to make it? There's no way I want to wait that long for the bathroom again. 

Yang: Yeah, I had to go so bad, I was tempted to go over and ask the boys to use theirs. That can't happen again. 

Weiss: Whatever. It'll take as long as it does. 

Yang: What do you think, Ruby? 

Yang looks at Ruby, seeing that she's just staring off into space. She gives her little sis a nudge with her elbow, knocking her out of her trance. 

Yang: You're thinking about Caleb again, aren't you? 

Ruby: Not just him. I'm thinking about all of them. Just hoping that they're okay. 

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